PREHOOK: query: drop table if exists vector_date_1 PREHOOK: type: DROPTABLE POSTHOOK: query: drop table if exists vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: type: DROPTABLE PREHOOK: query: create table vector_date_1 (dt1 date, dt2 date) stored as orc PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: query: create table vector_date_1 (dt1 date, dt2 date) stored as orc POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 PREHOOK: query: insert into table vector_date_1 select null, null from src limit 1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: query: insert into table vector_date_1 select null, null from src limit 1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: Lineage: vector_date_1.dt1 EXPRESSION [] POSTHOOK: Lineage: vector_date_1.dt2 EXPRESSION [] PREHOOK: query: insert into table vector_date_1 select date '1999-12-31', date '2000-01-01' from src limit 1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: query: insert into table vector_date_1 select date '1999-12-31', date '2000-01-01' from src limit 1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: Lineage: vector_date_1.dt1 SIMPLE [] POSTHOOK: Lineage: vector_date_1.dt2 SIMPLE [] PREHOOK: query: insert into table vector_date_1 select date '2001-01-01', date '2001-06-01' from src limit 1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: query: insert into table vector_date_1 select date '2001-01-01', date '2001-06-01' from src limit 1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: Lineage: vector_date_1.dt1 SIMPLE [] POSTHOOK: Lineage: vector_date_1.dt2 SIMPLE [] PREHOOK: query: -- column-to-column comparison in select clause explain select dt1, dt2, -- should be all true dt1 = dt1, dt1 != dt2, dt1 <= dt1, dt1 <= dt2, dt1 < dt2, dt2 >= dt2, dt2 >= dt1, dt2 > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- column-to-column comparison in select clause explain select dt1, dt2, -- should be all true dt1 = dt1, dt1 != dt2, dt1 <= dt1, dt1 <= dt2, dt1 < dt2, dt2 >= dt2, dt2 >= dt1, dt2 > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: vector_date_1 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: dt1 (type: date), dt2 (type: date), (dt1 = dt1) (type: boolean), (dt1 <> dt2) (type: boolean), (dt1 <= dt1) (type: boolean), (dt1 <= dt2) (type: boolean), (dt1 < dt2) (type: boolean), (dt2 >= dt2) (type: boolean), (dt2 >= dt1) (type: boolean), (dt2 > dt1) (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: date) sort order: + Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: date), _col2 (type: boolean), _col3 (type: boolean), _col4 (type: boolean), _col5 (type: boolean), _col6 (type: boolean), _col7 (type: boolean), _col8 (type: boolean), _col9 (type: boolean) Execution mode: vectorized Reduce Operator Tree: Select Operator expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: date), VALUE._col0 (type: date), VALUE._col1 (type: boolean), VALUE._col2 (type: boolean), VALUE._col3 (type: boolean), VALUE._col4 (type: boolean), VALUE._col5 (type: boolean), VALUE._col6 (type: boolean), VALUE._col7 (type: boolean), VALUE._col8 (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2, -- should be all true dt1 = dt1, dt1 != dt2, dt1 <= dt1, dt1 <= dt2, dt1 < dt2, dt2 >= dt2, dt2 >= dt1, dt2 > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2, -- should be all true dt1 = dt1, dt1 != dt2, dt1 <= dt1, dt1 <= dt2, dt1 < dt2, dt2 >= dt2, dt2 >= dt1, dt2 > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1999-12-31 2000-01-01 true true true true true true true true 2001-01-01 2001-06-01 true true true true true true true true PREHOOK: query: explain select dt1, dt2, -- should be all false dt1 != dt1, dt1 = dt2, dt1 < dt1, dt1 >= dt2, dt1 > dt2, dt2 > dt2, dt2 <= dt1, dt2 < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: explain select dt1, dt2, -- should be all false dt1 != dt1, dt1 = dt2, dt1 < dt1, dt1 >= dt2, dt1 > dt2, dt2 > dt2, dt2 <= dt1, dt2 < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: vector_date_1 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: dt1 (type: date), dt2 (type: date), (dt1 <> dt1) (type: boolean), (dt1 = dt2) (type: boolean), (dt1 < dt1) (type: boolean), (dt1 >= dt2) (type: boolean), (dt1 > dt2) (type: boolean), (dt2 > dt2) (type: boolean), (dt2 <= dt1) (type: boolean), (dt2 < dt1) (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: date) sort order: + Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: date), _col2 (type: boolean), _col3 (type: boolean), _col4 (type: boolean), _col5 (type: boolean), _col6 (type: boolean), _col7 (type: boolean), _col8 (type: boolean), _col9 (type: boolean) Execution mode: vectorized Reduce Operator Tree: Select Operator expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: date), VALUE._col0 (type: date), VALUE._col1 (type: boolean), VALUE._col2 (type: boolean), VALUE._col3 (type: boolean), VALUE._col4 (type: boolean), VALUE._col5 (type: boolean), VALUE._col6 (type: boolean), VALUE._col7 (type: boolean), VALUE._col8 (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2, -- should be all false dt1 != dt1, dt1 = dt2, dt1 < dt1, dt1 >= dt2, dt1 > dt2, dt2 > dt2, dt2 <= dt1, dt2 < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2, -- should be all false dt1 != dt1, dt1 = dt2, dt1 < dt1, dt1 >= dt2, dt1 > dt2, dt2 > dt2, dt2 <= dt1, dt2 < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1999-12-31 2000-01-01 false false false false false false false false 2001-01-01 2001-06-01 false false false false false false false false PREHOOK: query: -- column-to-literal/literal-to-column comparison in select clause explain select dt1, -- should be all true dt1 != date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '1970-01-01', dt1 > date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '2100-01-01', dt1 < date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' != dt1, date '1970-01-01' <= dt1, date '1970-01-01' < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- column-to-literal/literal-to-column comparison in select clause explain select dt1, -- should be all true dt1 != date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '1970-01-01', dt1 > date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '2100-01-01', dt1 < date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' != dt1, date '1970-01-01' <= dt1, date '1970-01-01' < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: vector_date_1 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: dt1 (type: date), (dt1 <> 1970-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 >= 1970-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 > 1970-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 <= 2100-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 < 2100-01-01) (type: boolean), (1970-01-01 <> dt1) (type: boolean), (1970-01-01 <= dt1) (type: boolean), (1970-01-01 < dt1) (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: date) sort order: + Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: boolean), _col2 (type: boolean), _col3 (type: boolean), _col4 (type: boolean), _col5 (type: boolean), _col6 (type: boolean), _col7 (type: boolean), _col8 (type: boolean) Execution mode: vectorized Reduce Operator Tree: Select Operator expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: date), VALUE._col0 (type: boolean), VALUE._col1 (type: boolean), VALUE._col2 (type: boolean), VALUE._col3 (type: boolean), VALUE._col4 (type: boolean), VALUE._col5 (type: boolean), VALUE._col6 (type: boolean), VALUE._col7 (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: select dt1, -- should be all true dt1 != date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '1970-01-01', dt1 > date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '2100-01-01', dt1 < date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' != dt1, date '1970-01-01' <= dt1, date '1970-01-01' < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select dt1, -- should be all true dt1 != date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '1970-01-01', dt1 > date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '2100-01-01', dt1 < date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' != dt1, date '1970-01-01' <= dt1, date '1970-01-01' < dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1999-12-31 true true true true true true true true 2001-01-01 true true true true true true true true PREHOOK: query: explain select dt1, -- should all be false dt1 = date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '1970-01-01', dt1 < date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '2100-01-01', dt1 > date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' = dt1, date '1970-01-01' >= dt1, date '1970-01-01' > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: explain select dt1, -- should all be false dt1 = date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '1970-01-01', dt1 < date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '2100-01-01', dt1 > date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' = dt1, date '1970-01-01' >= dt1, date '1970-01-01' > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: vector_date_1 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: dt1 (type: date), (dt1 = 1970-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 <= 1970-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 < 1970-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 >= 2100-01-01) (type: boolean), (dt1 > 2100-01-01) (type: boolean), (1970-01-01 = dt1) (type: boolean), (1970-01-01 >= dt1) (type: boolean), (1970-01-01 > dt1) (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: date) sort order: + Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: boolean), _col2 (type: boolean), _col3 (type: boolean), _col4 (type: boolean), _col5 (type: boolean), _col6 (type: boolean), _col7 (type: boolean), _col8 (type: boolean) Execution mode: vectorized Reduce Operator Tree: Select Operator expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: date), VALUE._col0 (type: boolean), VALUE._col1 (type: boolean), VALUE._col2 (type: boolean), VALUE._col3 (type: boolean), VALUE._col4 (type: boolean), VALUE._col5 (type: boolean), VALUE._col6 (type: boolean), VALUE._col7 (type: boolean) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: select dt1, -- should all be false dt1 = date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '1970-01-01', dt1 < date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '2100-01-01', dt1 > date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' = dt1, date '1970-01-01' >= dt1, date '1970-01-01' > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select dt1, -- should all be false dt1 = date '1970-01-01', dt1 <= date '1970-01-01', dt1 < date '1970-01-01', dt1 >= date '2100-01-01', dt1 > date '2100-01-01', date '1970-01-01' = dt1, date '1970-01-01' >= dt1, date '1970-01-01' > dt1 from vector_date_1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1999-12-31 false false false false false false false false 2001-01-01 false false false false false false false false PREHOOK: query: -- column-to-column comparisons in predicate -- all rows with non-null dt1 should be returned explain select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = dt1 and dt1 != dt2 and dt1 < dt2 and dt1 <= dt2 and dt2 > dt1 and dt2 >= dt1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- column-to-column comparisons in predicate -- all rows with non-null dt1 should be returned explain select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = dt1 and dt1 != dt2 and dt1 < dt2 and dt1 <= dt2 and dt2 > dt1 and dt2 >= dt1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: vector_date_1 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: ((((((dt1 = dt1) and (dt1 <> dt2)) and (dt1 < dt2)) and (dt1 <= dt2)) and (dt2 > dt1)) and (dt2 >= dt1)) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: dt1 (type: date), dt2 (type: date) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: date) sort order: + Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: date) Execution mode: vectorized Reduce Operator Tree: Select Operator expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: date), VALUE._col0 (type: date) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = dt1 and dt1 != dt2 and dt1 < dt2 and dt1 <= dt2 and dt2 > dt1 and dt2 >= dt1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = dt1 and dt1 != dt2 and dt1 < dt2 and dt1 <= dt2 and dt2 > dt1 and dt2 >= dt1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### 1999-12-31 2000-01-01 2001-01-01 2001-06-01 PREHOOK: query: -- column-to-literal/literal-to-column comparison in predicate -- only a single row should be returned explain select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = date '2001-01-01' and date '2001-01-01' = dt1 and dt1 != date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' != dt1 and dt1 > date '1970-01-01' and dt1 >= date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' < dt1 and date '1970-01-01' <= dt1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- column-to-literal/literal-to-column comparison in predicate -- only a single row should be returned explain select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = date '2001-01-01' and date '2001-01-01' = dt1 and dt1 != date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' != dt1 and dt1 > date '1970-01-01' and dt1 >= date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' < dt1 and date '1970-01-01' <= dt1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: vector_date_1 Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 224 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: ((((((((dt1 = 2001-01-01) and (2001-01-01 = dt1)) and (dt1 <> 1970-01-01)) and (1970-01-01 <> dt1)) and (dt1 > 1970-01-01)) and (dt1 >= 1970-01-01)) and (1970-01-01 < dt1)) and (1970-01-01 <= dt1)) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: dt2 (type: date) outputColumnNames: _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: 2001-01-01 (type: date) sort order: + Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: date) Execution mode: vectorized Reduce Operator Tree: Select Operator expressions: 2001-01-01 (type: date), VALUE._col0 (type: date) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = date '2001-01-01' and date '2001-01-01' = dt1 and dt1 != date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' != dt1 and dt1 > date '1970-01-01' and dt1 >= date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' < dt1 and date '1970-01-01' <= dt1 order by dt1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select dt1, dt2 from vector_date_1 where dt1 = date '2001-01-01' and date '2001-01-01' = dt1 and dt1 != date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' != dt1 and dt1 > date '1970-01-01' and dt1 >= date '1970-01-01' and date '1970-01-01' < dt1 and date '1970-01-01' <= dt1 order by dt1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### 2001-01-01 2001-06-01 PREHOOK: query: drop table vector_date_1 PREHOOK: type: DROPTABLE PREHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 PREHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: query: drop table vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: type: DROPTABLE POSTHOOK: Input: default@vector_date_1 POSTHOOK: Output: default@vector_date_1