Architecture Overview ===================== A software architecture is an abstraction of the run-time elements of a software system during some phase of its operation. A system may be composed of many levels of abstraction and many phases of operation, each with its own software architecture. Each abstraction is, essentially, an artificial view of system behavior in which the within-element behavior is hidden from view in order to concentrate on the interaction among the elements at the chosen level of abstraction. In other words, splitting up the design in terms of independent software architectures makes it easier to reduce the scope of what we are talking about for the whole system to only those things that we need to talk about for each independent architecture, which in turn helps us divide and conquer the work. The existing Apache httpd architectures are pretty well described by the Apache Modeling Project at and I would use their stencils if I had access to Visio 2003. Plain text will have to do for now. Server software has a fairly well-understood set of operative phases (startup, run, restart, shutdown) each with its own set of sequential tasks that can be considered sub-phases: OWNER | PARENT | WORKER | | edit config | | | | start server | startup | | main invocation | | read system config | | set shared data | | init workers | startup | enter run phase | read worker config | | check for shutdown | run | listen/wait | loop | | set shared data | run | monitor workers | accept connection | until signal | loop | | read request check status | | send response | | while keepalive | | close connection graceful | restart | restart | set worker shutdown | shutdown | pipe of death? | run cleanups? | | exit stop server | shutdown | | set worker shutdown | | pipe of death? | | wait for workers | | kill remaining workers | | run cleanups | That's just a broad overview -- if you can think of other phases, feel free to add them. The rest of the files in this directory attempt to address each of these architectures, and whatever others we think of along the way.