Module mod_foo

The module mod_foo should be summarized in a sentence or two here. A more complete summary is below, so keep it short. You might say something about what is necessary to enable the functionality, and link to the relevant doc. See mod_autoindex as a good example.

Status: Base
Source File: mod_autoindex.c
Module Identifier: foo_module


A more detailed summary goes here, but it should still be kept to a few short paragraphs. More detailed discussion of the finer points of the module should be left for below.


See also: Options and DirectoryIndex.

More detailed discussion one

Here you can discuss in detail a particular point of interest, or something which requires a detailed explanation. This is a good place for examples and tutorial-style discussion.

Detailed discussion two

You can have more than one such discussion, if appropriate.

Directive1 directive

Syntax: Directive 1 argument [optional_argument] ...
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Override: Indexes
Status: Base
Module: mod_foo

Directive1 will be described in detail here. Each argument should be explained, with example values.

Directive2 directive

Syntax: Directive2 argument [optional_argument] ...
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Override: Indexes
Status: Base
Module: mod_foo

Directive2 should then be described in the same manner.

Directive3 directive

Syntax: Directive3 argument [optional_argument] ...
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Override: Indexes
Status: Base
Module: mod_foo

Directive3 is described here, and so on.