set hive.cbo.enable=true; set hive.exec.check.crossproducts=false; set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true; set; -- 10. Test views create view v1 as select c_int, value, c_boolean, dt from cbo_t1; create view v2 as select c_int, value from cbo_t2; select value from v1 where c_boolean=false; select max(c_int) from v1 group by (c_boolean); select count(v1.c_int) from v1 join cbo_t2 on v1.c_int = cbo_t2.c_int; select count(v1.c_int) from v1 join v2 on v1.c_int = v2.c_int; select count(*) from v1 a join v1 b on a.value = b.value; create view v3 as select v1.value val from v1 join cbo_t1 on v1.c_boolean = cbo_t1.c_boolean; select count(val) from v3 where val != '1'; with q1 as ( select key from cbo_t1 where key = '1') select count(*) from q1; with q1 as ( select value from v1 where c_boolean = false) select count(value) from q1 ; create view v4 as with q1 as ( select key,c_int from cbo_t1 where key = '1') select * from q1 ; with q1 as ( select c_int from q2 where c_boolean = false), q2 as ( select c_int,c_boolean from v1 where value = '1') select sum(c_int) from (select c_int from q1) a; with q1 as ( select cbo_t1.c_int c_int from q2 join cbo_t1 where q2.c_int = cbo_t1.c_int and cbo_t1.dt='2014'), q2 as ( select c_int,c_boolean from v1 where value = '1' or dt = '14') select count(*) from q1 join q2 join v4 on q1.c_int = q2.c_int and v4.c_int = q2.c_int; drop view v1; drop view v2; drop view v3; drop view v4;