mod_smtpd_rbl brings "RBL" (DNSBL/RHSBL) support to mod_smtpd -> requires mod_smtpd -> requires mod_dnsbl_lookup The only directives introduced by mod_smtpd_rbl are SmtpWhitelist - Set SMTP whitelist chain name SmtpBlacklist - Set SMTP blacklist chain name The main configuration is handled by mod_dnsbl_lookup, see its README for a complete description of how to configure multiple chains for DNSBL and RHSBL lookups. Once mod_smtpd_rbl knows which chain to use as a whitelist and which to use as a blacklist, it will invoke mod_dnsbl_lookup's facilities and return information to mod_smtpd via hooks in order to allow or deny mail. Sample configuration for mod_smtpd + mod_smtpd_rbl + mod_dnsbl_lookup # Enable mod_smtpd SmtpProtocol On # Define whitelist and blacklist chains for mod_smtpd_rbl SmtpWhitelist mywhitelist SmtpBlacklist myblacklist # Enable mod_dnsbl_lookup DnsblLookups On # The zones and chains for mod_dnsbl_lookup RhsblZone myblacklist RhsblZone myblacklist DnsblZone myblacklist any DnsblZone myblacklist any