Apache httpd pytest suite ========================= Using pytest () and a Python >= 3.8 for a more flexible testing of Apache httpd. Install ------- If not already installed, you will need to install 'pytest' and 'OpenSSL' for python: > apt install python3-pip > pip install -U pytest > pip install -U pyopenssl And for 'h2load': > apt install nghttp2-client Usage ----- In your httpd source checkout, do: > make install > pytest and all tests defined run on the installed executable and modules. > pytest test/modules/core runs all the core tests. You can run tests also by name selection: > pytest -k test_core runs all test cases starting with 'test_core'. Similar: > pytest -k test_core_001_04 runs the test cases starting with that. Test output gets more verbose, by adding one or several '-v'. This also raises the error log level of the tested modules. > pytest -vvv -k test_h2_004_01 run the specific test with mod_http2 at log level TRACE2. By default, test cases will configure httpd with mpm_event. You can change that with the invocation: > MPM=worker pytest test/modules/http2 Some tests rely on additional tools installed in your environment and will 'skip' if those are not present. In a non-verbose run, these will appear as 's' in the output. If you run pytest more verbose, the skipped test cases will mention a reason for why they are disabled. For example, most tests in test/modules/md require an installation of 'pebble', an ACME test server, and look for it in $PATH. Workings -------- All tests start httpd on their own and try hard to shut it down afterwards. You can abort tests with ^C and they clean up. httpd is started/stopped repeatedly in testing as configurations for individual test cases are changed. This is a main difference to the Perl test framework which starts the server with all possible combinations configured that are needed by tests. In test/gen/apache a server root is created with config, logs and htdocs directories. test/gen/apache/logs/error_log will be the log. Configs start in test/gen/apache/conf/httpd.conf. modules.conf is dynamically created for the list of modules that a test suite needs. Test cases write their specific setup in test.conf and reload/restart the httpd process. This makes for a small configuration in a test case. Development ----------- Adding a test in an existing file is done by adding a method. Its name must start with 'test_' and the common practise is to have the name of the test suite there as well. All http2 tests start with 'test_h2_'. Following this can be any characters. If you make test cases of a certain feature with a common prefix, it is easier to invoke just them using the '-k' selector on the command line. You can also add just a new file to a test suite, if you do a new range of test cases that do not fit anywhere else. A very simple one is found in test/modules/http2/test_001_httpd_alive.py. There is a python class defined with 2 methods. One is the test method itself and the other one ' is @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def _class_scope(self, env): code is marked as a pytest 'fixture'. This is some pytest magic. 'autouse=True' means that this fixture is run, even though no test case uses it directly. scope='class' means that it is run once for all test cases in this class. As you see, this fixture gets a parameter named 'env' and that is the name of another pytest fixture, defined in the file 'conftest.py' in the same directory. @pytest.fixture(scope="package") def env(pytestconfig) -> H2TestEnv: code This one runs one time per 'package', meaning for all test cases in this directory. And it gets the 'pytestconfig' as parameter which is a standard pytest fixture. So, when you run 'pytest -k test_h2_004', pytest will look at _all_ test cases defined and collect those with that prefix. For each directory with test cases found, it will process the 'conftest.py', boot-strapping the 'env' fixture, and the process the files with active test cases. As a result, if you invoke just a single test case, only the fixtures needed for that test case are created. This gives good turn around times when debugging a test case. If you want to add a new test suite, create a new directory. Add the files '__init__.py', 'conftest.py' and a first 'test_suitename_something.py'. test/modules/core is the simplest example. 'test/modules/http2' shows how you load other modules. 'test/modules/md' checks and starts external processes (an ACME test server). Infrastructure -------------- The test cases rely on the classes provided in 'test/pyhttpd' for common code in managing a httpd test instance and do provide some base setups: - a small set of virtual hosts with some files - access to paths and definitions (env fixture) - start/stop httpd and inspect the error log - run clients like curl and nghttp - create certificates for your hosts and make curl use the root certs (so no --insecure calls by curl).