The http2 module adds support for the HTTP/2 protocol to the server. Specifically, it supports the protocols "h2" (HTTP2 over TLS) and "h2c" (HTTP2 over plain HTTP connections via Upgrade). Additionally it offers the "direct" mode for both encrypted and unencrypted connections. You may enable it for the whole server or specific virtual hosts only. BUILD If you have libnghttp2 ( installed on your system, simply add --enable-http2 to your httpd ./configure invocation. Should libnghttp2 reside in a unusual location, add --with-nghttp2= to ./configure. is expected to be the installation prefix, so there should be a /lib/libnghttp2.*. If your system support pkg-config, /lib/pkgconfig/libnghttp2.pc will be inspected. If you want to link nghttp2 statically into the mod_http2 module, you may similarly to mod_ssl add --enable-nghttp2-staticlib-deps For this, the lib directory should only contain the libnghttp2.a, not its shared cousins. CONFIGURATION If mod_http2 is enabled for a site or not depends on the new "Protocols" directive. This directive list all protocols enabled for a server or virtual host. If you do not specify "Protocols" all available protocols are enabled. For sites using TLS, the protocol supported by mod_http2 is "h2". For cleartext http:, the offered protocol is "h2c". The following is an example of a server that only supports http/1.1 in general and offers h2 for a specific virtual host. ... Protocols http/1.1 Protocols h2 http/1.1 ... Please see the documentation of mod_http2 for a complete list and explanation of all options. TLS CONFIGURATION If you want to use HTTP/2 with a browser, most modern browsers will support it without further configuration. However, browsers so far only support HTTP/2 over TLS and are expecially picky about the certificate and encryption ciphers used. Server admins may look for up-to-date information about "modern" TLS compatibility under: