Releasing Ibator ================ Core Release Process ==================== This process is similar to what is show at except that Ibator is not using the nexus repository manager, so the deployment steps are different (and we are not publishing snapshot versions). 1. mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true Make sure the new POMs look OK ( and pom.xml.tag) 2. mvn release:clean 3. mvn release:prepare -Dusername=xxx -Dpassword=xxx 4. mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=local::default::file:/temp/IbatorDeploy 5. scp the new artifacts to /www/ Eclipse Release Process ======================= 1. Build the new version of the Eclipse feature: - Increment the version number of the feature - Increment the version number of any plugin that has changed - Run the build.xml script in the build project (creates a new feature version at \temp\\etc.) - Add the new feature and plugin jars to the IbatorUpdateSite project - Add the new version of the feature to site.xml in the IbatorUpdateSite project (manually) 2. Run through the manual test scripts for the Eclipse feature 3. Zip the contents of the update site (remove project metadata) 4. Commit everything 5. Make an SVN label 6. Run mvn assembly:assembly on the ibator-core project to create the base zip file. Put the new base Ibator zip file in /www/ 7. Put the new zipped eclipse site in /www/ 9. Copy the new versions of ibator-core and ibator-maven-plugin from the local maven repo to the Apache repo at ??? 10. Update /www/ from SVN (this updates the documentation) 11. Update /www/ from SVN (this updates the Eclipse site) 12. Update the DTD (if required) 13. Update the iBATIS web site 14. Send out the announcement to dev@ and user@