Last modified at [$Date: 2003/10/25 04:33:13 $] -*-text-*- /** @page STATUS 2.0.0 in development Contributors looking for a mission: - just do an egrep on "TODO" or "XXX" and see what's there CURRENT RELEASE NOTES: - This is unreleased software. RELEASE SHOWSTOPPERS: - Incorporate prereq checks into build system: -# autoconf version tests in buildconf, -# perl module checks in Makefile.PL, -# doxygen, ap[ru] & httpd version checks in - Fix *nix build system so "% make dist" generates a CPAN-friendly and fully functional tarball. CURRENT VOTES: TODO: - httpd 2.0.46 is a requirement, need to add the check in ./configure and abort if not satisfied. - Get env/ (Apache::Test) tests to work for --with-apache2-src option. - Bring Perl documentation up to speed. - Write parser/hook API documentation. - Add XForms logic to the mfd parser. - symbol exports files: -# win32 now has hardcoded .def files (need to automate, e.g. based on exports.c ala httpd-2.0) -# aix needs .exp files - on Win32, figure out how to build things so Apache::Cookie and Apache::Request don't need to be linked against mod_apreq to resolve missing apreq_env* symbols. OPEN ISSUES: - Should we bundle an apr-based "application/xml" parser? If so, how should we parse the xml data into an apr_table? - How should the Perl API work in a CGI context? Will users need to preload an "CGI environment" module before loading or - Figure out how to bundle a CPAN release. BUGS: XXX WISH LIST: - I [joes] wish folks would contribute some glue code for one of these: - php, - Rivet, - mod_dtcl, - mod_python, - mod_jk, - tomcat, - mod_ruby, - mod_parrot. */