/** Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ parser grammar HiveParser; options { tokenVocab=HiveLexer; output=AST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; backtrack=false; k=3; } import SelectClauseParser, FromClauseParser, IdentifiersParser; tokens { TOK_INSERT; TOK_QUERY; TOK_SELECT; TOK_SELECTDI; TOK_SELEXPR; TOK_FROM; TOK_TAB; TOK_PARTSPEC; TOK_PARTVAL; TOK_DIR; TOK_LOCAL_DIR; TOK_TABREF; TOK_SUBQUERY; TOK_INSERT_INTO; TOK_DESTINATION; TOK_ALLCOLREF; TOK_TABLE_OR_COL; TOK_FUNCTION; TOK_FUNCTIONDI; TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR; TOK_WHERE; TOK_OP_EQ; TOK_OP_NE; TOK_OP_LE; TOK_OP_LT; TOK_OP_GE; TOK_OP_GT; TOK_OP_DIV; TOK_OP_ADD; TOK_OP_SUB; TOK_OP_MUL; TOK_OP_MOD; TOK_OP_BITAND; TOK_OP_BITNOT; TOK_OP_BITOR; TOK_OP_BITXOR; TOK_OP_AND; TOK_OP_OR; TOK_OP_NOT; TOK_OP_LIKE; TOK_TRUE; TOK_FALSE; TOK_TRANSFORM; TOK_SERDE; TOK_SERDENAME; TOK_SERDEPROPS; TOK_EXPLIST; TOK_ALIASLIST; TOK_GROUPBY; TOK_ROLLUP_GROUPBY; TOK_CUBE_GROUPBY; TOK_GROUPING_SETS; TOK_GROUPING_SETS_EXPRESSION; TOK_HAVING; TOK_ORDERBY; TOK_CLUSTERBY; TOK_DISTRIBUTEBY; TOK_SORTBY; TOK_UNIONALL; TOK_UNIONDISTINCT; TOK_JOIN; TOK_LEFTOUTERJOIN; TOK_RIGHTOUTERJOIN; TOK_FULLOUTERJOIN; TOK_UNIQUEJOIN; TOK_CROSSJOIN; TOK_LOAD; TOK_EXPORT; TOK_IMPORT; TOK_REPLICATION; TOK_METADATA; TOK_NULL; TOK_ISNULL; TOK_ISNOTNULL; TOK_TINYINT; TOK_SMALLINT; TOK_INT; TOK_BIGINT; TOK_BOOLEAN; TOK_FLOAT; TOK_DOUBLE; TOK_DATE; TOK_DATELITERAL; TOK_DATETIME; TOK_TIMESTAMP; TOK_TIMESTAMPLITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH; TOK_INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_DAY_TIME; TOK_INTERVAL_DAY_TIME_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_YEAR_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_MONTH_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_DAY_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_HOUR_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_MINUTE_LITERAL; TOK_INTERVAL_SECOND_LITERAL; TOK_STRING; TOK_CHAR; TOK_VARCHAR; TOK_BINARY; TOK_DECIMAL; TOK_LIST; TOK_STRUCT; TOK_MAP; TOK_UNIONTYPE; TOK_COLTYPELIST; TOK_CREATEDATABASE; TOK_CREATETABLE; TOK_TRUNCATETABLE; TOK_CREATEINDEX; TOK_CREATEINDEX_INDEXTBLNAME; TOK_DEFERRED_REBUILDINDEX; TOK_DROPINDEX; TOK_LIKETABLE; TOK_DESCTABLE; TOK_DESCFUNCTION; TOK_ALTERTABLE; TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAME; TOK_ALTERTABLE_ADDCOLS; TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAMECOL; TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAMEPART; TOK_ALTERTABLE_REPLACECOLS; TOK_ALTERTABLE_ADDPARTS; TOK_ALTERTABLE_DROPPARTS; TOK_ALTERTABLE_PARTCOLTYPE; TOK_ALTERTABLE_PROTECTMODE; TOK_ALTERTABLE_MERGEFILES; TOK_ALTERTABLE_TOUCH; TOK_ALTERTABLE_ARCHIVE; TOK_ALTERTABLE_UNARCHIVE; TOK_ALTERTABLE_SERDEPROPERTIES; TOK_ALTERTABLE_SERIALIZER; TOK_ALTERTABLE_UPDATECOLSTATS; TOK_TABLE_PARTITION; TOK_ALTERTABLE_FILEFORMAT; TOK_ALTERTABLE_LOCATION; TOK_ALTERTABLE_PROPERTIES; TOK_ALTERTABLE_CHANGECOL_AFTER_POSITION; TOK_ALTERTABLE_DROPPROPERTIES; TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED; TOK_ALTERTABLE_EXCHANGEPARTITION; TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED_LOCATION; TOK_ALTERTABLE_BUCKETS; TOK_ALTERTABLE_CLUSTER_SORT; TOK_ALTERTABLE_COMPACT; TOK_ALTERINDEX_REBUILD; TOK_ALTERINDEX_PROPERTIES; TOK_MSCK; TOK_SHOWDATABASES; TOK_SHOWTABLES; TOK_SHOWCOLUMNS; TOK_SHOWFUNCTIONS; TOK_SHOWPARTITIONS; TOK_SHOW_CREATETABLE; TOK_SHOW_TABLESTATUS; TOK_SHOW_TBLPROPERTIES; TOK_SHOWLOCKS; TOK_SHOWCONF; TOK_LOCKTABLE; TOK_UNLOCKTABLE; TOK_LOCKDB; TOK_UNLOCKDB; TOK_SWITCHDATABASE; TOK_DROPDATABASE; TOK_DROPTABLE; TOK_DATABASECOMMENT; TOK_TABCOLLIST; TOK_TABCOL; TOK_TABLECOMMENT; TOK_TABLEPARTCOLS; TOK_TABLEROWFORMAT; TOK_TABLEROWFORMATFIELD; TOK_TABLEROWFORMATCOLLITEMS; TOK_TABLEROWFORMATMAPKEYS; TOK_TABLEROWFORMATLINES; TOK_TABLEROWFORMATNULL; TOK_TABLEFILEFORMAT; TOK_FILEFORMAT_GENERIC; TOK_OFFLINE; TOK_ENABLE; TOK_DISABLE; TOK_READONLY; TOK_NO_DROP; TOK_STORAGEHANDLER; TOK_NOT_CLUSTERED; TOK_NOT_SORTED; TOK_TABCOLNAME; TOK_TABLELOCATION; TOK_PARTITIONLOCATION; TOK_TABLEBUCKETSAMPLE; TOK_TABLESPLITSAMPLE; TOK_PERCENT; TOK_LENGTH; TOK_ROWCOUNT; TOK_TMP_FILE; TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC; TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEDESC; TOK_STRINGLITERALSEQUENCE; TOK_CHARSETLITERAL; TOK_CREATEFUNCTION; TOK_DROPFUNCTION; TOK_RELOADFUNCTION; TOK_CREATEMACRO; TOK_DROPMACRO; TOK_TEMPORARY; TOK_CREATEVIEW; TOK_DROPVIEW; TOK_ALTERVIEW; TOK_ALTERVIEW_PROPERTIES; TOK_ALTERVIEW_DROPPROPERTIES; TOK_ALTERVIEW_ADDPARTS; TOK_ALTERVIEW_DROPPARTS; TOK_ALTERVIEW_RENAME; TOK_VIEWPARTCOLS; TOK_EXPLAIN; TOK_EXPLAIN_SQ_REWRITE; TOK_TABLESERIALIZER; TOK_TABLEPROPERTIES; TOK_TABLEPROPLIST; TOK_INDEXPROPERTIES; TOK_INDEXPROPLIST; TOK_TABTYPE; TOK_LIMIT; TOK_TABLEPROPERTY; TOK_IFEXISTS; TOK_IFNOTEXISTS; TOK_ORREPLACE; TOK_HINTLIST; TOK_HINT; TOK_MAPJOIN; TOK_STREAMTABLE; TOK_HOLD_DDLTIME; TOK_HINTARGLIST; TOK_USERSCRIPTCOLNAMES; TOK_USERSCRIPTCOLSCHEMA; TOK_RECORDREADER; TOK_RECORDWRITER; TOK_LEFTSEMIJOIN; TOK_LATERAL_VIEW; TOK_LATERAL_VIEW_OUTER; TOK_TABALIAS; TOK_ANALYZE; TOK_CREATEROLE; TOK_DROPROLE; TOK_GRANT; TOK_REVOKE; TOK_SHOW_GRANT; TOK_PRIVILEGE_LIST; TOK_PRIVILEGE; TOK_PRINCIPAL_NAME; TOK_USER; TOK_GROUP; TOK_ROLE; TOK_RESOURCE_ALL; TOK_GRANT_WITH_OPTION; TOK_GRANT_WITH_ADMIN_OPTION; TOK_ADMIN_OPTION_FOR; TOK_GRANT_OPTION_FOR; TOK_PRIV_ALL; TOK_PRIV_ALTER_METADATA; TOK_PRIV_ALTER_DATA; TOK_PRIV_DELETE; TOK_PRIV_DROP; TOK_PRIV_INDEX; TOK_PRIV_INSERT; TOK_PRIV_LOCK; TOK_PRIV_SELECT; TOK_PRIV_SHOW_DATABASE; TOK_PRIV_CREATE; TOK_PRIV_OBJECT; TOK_PRIV_OBJECT_COL; TOK_GRANT_ROLE; TOK_REVOKE_ROLE; TOK_SHOW_ROLE_GRANT; TOK_SHOW_ROLES; TOK_SHOW_SET_ROLE; TOK_SHOW_ROLE_PRINCIPALS; TOK_SHOWINDEXES; TOK_SHOWDBLOCKS; TOK_INDEXCOMMENT; TOK_DESCDATABASE; TOK_DATABASEPROPERTIES; TOK_DATABASELOCATION; TOK_DBPROPLIST; TOK_ALTERDATABASE_PROPERTIES; TOK_ALTERDATABASE_OWNER; TOK_TABNAME; TOK_TABSRC; TOK_RESTRICT; TOK_CASCADE; TOK_TABLESKEWED; TOK_TABCOLVALUE; TOK_TABCOLVALUE_PAIR; TOK_TABCOLVALUES; TOK_SKEWED_LOCATIONS; TOK_SKEWED_LOCATION_LIST; TOK_SKEWED_LOCATION_MAP; TOK_STOREDASDIRS; TOK_PARTITIONINGSPEC; TOK_PTBLFUNCTION; TOK_WINDOWDEF; TOK_WINDOWSPEC; TOK_WINDOWVALUES; TOK_WINDOWRANGE; TOK_IGNOREPROTECTION; TOK_SUBQUERY_EXPR; TOK_SUBQUERY_OP; TOK_SUBQUERY_OP_NOTIN; TOK_SUBQUERY_OP_NOTEXISTS; TOK_DB_TYPE; TOK_TABLE_TYPE; TOK_CTE; TOK_ARCHIVE; TOK_FILE; TOK_JAR; TOK_RESOURCE_URI; TOK_RESOURCE_LIST; TOK_SHOW_COMPACTIONS; TOK_SHOW_TRANSACTIONS; TOK_DELETE_FROM; TOK_UPDATE_TABLE; TOK_SET_COLUMNS_CLAUSE; TOK_VALUE_ROW; TOK_VALUES_TABLE; TOK_VIRTUAL_TABLE; TOK_VIRTUAL_TABREF; TOK_ANONYMOUS; TOK_COL_NAME; TOK_URI_TYPE; TOK_SERVER_TYPE; } // Package headers @header { package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; } @members { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); Stack msgs = new Stack(); private static HashMap xlateMap; static { xlateMap = new HashMap(); // Keywords xlateMap.put("KW_TRUE", "TRUE"); xlateMap.put("KW_FALSE", "FALSE"); xlateMap.put("KW_ALL", "ALL"); xlateMap.put("KW_NONE", "NONE"); xlateMap.put("KW_AND", "AND"); xlateMap.put("KW_OR", "OR"); xlateMap.put("KW_NOT", "NOT"); xlateMap.put("KW_LIKE", "LIKE"); xlateMap.put("KW_ASC", "ASC"); xlateMap.put("KW_DESC", "DESC"); xlateMap.put("KW_ORDER", "ORDER"); xlateMap.put("KW_BY", "BY"); xlateMap.put("KW_GROUP", "GROUP"); xlateMap.put("KW_WHERE", "WHERE"); xlateMap.put("KW_FROM", "FROM"); xlateMap.put("KW_AS", "AS"); xlateMap.put("KW_SELECT", "SELECT"); xlateMap.put("KW_DISTINCT", "DISTINCT"); xlateMap.put("KW_INSERT", "INSERT"); xlateMap.put("KW_OVERWRITE", "OVERWRITE"); xlateMap.put("KW_OUTER", "OUTER"); xlateMap.put("KW_JOIN", "JOIN"); xlateMap.put("KW_LEFT", "LEFT"); xlateMap.put("KW_RIGHT", "RIGHT"); xlateMap.put("KW_FULL", "FULL"); xlateMap.put("KW_ON", "ON"); xlateMap.put("KW_PARTITION", "PARTITION"); xlateMap.put("KW_PARTITIONS", "PARTITIONS"); xlateMap.put("KW_TABLE", "TABLE"); xlateMap.put("KW_TABLES", "TABLES"); xlateMap.put("KW_TBLPROPERTIES", "TBLPROPERTIES"); xlateMap.put("KW_SHOW", "SHOW"); xlateMap.put("KW_MSCK", "MSCK"); xlateMap.put("KW_DIRECTORY", "DIRECTORY"); xlateMap.put("KW_LOCAL", "LOCAL"); xlateMap.put("KW_TRANSFORM", "TRANSFORM"); xlateMap.put("KW_USING", "USING"); xlateMap.put("KW_CLUSTER", "CLUSTER"); xlateMap.put("KW_DISTRIBUTE", "DISTRIBUTE"); xlateMap.put("KW_SORT", "SORT"); xlateMap.put("KW_UNION", "UNION"); xlateMap.put("KW_LOAD", "LOAD"); xlateMap.put("KW_DATA", "DATA"); xlateMap.put("KW_INPATH", "INPATH"); xlateMap.put("KW_IS", "IS"); xlateMap.put("KW_NULL", "NULL"); xlateMap.put("KW_CREATE", "CREATE"); xlateMap.put("KW_EXTERNAL", "EXTERNAL"); xlateMap.put("KW_ALTER", "ALTER"); xlateMap.put("KW_DESCRIBE", "DESCRIBE"); xlateMap.put("KW_DROP", "DROP"); xlateMap.put("KW_RENAME", "RENAME"); xlateMap.put("KW_TO", "TO"); xlateMap.put("KW_COMMENT", "COMMENT"); xlateMap.put("KW_BOOLEAN", "BOOLEAN"); xlateMap.put("KW_TINYINT", "TINYINT"); xlateMap.put("KW_SMALLINT", "SMALLINT"); xlateMap.put("KW_INT", "INT"); xlateMap.put("KW_BIGINT", "BIGINT"); xlateMap.put("KW_FLOAT", "FLOAT"); xlateMap.put("KW_DOUBLE", "DOUBLE"); xlateMap.put("KW_DATE", "DATE"); xlateMap.put("KW_DATETIME", "DATETIME"); xlateMap.put("KW_TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMP"); xlateMap.put("KW_STRING", "STRING"); xlateMap.put("KW_BINARY", "BINARY"); xlateMap.put("KW_ARRAY", "ARRAY"); xlateMap.put("KW_MAP", "MAP"); xlateMap.put("KW_REDUCE", "REDUCE"); xlateMap.put("KW_PARTITIONED", "PARTITIONED"); xlateMap.put("KW_CLUSTERED", "CLUSTERED"); xlateMap.put("KW_SORTED", "SORTED"); xlateMap.put("KW_INTO", "INTO"); xlateMap.put("KW_BUCKETS", "BUCKETS"); xlateMap.put("KW_ROW", "ROW"); xlateMap.put("KW_FORMAT", "FORMAT"); xlateMap.put("KW_DELIMITED", "DELIMITED"); xlateMap.put("KW_FIELDS", "FIELDS"); xlateMap.put("KW_TERMINATED", "TERMINATED"); xlateMap.put("KW_COLLECTION", "COLLECTION"); xlateMap.put("KW_ITEMS", "ITEMS"); xlateMap.put("KW_KEYS", "KEYS"); xlateMap.put("KW_KEY_TYPE", "\$KEY\$"); xlateMap.put("KW_LINES", "LINES"); xlateMap.put("KW_STORED", "STORED"); xlateMap.put("KW_SEQUENCEFILE", "SEQUENCEFILE"); xlateMap.put("KW_TEXTFILE", "TEXTFILE"); xlateMap.put("KW_INPUTFORMAT", "INPUTFORMAT"); xlateMap.put("KW_OUTPUTFORMAT", "OUTPUTFORMAT"); xlateMap.put("KW_LOCATION", "LOCATION"); xlateMap.put("KW_TABLESAMPLE", "TABLESAMPLE"); xlateMap.put("KW_BUCKET", "BUCKET"); xlateMap.put("KW_OUT", "OUT"); xlateMap.put("KW_OF", "OF"); xlateMap.put("KW_CAST", "CAST"); xlateMap.put("KW_ADD", "ADD"); xlateMap.put("KW_REPLACE", "REPLACE"); xlateMap.put("KW_COLUMNS", "COLUMNS"); xlateMap.put("KW_RLIKE", "RLIKE"); xlateMap.put("KW_REGEXP", "REGEXP"); xlateMap.put("KW_TEMPORARY", "TEMPORARY"); xlateMap.put("KW_FUNCTION", "FUNCTION"); xlateMap.put("KW_EXPLAIN", "EXPLAIN"); xlateMap.put("KW_EXTENDED", "EXTENDED"); xlateMap.put("KW_SERDE", "SERDE"); xlateMap.put("KW_WITH", "WITH"); xlateMap.put("KW_SERDEPROPERTIES", "SERDEPROPERTIES"); xlateMap.put("KW_LIMIT", "LIMIT"); xlateMap.put("KW_SET", "SET"); xlateMap.put("KW_PROPERTIES", "TBLPROPERTIES"); xlateMap.put("KW_VALUE_TYPE", "\$VALUE\$"); xlateMap.put("KW_ELEM_TYPE", "\$ELEM\$"); xlateMap.put("KW_DEFINED", "DEFINED"); xlateMap.put("KW_SUBQUERY", "SUBQUERY"); xlateMap.put("KW_REWRITE", "REWRITE"); xlateMap.put("KW_UPDATE", "UPDATE"); xlateMap.put("KW_VALUES", "VALUES"); xlateMap.put("KW_PURGE", "PURGE"); // Operators xlateMap.put("DOT", "."); xlateMap.put("COLON", ":"); xlateMap.put("COMMA", ","); xlateMap.put("SEMICOLON", ");"); xlateMap.put("LPAREN", "("); xlateMap.put("RPAREN", ")"); xlateMap.put("LSQUARE", "["); xlateMap.put("RSQUARE", "]"); xlateMap.put("EQUAL", "="); xlateMap.put("NOTEQUAL", "<>"); xlateMap.put("EQUAL_NS", "<=>"); xlateMap.put("LESSTHANOREQUALTO", "<="); xlateMap.put("LESSTHAN", "<"); xlateMap.put("GREATERTHANOREQUALTO", ">="); xlateMap.put("GREATERTHAN", ">"); xlateMap.put("DIVIDE", "/"); xlateMap.put("PLUS", "+"); xlateMap.put("MINUS", "-"); xlateMap.put("STAR", "*"); xlateMap.put("MOD", "\%"); xlateMap.put("AMPERSAND", "&"); xlateMap.put("TILDE", "~"); xlateMap.put("BITWISEOR", "|"); xlateMap.put("BITWISEXOR", "^"); xlateMap.put("CharSetLiteral", "\\'"); } public static Collection getKeywords() { return xlateMap.values(); } private static String xlate(String name) { String ret = xlateMap.get(name); if (ret == null) { ret = name; } return ret; } @Override public Object recoverFromMismatchedSet(IntStream input, RecognitionException re, BitSet follow) throws RecognitionException { throw re; } @Override public void displayRecognitionError(String[] tokenNames, RecognitionException e) { errors.add(new ParseError(this, e, tokenNames)); } @Override public String getErrorHeader(RecognitionException e) { String header = null; if (e.charPositionInLine < 0 && input.LT(-1) != null) { Token t = input.LT(-1); header = "line " + t.getLine() + ":" + t.getCharPositionInLine(); } else { header = super.getErrorHeader(e); } return header; } @Override public String getErrorMessage(RecognitionException e, String[] tokenNames) { String msg = null; // Translate the token names to something that the user can understand String[] xlateNames = new String[tokenNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; ++i) { xlateNames[i] = HiveParser.xlate(tokenNames[i]); } if (e instanceof NoViableAltException) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") NoViableAltException nvae = (NoViableAltException) e; // for development, can add // "decision=<<"+nvae.grammarDecisionDescription+">>" // and "(decision="+nvae.decisionNumber+") and // "state "+nvae.stateNumber msg = "cannot recognize input near" + (input.LT(1) != null ? " " + getTokenErrorDisplay(input.LT(1)) : "") + (input.LT(2) != null ? " " + getTokenErrorDisplay(input.LT(2)) : "") + (input.LT(3) != null ? " " + getTokenErrorDisplay(input.LT(3)) : ""); } else if (e instanceof MismatchedTokenException) { MismatchedTokenException mte = (MismatchedTokenException) e; msg = super.getErrorMessage(e, xlateNames) + (input.LT(-1) == null ? "":" near '" + input.LT(-1).getText()) + "'"; } else if (e instanceof FailedPredicateException) { FailedPredicateException fpe = (FailedPredicateException) e; msg = "Failed to recognize predicate '" + fpe.token.getText() + "'. Failed rule: '" + fpe.ruleName + "'"; } else { msg = super.getErrorMessage(e, xlateNames); } if (msgs.size() > 0) { msg = msg + " in " + msgs.peek(); } return msg; } public void pushMsg(String msg, RecognizerSharedState state) { // ANTLR generated code does not wrap the @init code wit this backtracking check, // even if the matching @after has it. If we have parser rules with that are doing // some lookahead with syntactic predicates this can cause the push() and pop() calls // to become unbalanced, so make sure both push/pop check the backtracking state. if (state.backtracking == 0) { msgs.push(msg); } } public void popMsg(RecognizerSharedState state) { if (state.backtracking == 0) { msgs.pop(); } } // counter to generate unique union aliases private int aliasCounter; private String generateUnionAlias() { return "_u" + (++aliasCounter); } private CommonTree throwSetOpException() throws RecognitionException { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "orderByClause clusterByClause distributeByClause sortByClause limitClause can only be applied to the whole union.", ""); } private Configuration hiveConf; public void setHiveConf(Configuration hiveConf) { this.hiveConf = hiveConf; } protected boolean useSQL11ReservedKeywordsForIdentifier() { return !HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SUPPORT_SQL11_RESERVED_KEYWORDS); } } @rulecatch { catch (RecognitionException e) { reportError(e); throw e; } } // starting rule statement : explainStatement EOF | execStatement EOF ; explainStatement @init { pushMsg("explain statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_EXPLAIN ( explainOption* execStatement -> ^(TOK_EXPLAIN execStatement explainOption*) | KW_REWRITE queryStatementExpression[true] -> ^(TOK_EXPLAIN_SQ_REWRITE queryStatementExpression)) ; explainOption @init { msgs.push("explain option"); } @after { msgs.pop(); } : KW_EXTENDED|KW_FORMATTED|KW_DEPENDENCY|KW_LOGICAL|KW_AUTHORIZATION ; execStatement @init { pushMsg("statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : queryStatementExpression[true] | loadStatement | exportStatement | importStatement | ddlStatement | deleteStatement | updateStatement ; loadStatement @init { pushMsg("load statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOAD KW_DATA (islocal=KW_LOCAL)? KW_INPATH (path=StringLiteral) (isoverwrite=KW_OVERWRITE)? KW_INTO KW_TABLE (tab=tableOrPartition) -> ^(TOK_LOAD $path $tab $islocal? $isoverwrite?) ; replicationClause @init { pushMsg("replication clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_FOR (isMetadataOnly=KW_METADATA)? KW_REPLICATION LPAREN (replId=StringLiteral) RPAREN -> ^(TOK_REPLICATION $replId $isMetadataOnly?) ; exportStatement @init { pushMsg("export statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_EXPORT KW_TABLE (tab=tableOrPartition) KW_TO (path=StringLiteral) replicationClause? -> ^(TOK_EXPORT $tab $path replicationClause?) ; importStatement @init { pushMsg("import statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_IMPORT ((ext=KW_EXTERNAL)? KW_TABLE (tab=tableOrPartition))? KW_FROM (path=StringLiteral) tableLocation? -> ^(TOK_IMPORT $path $tab? $ext? tableLocation?) ; ddlStatement @init { pushMsg("ddl statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : createDatabaseStatement | switchDatabaseStatement | dropDatabaseStatement | createTableStatement | dropTableStatement | truncateTableStatement | alterStatement | descStatement | showStatement | metastoreCheck | createViewStatement | dropViewStatement | createFunctionStatement | createMacroStatement | createIndexStatement | dropIndexStatement | dropFunctionStatement | reloadFunctionStatement | dropMacroStatement | analyzeStatement | lockStatement | unlockStatement | lockDatabase | unlockDatabase | createRoleStatement | dropRoleStatement | (grantPrivileges) => grantPrivileges | (revokePrivileges) => revokePrivileges | showGrants | showRoleGrants | showRolePrincipals | showRoles | grantRole | revokeRole | setRole | showCurrentRole ; ifExists @init { pushMsg("if exists clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_IF KW_EXISTS -> ^(TOK_IFEXISTS) ; restrictOrCascade @init { pushMsg("restrict or cascade clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_RESTRICT -> ^(TOK_RESTRICT) | KW_CASCADE -> ^(TOK_CASCADE) ; ifNotExists @init { pushMsg("if not exists clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_IF KW_NOT KW_EXISTS -> ^(TOK_IFNOTEXISTS) ; storedAsDirs @init { pushMsg("stored as directories", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_STORED KW_AS KW_DIRECTORIES -> ^(TOK_STOREDASDIRS) ; orReplace @init { pushMsg("or replace clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_OR KW_REPLACE -> ^(TOK_ORREPLACE) ; ignoreProtection @init { pushMsg("ignore protection clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_IGNORE KW_PROTECTION -> ^(TOK_IGNOREPROTECTION) ; createDatabaseStatement @init { pushMsg("create database statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CREATE (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) ifNotExists? name=identifier databaseComment? dbLocation? (KW_WITH KW_DBPROPERTIES dbprops=dbProperties)? -> ^(TOK_CREATEDATABASE $name ifNotExists? dbLocation? databaseComment? $dbprops?) ; dbLocation @init { pushMsg("database location specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOCATION locn=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_DATABASELOCATION $locn) ; dbProperties @init { pushMsg("dbproperties", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : LPAREN dbPropertiesList RPAREN -> ^(TOK_DATABASEPROPERTIES dbPropertiesList) ; dbPropertiesList @init { pushMsg("database properties list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : keyValueProperty (COMMA keyValueProperty)* -> ^(TOK_DBPROPLIST keyValueProperty+) ; switchDatabaseStatement @init { pushMsg("switch database statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_USE identifier -> ^(TOK_SWITCHDATABASE identifier) ; dropDatabaseStatement @init { pushMsg("drop database statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DROP (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) ifExists? identifier restrictOrCascade? -> ^(TOK_DROPDATABASE identifier ifExists? restrictOrCascade?) ; databaseComment @init { pushMsg("database's comment", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_DATABASECOMMENT $comment) ; createTableStatement @init { pushMsg("create table statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CREATE (temp=KW_TEMPORARY)? (ext=KW_EXTERNAL)? KW_TABLE ifNotExists? name=tableName ( like=KW_LIKE likeName=tableName tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat? tableLocation? tablePropertiesPrefixed? | (LPAREN columnNameTypeList RPAREN)? tableComment? tablePartition? tableBuckets? tableSkewed? tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat? tableLocation? tablePropertiesPrefixed? (KW_AS selectStatementWithCTE)? ) -> ^(TOK_CREATETABLE $name $temp? $ext? ifNotExists? ^(TOK_LIKETABLE $likeName?) columnNameTypeList? tableComment? tablePartition? tableBuckets? tableSkewed? tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat? tableLocation? tablePropertiesPrefixed? selectStatementWithCTE? ) ; truncateTableStatement @init { pushMsg("truncate table statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_TRUNCATE KW_TABLE tablePartitionPrefix (KW_COLUMNS LPAREN columnNameList RPAREN)? -> ^(TOK_TRUNCATETABLE tablePartitionPrefix columnNameList?); createIndexStatement @init { pushMsg("create index statement", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_CREATE KW_INDEX indexName=identifier KW_ON KW_TABLE tab=tableName LPAREN indexedCols=columnNameList RPAREN KW_AS typeName=StringLiteral autoRebuild? indexPropertiesPrefixed? indexTblName? tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat? tableLocation? tablePropertiesPrefixed? indexComment? ->^(TOK_CREATEINDEX $indexName $typeName $tab $indexedCols autoRebuild? indexPropertiesPrefixed? indexTblName? tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat? tableLocation? tablePropertiesPrefixed? indexComment?) ; indexComment @init { pushMsg("comment on an index", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_INDEXCOMMENT $comment) ; autoRebuild @init { pushMsg("auto rebuild index", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_WITH KW_DEFERRED KW_REBUILD ->^(TOK_DEFERRED_REBUILDINDEX) ; indexTblName @init { pushMsg("index table name", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_IN KW_TABLE indexTbl=tableName ->^(TOK_CREATEINDEX_INDEXTBLNAME $indexTbl) ; indexPropertiesPrefixed @init { pushMsg("table properties with prefix", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_IDXPROPERTIES! indexProperties ; indexProperties @init { pushMsg("index properties", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : LPAREN indexPropertiesList RPAREN -> ^(TOK_INDEXPROPERTIES indexPropertiesList) ; indexPropertiesList @init { pushMsg("index properties list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : keyValueProperty (COMMA keyValueProperty)* -> ^(TOK_INDEXPROPLIST keyValueProperty+) ; dropIndexStatement @init { pushMsg("drop index statement", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_DROP KW_INDEX ifExists? indexName=identifier KW_ON tab=tableName ->^(TOK_DROPINDEX $indexName $tab ifExists?) ; dropTableStatement @init { pushMsg("drop statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DROP KW_TABLE ifExists? tableName KW_PURGE? replicationClause? -> ^(TOK_DROPTABLE tableName ifExists? KW_PURGE? replicationClause?) ; alterStatement @init { pushMsg("alter statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ALTER KW_TABLE tableName alterTableStatementSuffix -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE tableName alterTableStatementSuffix) | KW_ALTER KW_VIEW tableName KW_AS? alterViewStatementSuffix -> ^(TOK_ALTERVIEW tableName alterViewStatementSuffix) | KW_ALTER KW_INDEX alterIndexStatementSuffix -> alterIndexStatementSuffix | KW_ALTER (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) alterDatabaseStatementSuffix -> alterDatabaseStatementSuffix ; alterTableStatementSuffix @init { pushMsg("alter table statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : (alterStatementSuffixRename[true]) => alterStatementSuffixRename[true] | alterStatementSuffixDropPartitions[true] | alterStatementSuffixAddPartitions[true] | alterStatementSuffixTouch | alterStatementSuffixArchive | alterStatementSuffixUnArchive | alterStatementSuffixProperties | alterStatementSuffixSkewedby | alterStatementSuffixExchangePartition | alterStatementPartitionKeyType | partitionSpec? alterTblPartitionStatementSuffix -> alterTblPartitionStatementSuffix partitionSpec? ; alterTblPartitionStatementSuffix @init {pushMsg("alter table partition statement suffix", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : alterStatementSuffixFileFormat | alterStatementSuffixLocation | alterStatementSuffixProtectMode | alterStatementSuffixMergeFiles | alterStatementSuffixSerdeProperties | alterStatementSuffixRenamePart | alterStatementSuffixBucketNum | alterTblPartitionStatementSuffixSkewedLocation | alterStatementSuffixClusterbySortby | alterStatementSuffixCompact | alterStatementSuffixUpdateStatsCol | alterStatementSuffixRenameCol | alterStatementSuffixAddCol ; alterStatementPartitionKeyType @init {msgs.push("alter partition key type"); } @after {msgs.pop();} : KW_PARTITION KW_COLUMN LPAREN columnNameType RPAREN -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_PARTCOLTYPE columnNameType) ; alterViewStatementSuffix @init { pushMsg("alter view statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : alterViewSuffixProperties | alterStatementSuffixRename[false] | alterStatementSuffixAddPartitions[false] | alterStatementSuffixDropPartitions[false] | selectStatementWithCTE ; alterIndexStatementSuffix @init { pushMsg("alter index statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : indexName=identifier KW_ON tableName partitionSpec? ( KW_REBUILD ->^(TOK_ALTERINDEX_REBUILD tableName $indexName partitionSpec?) | KW_SET KW_IDXPROPERTIES indexProperties ->^(TOK_ALTERINDEX_PROPERTIES tableName $indexName indexProperties) ) ; alterDatabaseStatementSuffix @init { pushMsg("alter database statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : alterDatabaseSuffixProperties | alterDatabaseSuffixSetOwner ; alterDatabaseSuffixProperties @init { pushMsg("alter database properties statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : name=identifier KW_SET KW_DBPROPERTIES dbProperties -> ^(TOK_ALTERDATABASE_PROPERTIES $name dbProperties) ; alterDatabaseSuffixSetOwner @init { pushMsg("alter database set owner", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : dbName=identifier KW_SET KW_OWNER principalName -> ^(TOK_ALTERDATABASE_OWNER $dbName principalName) ; alterStatementSuffixRename[boolean table] @init { pushMsg("rename statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_RENAME KW_TO tableName -> { table }? ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAME tableName) -> ^(TOK_ALTERVIEW_RENAME tableName) ; alterStatementSuffixAddCol @init { pushMsg("add column statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : (add=KW_ADD | replace=KW_REPLACE) KW_COLUMNS LPAREN columnNameTypeList RPAREN restrictOrCascade? -> {$add != null}? ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_ADDCOLS columnNameTypeList restrictOrCascade?) -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_REPLACECOLS columnNameTypeList restrictOrCascade?) ; alterStatementSuffixRenameCol @init { pushMsg("rename column name", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CHANGE KW_COLUMN? oldName=identifier newName=identifier colType (KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral)? alterStatementChangeColPosition? restrictOrCascade? ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAMECOL $oldName $newName colType $comment? alterStatementChangeColPosition? restrictOrCascade?) ; alterStatementSuffixUpdateStatsCol @init { pushMsg("update column statistics", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UPDATE KW_STATISTICS KW_FOR KW_COLUMN? colName=identifier KW_SET tableProperties (KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral)? ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_UPDATECOLSTATS $colName tableProperties $comment?) ; alterStatementChangeColPosition : first=KW_FIRST|KW_AFTER afterCol=identifier ->{$first != null}? ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_CHANGECOL_AFTER_POSITION ) -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_CHANGECOL_AFTER_POSITION $afterCol) ; alterStatementSuffixAddPartitions[boolean table] @init { pushMsg("add partition statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ADD ifNotExists? alterStatementSuffixAddPartitionsElement+ -> { table }? ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_ADDPARTS ifNotExists? alterStatementSuffixAddPartitionsElement+) -> ^(TOK_ALTERVIEW_ADDPARTS ifNotExists? alterStatementSuffixAddPartitionsElement+) ; alterStatementSuffixAddPartitionsElement : partitionSpec partitionLocation? ; alterStatementSuffixTouch @init { pushMsg("touch statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_TOUCH (partitionSpec)* -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_TOUCH (partitionSpec)*) ; alterStatementSuffixArchive @init { pushMsg("archive statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ARCHIVE (partitionSpec)* -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_ARCHIVE (partitionSpec)*) ; alterStatementSuffixUnArchive @init { pushMsg("unarchive statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UNARCHIVE (partitionSpec)* -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_UNARCHIVE (partitionSpec)*) ; partitionLocation @init { pushMsg("partition location", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOCATION locn=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_PARTITIONLOCATION $locn) ; alterStatementSuffixDropPartitions[boolean table] @init { pushMsg("drop partition statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DROP ifExists? dropPartitionSpec (COMMA dropPartitionSpec)* ignoreProtection? replicationClause? -> { table }? ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_DROPPARTS dropPartitionSpec+ ifExists? ignoreProtection? replicationClause?) -> ^(TOK_ALTERVIEW_DROPPARTS dropPartitionSpec+ ifExists? ignoreProtection? replicationClause?) ; alterStatementSuffixProperties @init { pushMsg("alter properties statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_SET KW_TBLPROPERTIES tableProperties -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_PROPERTIES tableProperties) | KW_UNSET KW_TBLPROPERTIES ifExists? tableProperties -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_DROPPROPERTIES tableProperties ifExists?) ; alterViewSuffixProperties @init { pushMsg("alter view properties statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_SET KW_TBLPROPERTIES tableProperties -> ^(TOK_ALTERVIEW_PROPERTIES tableProperties) | KW_UNSET KW_TBLPROPERTIES ifExists? tableProperties -> ^(TOK_ALTERVIEW_DROPPROPERTIES tableProperties ifExists?) ; alterStatementSuffixSerdeProperties @init { pushMsg("alter serdes statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_SET KW_SERDE serdeName=StringLiteral (KW_WITH KW_SERDEPROPERTIES tableProperties)? -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_SERIALIZER $serdeName tableProperties?) | KW_SET KW_SERDEPROPERTIES tableProperties -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_SERDEPROPERTIES tableProperties) ; tablePartitionPrefix @init {pushMsg("table partition prefix", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : tableName partitionSpec? ->^(TOK_TABLE_PARTITION tableName partitionSpec?) ; alterStatementSuffixFileFormat @init {pushMsg("alter fileformat statement", state); } @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SET KW_FILEFORMAT fileFormat -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_FILEFORMAT fileFormat) ; alterStatementSuffixClusterbySortby @init {pushMsg("alter partition cluster by sort by statement", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_NOT KW_CLUSTERED -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_CLUSTER_SORT TOK_NOT_CLUSTERED) | KW_NOT KW_SORTED -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_CLUSTER_SORT TOK_NOT_SORTED) | tableBuckets -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_CLUSTER_SORT tableBuckets) ; alterTblPartitionStatementSuffixSkewedLocation @init {pushMsg("alter partition skewed location", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SET KW_SKEWED KW_LOCATION skewedLocations -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED_LOCATION skewedLocations) ; skewedLocations @init { pushMsg("skewed locations", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : LPAREN skewedLocationsList RPAREN -> ^(TOK_SKEWED_LOCATIONS skewedLocationsList) ; skewedLocationsList @init { pushMsg("skewed locations list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : skewedLocationMap (COMMA skewedLocationMap)* -> ^(TOK_SKEWED_LOCATION_LIST skewedLocationMap+) ; skewedLocationMap @init { pushMsg("specifying skewed location map", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : key=skewedValueLocationElement EQUAL value=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_SKEWED_LOCATION_MAP $key $value) ; alterStatementSuffixLocation @init {pushMsg("alter location", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SET KW_LOCATION