set hive.test.mode=true; set hive.test.mode.prefix=; set hive.test.mode.nosamplelist=managed_t,ext_t,managed_t_imported,managed_t_r_imported,ext_t_imported,ext_t_r_imported; drop table if exists managed_t; drop table if exists ext_t; drop table if exists managed_t_imported; drop table if exists managed_t_r_imported; drop table if exists ext_t_imported; drop table if exists ext_t_r_imported; create table managed_t (emp_id int comment "employee id") partitioned by (emp_country string, emp_state string) stored as textfile; load data local inpath "../../data/files/test.dat" into table managed_t partition (emp_country="us",emp_state="ca"); create external table ext_t (emp_id int comment "employee id") partitioned by (emp_country string, emp_state string) stored as textfile tblproperties("EXTERNAL"="true"); load data local inpath "../../data/files/test.dat" into table ext_t partition (emp_country="us",emp_state="ca"); dfs ${system:test.dfs.mkdir} target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/managed_t/temp; dfs -rmr target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/managed_t; dfs ${system:test.dfs.mkdir} target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/managed_t_r/temp; dfs -rmr target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/managed_t_r; dfs ${system:test.dfs.mkdir} target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/ext_t/temp; dfs -rmr target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/ext_t; dfs ${system:test.dfs.mkdir} target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/ext_t_r/temp; dfs -rmr target/tmp/ql/test/data/exports/ext_t_r; -- verifying difference between normal export of a external table -- and a replication export of an ext table -- the replication export will have squashed the "EXTERNAL" flag -- this is because the destination of all replication exports are -- managed tables. The managed tables should be similar except -- for the values export table managed_t to 'ql/test/data/exports/managed_t'; export table managed_t to 'ql/test/data/exports/managed_t_r' for replication('managed_t_r'); export table ext_t to 'ql/test/data/exports/ext_t'; export table ext_t to 'ql/test/data/exports/ext_t_r' for replication('ext_t_r'); drop table ext_t; drop table managed_t; import table managed_t_imported from 'ql/test/data/exports/managed_t'; describe extended managed_t_imported; show table extended like managed_t_imported; show create table managed_t_imported; select * from managed_t_imported; -- should have import table managed_t_r_imported from 'ql/test/data/exports/managed_t_r'; describe extended managed_t_r_imported; show table extended like managed_t_r_imported; show create table managed_t_r_imported; select * from managed_t_r_imported; import table ext_t_imported from 'ql/test/data/exports/ext_t'; describe extended ext_t_imported; show table extended like ext_t_imported; show create table ext_t_imported; select * from ext_t_imported; -- should have -- also - importing an external table replication export would turn the new table into a managed table import table ext_t_r_imported from 'ql/test/data/exports/ext_t_r'; describe extended ext_t_imported; show table extended like ext_t_r_imported; show create table ext_t_r_imported; select * from ext_t_r_imported; drop table managed_t_imported; drop table managed_t_r_imported; drop table ext_t_imported; drop table ext_t_r_imported;