newLoc=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_LOCATION $newLoc) ; alterStatementSuffixSkewedby @init {pushMsg("alter skewed by statement", state);} @after{popMsg(state);} : tableSkewed ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED tableSkewed) | KW_NOT KW_SKEWED ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED) | KW_NOT storedAsDirs ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_SKEWED storedAsDirs) ; alterStatementSuffixExchangePartition @init {pushMsg("alter exchange partition", state);} @after{popMsg(state);} : KW_EXCHANGE partitionSpec KW_WITH KW_TABLE exchangename=tableName -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_EXCHANGEPARTITION partitionSpec $exchangename) ; alterStatementSuffixProtectMode @init { pushMsg("alter partition protect mode statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : alterProtectMode -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_PROTECTMODE alterProtectMode) ; alterStatementSuffixRenamePart @init { pushMsg("alter table rename partition statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_RENAME KW_TO partitionSpec ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_RENAMEPART partitionSpec) ; alterStatementSuffixStatsPart @init { pushMsg("alter table stats partition statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UPDATE KW_STATISTICS KW_FOR KW_COLUMN? colName=identifier KW_SET tableProperties (KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral)? ->^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_UPDATECOLSTATS $colName tableProperties $comment?) ; alterStatementSuffixMergeFiles @init { pushMsg("", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CONCATENATE -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_MERGEFILES) ; alterProtectMode @init { pushMsg("protect mode specification enable", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ENABLE alterProtectModeMode -> ^(TOK_ENABLE alterProtectModeMode) | KW_DISABLE alterProtectModeMode -> ^(TOK_DISABLE alterProtectModeMode) ; alterProtectModeMode @init { pushMsg("protect mode specification enable", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_OFFLINE -> ^(TOK_OFFLINE) | KW_NO_DROP KW_CASCADE? -> ^(TOK_NO_DROP KW_CASCADE?) | KW_READONLY -> ^(TOK_READONLY) ; alterStatementSuffixBucketNum @init { pushMsg("", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_INTO num=Number KW_BUCKETS -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_BUCKETS $num) ; alterStatementSuffixCompact @init { msgs.push("compaction request"); } @after { msgs.pop(); } : KW_COMPACT compactType=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_COMPACT $compactType) ; fileFormat @init { pushMsg("file format specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_INPUTFORMAT inFmt=StringLiteral KW_OUTPUTFORMAT outFmt=StringLiteral KW_SERDE serdeCls=StringLiteral (KW_INPUTDRIVER inDriver=StringLiteral KW_OUTPUTDRIVER outDriver=StringLiteral)? -> ^(TOK_TABLEFILEFORMAT $inFmt $outFmt $serdeCls $inDriver? $outDriver?) | genericSpec=identifier -> ^(TOK_FILEFORMAT_GENERIC $genericSpec) ; tabTypeExpr @init { pushMsg("specifying table types", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : identifier (DOT^ ( (KW_ELEM_TYPE) => KW_ELEM_TYPE | (KW_KEY_TYPE) => KW_KEY_TYPE | (KW_VALUE_TYPE) => KW_VALUE_TYPE | identifier ))* identifier? ; partTypeExpr @init { pushMsg("specifying table partitions", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : tabTypeExpr partitionSpec? -> ^(TOK_TABTYPE tabTypeExpr partitionSpec?) ; descStatement @init { pushMsg("describe statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : (KW_DESCRIBE|KW_DESC) ( (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) => (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) KW_EXTENDED? (dbName=identifier) -> ^(TOK_DESCDATABASE $dbName KW_EXTENDED?) | (KW_FUNCTION) => KW_FUNCTION KW_EXTENDED? (name=descFuncNames) -> ^(TOK_DESCFUNCTION $name KW_EXTENDED?) | (KW_FORMATTED|KW_EXTENDED|KW_PRETTY) => ((descOptions=KW_FORMATTED|descOptions=KW_EXTENDED|descOptions=KW_PRETTY) parttype=partTypeExpr) -> ^(TOK_DESCTABLE $parttype $descOptions) | parttype=partTypeExpr -> ^(TOK_DESCTABLE $parttype) ) ; analyzeStatement @init { pushMsg("analyze statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ANALYZE KW_TABLE (parttype=tableOrPartition) KW_COMPUTE KW_STATISTICS ((noscan=KW_NOSCAN) | (partialscan=KW_PARTIALSCAN) | (KW_FOR KW_COLUMNS (statsColumnName=columnNameList)?))? -> ^(TOK_ANALYZE $parttype $noscan? $partialscan? KW_COLUMNS? $statsColumnName?) ; showStatement @init { pushMsg("show statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_SHOW (KW_DATABASES|KW_SCHEMAS) (KW_LIKE showStmtIdentifier)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWDATABASES showStmtIdentifier?) | KW_SHOW KW_TABLES ((KW_FROM|KW_IN) db_name=identifier)? (KW_LIKE showStmtIdentifier|showStmtIdentifier)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWTABLES (TOK_FROM $db_name)? showStmtIdentifier?) | KW_SHOW KW_COLUMNS (KW_FROM|KW_IN) tableName ((KW_FROM|KW_IN) db_name=identifier)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWCOLUMNS tableName $db_name?) | KW_SHOW KW_FUNCTIONS (KW_LIKE showFunctionIdentifier|showFunctionIdentifier)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWFUNCTIONS KW_LIKE? showFunctionIdentifier?) | KW_SHOW KW_PARTITIONS tabName=tableName partitionSpec? -> ^(TOK_SHOWPARTITIONS $tabName partitionSpec?) | KW_SHOW KW_CREATE KW_TABLE tabName=tableName -> ^(TOK_SHOW_CREATETABLE $tabName) | KW_SHOW KW_TABLE KW_EXTENDED ((KW_FROM|KW_IN) db_name=identifier)? KW_LIKE showStmtIdentifier partitionSpec? -> ^(TOK_SHOW_TABLESTATUS showStmtIdentifier $db_name? partitionSpec?) | KW_SHOW KW_TBLPROPERTIES tableName (LPAREN prptyName=StringLiteral RPAREN)? -> ^(TOK_SHOW_TBLPROPERTIES tableName $prptyName?) | KW_SHOW KW_LOCKS ( (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) => (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) (dbName=Identifier) (isExtended=KW_EXTENDED)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWDBLOCKS $dbName $isExtended?) | (parttype=partTypeExpr)? (isExtended=KW_EXTENDED)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWLOCKS $parttype? $isExtended?) ) | KW_SHOW (showOptions=KW_FORMATTED)? (KW_INDEX|KW_INDEXES) KW_ON showStmtIdentifier ((KW_FROM|KW_IN) db_name=identifier)? -> ^(TOK_SHOWINDEXES showStmtIdentifier $showOptions? $db_name?) | KW_SHOW KW_COMPACTIONS -> ^(TOK_SHOW_COMPACTIONS) | KW_SHOW KW_TRANSACTIONS -> ^(TOK_SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) | KW_SHOW KW_CONF StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_SHOWCONF StringLiteral) ; lockStatement @init { pushMsg("lock statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOCK KW_TABLE tableName partitionSpec? lockMode -> ^(TOK_LOCKTABLE tableName lockMode partitionSpec?) ; lockDatabase @init { pushMsg("lock database statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOCK (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) (dbName=Identifier) lockMode -> ^(TOK_LOCKDB $dbName lockMode) ; lockMode @init { pushMsg("lock mode", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_SHARED | KW_EXCLUSIVE ; unlockStatement @init { pushMsg("unlock statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UNLOCK KW_TABLE tableName partitionSpec? -> ^(TOK_UNLOCKTABLE tableName partitionSpec?) ; unlockDatabase @init { pushMsg("unlock database statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UNLOCK (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) (dbName=Identifier) -> ^(TOK_UNLOCKDB $dbName) ; createRoleStatement @init { pushMsg("create role", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CREATE KW_ROLE roleName=identifier -> ^(TOK_CREATEROLE $roleName) ; dropRoleStatement @init {pushMsg("drop role", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_DROP KW_ROLE roleName=identifier -> ^(TOK_DROPROLE $roleName) ; grantPrivileges @init {pushMsg("grant privileges", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_GRANT privList=privilegeList privilegeObject? KW_TO principalSpecification withGrantOption? -> ^(TOK_GRANT $privList principalSpecification privilegeObject? withGrantOption?) ; revokePrivileges @init {pushMsg("revoke privileges", state);} @afer {popMsg(state);} : KW_REVOKE grantOptionFor? privilegeList privilegeObject? KW_FROM principalSpecification -> ^(TOK_REVOKE privilegeList principalSpecification privilegeObject? grantOptionFor?) ; grantRole @init {pushMsg("grant role", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_GRANT KW_ROLE? identifier (COMMA identifier)* KW_TO principalSpecification withAdminOption? -> ^(TOK_GRANT_ROLE principalSpecification withAdminOption? identifier+) ; revokeRole @init {pushMsg("revoke role", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_REVOKE adminOptionFor? KW_ROLE? identifier (COMMA identifier)* KW_FROM principalSpecification -> ^(TOK_REVOKE_ROLE principalSpecification adminOptionFor? identifier+) ; showRoleGrants @init {pushMsg("show role grants", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SHOW KW_ROLE KW_GRANT principalName -> ^(TOK_SHOW_ROLE_GRANT principalName) ; showRoles @init {pushMsg("show roles", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SHOW KW_ROLES -> ^(TOK_SHOW_ROLES) ; showCurrentRole @init {pushMsg("show current role", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SHOW KW_CURRENT KW_ROLES -> ^(TOK_SHOW_SET_ROLE) ; setRole @init {pushMsg("set role", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SET KW_ROLE ( (KW_ALL) => (all=KW_ALL) -> ^(TOK_SHOW_SET_ROLE Identifier[$all.text]) | identifier -> ^(TOK_SHOW_SET_ROLE identifier) ) ; showGrants @init {pushMsg("show grants", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SHOW KW_GRANT principalName? (KW_ON privilegeIncludeColObject)? -> ^(TOK_SHOW_GRANT principalName? privilegeIncludeColObject?) ; showRolePrincipals @init {pushMsg("show role principals", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_SHOW KW_PRINCIPALS roleName=identifier -> ^(TOK_SHOW_ROLE_PRINCIPALS $roleName) ; privilegeIncludeColObject @init {pushMsg("privilege object including columns", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : (KW_ALL) => KW_ALL -> ^(TOK_RESOURCE_ALL) | privObjectCols -> ^(TOK_PRIV_OBJECT_COL privObjectCols) ; privilegeObject @init {pushMsg("privilege object", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_ON privObject -> ^(TOK_PRIV_OBJECT privObject) ; // database or table type. Type is optional, default type is table privObject : (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) identifier -> ^(TOK_DB_TYPE identifier) | KW_TABLE? tableName partitionSpec? -> ^(TOK_TABLE_TYPE tableName partitionSpec?) | KW_URI (path=StringLiteral) -> ^(TOK_URI_TYPE $path) | KW_SERVER identifier -> ^(TOK_SERVER_TYPE identifier) ; privObjectCols : (KW_DATABASE|KW_SCHEMA) identifier -> ^(TOK_DB_TYPE identifier) | KW_TABLE? tableName (LPAREN cols=columnNameList RPAREN)? partitionSpec? -> ^(TOK_TABLE_TYPE tableName $cols? partitionSpec?) | KW_URI (path=StringLiteral) -> ^(TOK_URI_TYPE $path) | KW_SERVER identifier -> ^(TOK_SERVER_TYPE identifier) ; privilegeList @init {pushMsg("grant privilege list", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : privlegeDef (COMMA privlegeDef)* -> ^(TOK_PRIVILEGE_LIST privlegeDef+) ; privlegeDef @init {pushMsg("grant privilege", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : privilegeType (LPAREN cols=columnNameList RPAREN)? -> ^(TOK_PRIVILEGE privilegeType $cols?) ; privilegeType @init {pushMsg("privilege type", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_ALL -> ^(TOK_PRIV_ALL) | KW_ALTER -> ^(TOK_PRIV_ALTER_METADATA) | KW_UPDATE -> ^(TOK_PRIV_ALTER_DATA) | KW_CREATE -> ^(TOK_PRIV_CREATE) | KW_DROP -> ^(TOK_PRIV_DROP) | KW_INDEX -> ^(TOK_PRIV_INDEX) | KW_LOCK -> ^(TOK_PRIV_LOCK) | KW_SELECT -> ^(TOK_PRIV_SELECT) | KW_SHOW_DATABASE -> ^(TOK_PRIV_SHOW_DATABASE) | KW_INSERT -> ^(TOK_PRIV_INSERT) | KW_DELETE -> ^(TOK_PRIV_DELETE) ; principalSpecification @init { pushMsg("user/group/role name list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : principalName (COMMA principalName)* -> ^(TOK_PRINCIPAL_NAME principalName+) ; principalName @init {pushMsg("user|group|role name", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_USER principalIdentifier -> ^(TOK_USER principalIdentifier) | KW_GROUP principalIdentifier -> ^(TOK_GROUP principalIdentifier) | KW_ROLE identifier -> ^(TOK_ROLE identifier) ; withGrantOption @init {pushMsg("with grant option", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_WITH KW_GRANT KW_OPTION -> ^(TOK_GRANT_WITH_OPTION) ; grantOptionFor @init {pushMsg("grant option for", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_GRANT KW_OPTION KW_FOR -> ^(TOK_GRANT_OPTION_FOR) ; adminOptionFor @init {pushMsg("admin option for", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_ADMIN KW_OPTION KW_FOR -> ^(TOK_ADMIN_OPTION_FOR) ; withAdminOption @init {pushMsg("with admin option", state);} @after {popMsg(state);} : KW_WITH KW_ADMIN KW_OPTION -> ^(TOK_GRANT_WITH_ADMIN_OPTION) ; metastoreCheck @init { pushMsg("metastore check statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_MSCK (repair=KW_REPAIR)? (KW_TABLE tableName partitionSpec? (COMMA partitionSpec)*)? -> ^(TOK_MSCK $repair? (tableName partitionSpec*)?) ; resourceList @init { pushMsg("resource list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : resource (COMMA resource)* -> ^(TOK_RESOURCE_LIST resource+) ; resource @init { pushMsg("resource", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : resType=resourceType resPath=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_RESOURCE_URI $resType $resPath) ; resourceType @init { pushMsg("resource type", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_JAR -> ^(TOK_JAR) | KW_FILE -> ^(TOK_FILE) | KW_ARCHIVE -> ^(TOK_ARCHIVE) ; createFunctionStatement @init { pushMsg("create function statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CREATE (temp=KW_TEMPORARY)? KW_FUNCTION functionIdentifier KW_AS StringLiteral (KW_USING rList=resourceList)? -> {$temp != null}? ^(TOK_CREATEFUNCTION functionIdentifier StringLiteral $rList? TOK_TEMPORARY) -> ^(TOK_CREATEFUNCTION functionIdentifier StringLiteral $rList?) ; dropFunctionStatement @init { pushMsg("drop function statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DROP (temp=KW_TEMPORARY)? KW_FUNCTION ifExists? functionIdentifier -> {$temp != null}? ^(TOK_DROPFUNCTION functionIdentifier ifExists? TOK_TEMPORARY) -> ^(TOK_DROPFUNCTION functionIdentifier ifExists?) ; reloadFunctionStatement @init { pushMsg("reload function statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_RELOAD KW_FUNCTION -> ^(TOK_RELOADFUNCTION); createMacroStatement @init { pushMsg("create macro statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CREATE KW_TEMPORARY KW_MACRO Identifier LPAREN columnNameTypeList? RPAREN expression -> ^(TOK_CREATEMACRO Identifier columnNameTypeList? expression) ; dropMacroStatement @init { pushMsg("drop macro statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DROP KW_TEMPORARY KW_MACRO ifExists? Identifier -> ^(TOK_DROPMACRO Identifier ifExists?) ; createViewStatement @init { pushMsg("create view statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CREATE (orReplace)? KW_VIEW (ifNotExists)? name=tableName (LPAREN columnNameCommentList RPAREN)? tableComment? viewPartition? tablePropertiesPrefixed? KW_AS selectStatementWithCTE -> ^(TOK_CREATEVIEW $name orReplace? ifNotExists? columnNameCommentList? tableComment? viewPartition? tablePropertiesPrefixed? selectStatementWithCTE ) ; viewPartition @init { pushMsg("view partition specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_PARTITIONED KW_ON LPAREN columnNameList RPAREN -> ^(TOK_VIEWPARTCOLS columnNameList) ; dropViewStatement @init { pushMsg("drop view statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DROP KW_VIEW ifExists? viewName -> ^(TOK_DROPVIEW viewName ifExists?) ; showFunctionIdentifier @init { pushMsg("identifier for show function statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : functionIdentifier | StringLiteral ; showStmtIdentifier @init { pushMsg("identifier for show statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : identifier | StringLiteral ; tableComment @init { pushMsg("table's comment", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLECOMMENT $comment) ; tablePartition @init { pushMsg("table partition specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_PARTITIONED KW_BY LPAREN columnNameTypeList RPAREN -> ^(TOK_TABLEPARTCOLS columnNameTypeList) ; tableBuckets @init { pushMsg("table buckets specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_CLUSTERED KW_BY LPAREN bucketCols=columnNameList RPAREN (KW_SORTED KW_BY LPAREN sortCols=columnNameOrderList RPAREN)? KW_INTO num=Number KW_BUCKETS -> ^(TOK_ALTERTABLE_BUCKETS $bucketCols $sortCols? $num) ; tableSkewed @init { pushMsg("table skewed specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_SKEWED KW_BY LPAREN skewedCols=columnNameList RPAREN KW_ON LPAREN (skewedValues=skewedValueElement) RPAREN ((storedAsDirs) => storedAsDirs)? -> ^(TOK_TABLESKEWED $skewedCols $skewedValues storedAsDirs?) ; rowFormat @init { pushMsg("serde specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : rowFormatSerde -> ^(TOK_SERDE rowFormatSerde) | rowFormatDelimited -> ^(TOK_SERDE rowFormatDelimited) | -> ^(TOK_SERDE) ; recordReader @init { pushMsg("record reader specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_RECORDREADER StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_RECORDREADER StringLiteral) | -> ^(TOK_RECORDREADER) ; recordWriter @init { pushMsg("record writer specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_RECORDWRITER StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_RECORDWRITER StringLiteral) | -> ^(TOK_RECORDWRITER) ; rowFormatSerde @init { pushMsg("serde format specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ROW KW_FORMAT KW_SERDE name=StringLiteral (KW_WITH KW_SERDEPROPERTIES serdeprops=tableProperties)? -> ^(TOK_SERDENAME $name $serdeprops?) ; rowFormatDelimited @init { pushMsg("serde properties specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ROW KW_FORMAT KW_DELIMITED tableRowFormatFieldIdentifier? tableRowFormatCollItemsIdentifier? tableRowFormatMapKeysIdentifier? tableRowFormatLinesIdentifier? tableRowNullFormat? -> ^(TOK_SERDEPROPS tableRowFormatFieldIdentifier? tableRowFormatCollItemsIdentifier? tableRowFormatMapKeysIdentifier? tableRowFormatLinesIdentifier? tableRowNullFormat?) ; tableRowFormat @init { pushMsg("table row format specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : rowFormatDelimited -> ^(TOK_TABLEROWFORMAT rowFormatDelimited) | rowFormatSerde -> ^(TOK_TABLESERIALIZER rowFormatSerde) ; tablePropertiesPrefixed @init { pushMsg("table properties with prefix", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_TBLPROPERTIES! tableProperties ; tableProperties @init { pushMsg("table properties", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : LPAREN tablePropertiesList RPAREN -> ^(TOK_TABLEPROPERTIES tablePropertiesList) ; tablePropertiesList @init { pushMsg("table properties list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : keyValueProperty (COMMA keyValueProperty)* -> ^(TOK_TABLEPROPLIST keyValueProperty+) | keyProperty (COMMA keyProperty)* -> ^(TOK_TABLEPROPLIST keyProperty+) ; keyValueProperty @init { pushMsg("specifying key/value property", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : key=StringLiteral EQUAL value=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLEPROPERTY $key $value) ; keyProperty @init { pushMsg("specifying key property", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : key=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLEPROPERTY $key TOK_NULL) ; tableRowFormatFieldIdentifier @init { pushMsg("table row format's field separator", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_FIELDS KW_TERMINATED KW_BY fldIdnt=StringLiteral (KW_ESCAPED KW_BY fldEscape=StringLiteral)? -> ^(TOK_TABLEROWFORMATFIELD $fldIdnt $fldEscape?) ; tableRowFormatCollItemsIdentifier @init { pushMsg("table row format's column separator", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_COLLECTION KW_ITEMS KW_TERMINATED KW_BY collIdnt=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLEROWFORMATCOLLITEMS $collIdnt) ; tableRowFormatMapKeysIdentifier @init { pushMsg("table row format's map key separator", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_MAP KW_KEYS KW_TERMINATED KW_BY mapKeysIdnt=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLEROWFORMATMAPKEYS $mapKeysIdnt) ; tableRowFormatLinesIdentifier @init { pushMsg("table row format's line separator", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LINES KW_TERMINATED KW_BY linesIdnt=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLEROWFORMATLINES $linesIdnt) ; tableRowNullFormat @init { pushMsg("table row format's null specifier", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_NULL KW_DEFINED KW_AS nullIdnt=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLEROWFORMATNULL $nullIdnt) ; tableFileFormat @init { pushMsg("table file format specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : (KW_STORED KW_AS KW_INPUTFORMAT) => KW_STORED KW_AS KW_INPUTFORMAT inFmt=StringLiteral KW_OUTPUTFORMAT outFmt=StringLiteral (KW_INPUTDRIVER inDriver=StringLiteral KW_OUTPUTDRIVER outDriver=StringLiteral)? -> ^(TOK_TABLEFILEFORMAT $inFmt $outFmt $inDriver? $outDriver?) | KW_STORED KW_BY storageHandler=StringLiteral (KW_WITH KW_SERDEPROPERTIES serdeprops=tableProperties)? -> ^(TOK_STORAGEHANDLER $storageHandler $serdeprops?) | KW_STORED KW_AS genericSpec=identifier -> ^(TOK_FILEFORMAT_GENERIC $genericSpec) ; tableLocation @init { pushMsg("table location specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOCATION locn=StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_TABLELOCATION $locn) ; columnNameTypeList @init { pushMsg("column name type list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : columnNameType (COMMA columnNameType)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLLIST columnNameType+) ; columnNameColonTypeList @init { pushMsg("column name type list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : columnNameColonType (COMMA columnNameColonType)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLLIST columnNameColonType+) ; columnNameList @init { pushMsg("column name list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : columnName (COMMA columnName)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLNAME columnName+) ; columnName @init { pushMsg("column name", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : identifier ; columnNameOrderList @init { pushMsg("column name order list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : columnNameOrder (COMMA columnNameOrder)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLNAME columnNameOrder+) ; skewedValueElement @init { pushMsg("skewed value element", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : skewedColumnValues | skewedColumnValuePairList ; skewedColumnValuePairList @init { pushMsg("column value pair list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : skewedColumnValuePair (COMMA skewedColumnValuePair)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLVALUE_PAIR skewedColumnValuePair+) ; skewedColumnValuePair @init { pushMsg("column value pair", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : LPAREN colValues=skewedColumnValues RPAREN -> ^(TOK_TABCOLVALUES $colValues) ; skewedColumnValues @init { pushMsg("column values", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : skewedColumnValue (COMMA skewedColumnValue)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLVALUE skewedColumnValue+) ; skewedColumnValue @init { pushMsg("column value", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : constant ; skewedValueLocationElement @init { pushMsg("skewed value location element", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : skewedColumnValue | skewedColumnValuePair ; columnNameOrder @init { pushMsg("column name order", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : identifier (asc=KW_ASC | desc=KW_DESC)? -> {$desc == null}? ^(TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC identifier) -> ^(TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEDESC identifier) ; columnNameCommentList @init { pushMsg("column name comment list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : columnNameComment (COMMA columnNameComment)* -> ^(TOK_TABCOLNAME columnNameComment+) ; columnNameComment @init { pushMsg("column name comment", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : colName=identifier (KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral)? -> ^(TOK_TABCOL $colName TOK_NULL $comment?) ; columnRefOrder @init { pushMsg("column order", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : expression (asc=KW_ASC | desc=KW_DESC)? -> {$desc == null}? ^(TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC expression) -> ^(TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEDESC expression) ; columnNameType @init { pushMsg("column specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : colName=identifier colType (KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral)? -> {$comment == null}? ^(TOK_TABCOL $colName colType) -> ^(TOK_TABCOL $colName colType $comment) ; columnNameColonType @init { pushMsg("column specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : colName=identifier COLON colType (KW_COMMENT comment=StringLiteral)? -> {$comment == null}? ^(TOK_TABCOL $colName colType) -> ^(TOK_TABCOL $colName colType $comment) ; colType @init { pushMsg("column type", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : type ; colTypeList @init { pushMsg("column type list", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : colType (COMMA colType)* -> ^(TOK_COLTYPELIST colType+) ; type : primitiveType | listType | structType | mapType | unionType; primitiveType @init { pushMsg("primitive type specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_TINYINT -> TOK_TINYINT | KW_SMALLINT -> TOK_SMALLINT | KW_INT -> TOK_INT | KW_BIGINT -> TOK_BIGINT | KW_BOOLEAN -> TOK_BOOLEAN | KW_FLOAT -> TOK_FLOAT | KW_DOUBLE -> TOK_DOUBLE | KW_DATE -> TOK_DATE | KW_DATETIME -> TOK_DATETIME | KW_TIMESTAMP -> TOK_TIMESTAMP // Uncomment to allow intervals as table column types //| KW_INTERVAL KW_YEAR KW_TO KW_MONTH -> TOK_INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH //| KW_INTERVAL KW_DAY KW_TO KW_SECOND -> TOK_INTERVAL_DAY_TIME | KW_STRING -> TOK_STRING | KW_BINARY -> TOK_BINARY | KW_DECIMAL (LPAREN prec=Number (COMMA scale=Number)? RPAREN)? -> ^(TOK_DECIMAL $prec? $scale?) | KW_VARCHAR LPAREN length=Number RPAREN -> ^(TOK_VARCHAR $length) | KW_CHAR LPAREN length=Number RPAREN -> ^(TOK_CHAR $length) ; listType @init { pushMsg("list type", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_ARRAY LESSTHAN type GREATERTHAN -> ^(TOK_LIST type) ; structType @init { pushMsg("struct type", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_STRUCT LESSTHAN columnNameColonTypeList GREATERTHAN -> ^(TOK_STRUCT columnNameColonTypeList) ; mapType @init { pushMsg("map type", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_MAP LESSTHAN left=primitiveType COMMA right=type GREATERTHAN -> ^(TOK_MAP $left $right) ; unionType @init { pushMsg("uniontype type", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UNIONTYPE LESSTHAN colTypeList GREATERTHAN -> ^(TOK_UNIONTYPE colTypeList) ; setOperator @init { pushMsg("set operator", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UNION KW_ALL -> ^(TOK_UNIONALL) | KW_UNION KW_DISTINCT? -> ^(TOK_UNIONDISTINCT) ; queryStatementExpression[boolean topLevel] : /* Would be nice to do this as a gated semantic perdicate But the predicate gets pushed as a lookahead decision. Calling rule doesnot know about topLevel */ (w=withClause {topLevel}?)? queryStatementExpressionBody[topLevel] { if ($w.tree != null) { adaptor.addChild($queryStatementExpressionBody.tree, $w.tree); } } -> queryStatementExpressionBody ; queryStatementExpressionBody[boolean topLevel] : fromStatement[topLevel] | regularBody[topLevel] ; withClause : KW_WITH cteStatement (COMMA cteStatement)* -> ^(TOK_CTE cteStatement+) ; cteStatement : identifier KW_AS LPAREN queryStatementExpression[false] RPAREN -> ^(TOK_SUBQUERY queryStatementExpression identifier) ; fromStatement[boolean topLevel] : (singleFromStatement -> singleFromStatement) (u=setOperator r=singleFromStatement -> ^($u {$fromStatement.tree} $r) )* -> {u != null && topLevel}? ^(TOK_QUERY ^(TOK_FROM ^(TOK_SUBQUERY {$fromStatement.tree} {adaptor.create(Identifier, generateUnionAlias())} ) ) ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) ^(TOK_SELECT ^(TOK_SELEXPR TOK_ALLCOLREF)) ) ) -> {$fromStatement.tree} ; singleFromStatement : fromClause ( b+=body )+ -> ^(TOK_QUERY fromClause body+) ; /* The valuesClause rule below ensures that the parse tree for "insert into table FOO values (1,2),(3,4)" looks the same as "insert into table FOO select a,b from (values(1,2),(3,4)) as BAR(a,b)" which itself is made to look very similar to the tree for "insert into table FOO select a,b from BAR". Since virtual table name is implicit, it's represented as TOK_ANONYMOUS. */ regularBody[boolean topLevel] : i=insertClause ( s=selectStatement[topLevel] {$s.tree.getChild(1) !=null}? {$s.tree.getChild(1).replaceChildren(0, 0, $i.tree);} -> {$s.tree} | valuesClause -> ^(TOK_QUERY ^(TOK_FROM ^(TOK_VIRTUAL_TABLE ^(TOK_VIRTUAL_TABREF ^(TOK_ANONYMOUS)) valuesClause) ) ^(TOK_INSERT {$i.tree} ^(TOK_SELECT ^(TOK_SELEXPR TOK_ALLCOLREF))) ) ) | selectStatement[topLevel] ; selectStatement[boolean topLevel] : ( s=selectClause f=fromClause? w=whereClause? g=groupByClause? h=havingClause? o=orderByClause? c=clusterByClause? d=distributeByClause? sort=sortByClause? win=window_clause? l=limitClause? -> ^(TOK_QUERY $f? ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) $s $w? $g? $h? $o? $c? $d? $sort? $win? $l?)) ) (set=setOpSelectStatement[$selectStatement.tree, topLevel])? -> {set == null}? {$selectStatement.tree} -> {o==null && c==null && d==null && sort==null && l==null}? {$set.tree} -> {throwSetOpException()} ; setOpSelectStatement[CommonTree t, boolean topLevel] : (u=setOperator b=simpleSelectStatement -> {$setOpSelectStatement.tree != null && u.tree.getType()==HiveParser.TOK_UNIONDISTINCT}? ^(TOK_QUERY ^(TOK_FROM ^(TOK_SUBQUERY ^(TOK_UNIONALL {$setOpSelectStatement.tree} $b) {adaptor.create(Identifier, generateUnionAlias())} ) ) ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) ^(TOK_SELECTDI ^(TOK_SELEXPR TOK_ALLCOLREF)) ) ) -> {$setOpSelectStatement.tree != null && u.tree.getType()!=HiveParser.TOK_UNIONDISTINCT}? ^(TOK_UNIONALL {$setOpSelectStatement.tree} $b) -> {$setOpSelectStatement.tree == null && u.tree.getType()==HiveParser.TOK_UNIONDISTINCT}? ^(TOK_QUERY ^(TOK_FROM ^(TOK_SUBQUERY ^(TOK_UNIONALL {$t} $b) {adaptor.create(Identifier, generateUnionAlias())} ) ) ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) ^(TOK_SELECTDI ^(TOK_SELEXPR TOK_ALLCOLREF)) ) ) -> ^(TOK_UNIONALL {$t} $b) )+ o=orderByClause? c=clusterByClause? d=distributeByClause? sort=sortByClause? win=window_clause? l=limitClause? -> {o==null && c==null && d==null && sort==null && win==null && l==null && !topLevel}? {$setOpSelectStatement.tree} -> ^(TOK_QUERY ^(TOK_FROM ^(TOK_SUBQUERY {$setOpSelectStatement.tree} {adaptor.create(Identifier, generateUnionAlias())} ) ) ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) ^(TOK_SELECT ^(TOK_SELEXPR TOK_ALLCOLREF)) $o? $c? $d? $sort? $win? $l? ) ) ; simpleSelectStatement : selectClause fromClause? whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause? ((window_clause) => window_clause)? -> ^(TOK_QUERY fromClause? ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) selectClause whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause? window_clause?)) ; selectStatementWithCTE : (w=withClause)? selectStatement[true] { if ($w.tree != null) { adaptor.addChild($selectStatement.tree, $w.tree); } } -> selectStatement ; body : insertClause selectClause lateralView? whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause? orderByClause? clusterByClause? distributeByClause? sortByClause? window_clause? limitClause? -> ^(TOK_INSERT insertClause selectClause lateralView? whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause? orderByClause? clusterByClause? distributeByClause? sortByClause? window_clause? limitClause?) | selectClause lateralView? whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause? orderByClause? clusterByClause? distributeByClause? sortByClause? window_clause? limitClause? -> ^(TOK_INSERT ^(TOK_DESTINATION ^(TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) selectClause lateralView? whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause? orderByClause? clusterByClause? distributeByClause? sortByClause? window_clause? limitClause?) ; insertClause @init { pushMsg("insert clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_INSERT KW_OVERWRITE destination ifNotExists? -> ^(TOK_DESTINATION destination ifNotExists?) | KW_INSERT KW_INTO KW_TABLE? tableOrPartition (LPAREN targetCols=columnNameList RPAREN)? -> ^(TOK_INSERT_INTO tableOrPartition $targetCols?) ; destination @init { pushMsg("destination specification", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LOCAL KW_DIRECTORY StringLiteral tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat? -> ^(TOK_LOCAL_DIR StringLiteral tableRowFormat? tableFileFormat?) | KW_DIRECTORY StringLiteral -> ^(TOK_DIR StringLiteral) | KW_TABLE tableOrPartition -> tableOrPartition ; limitClause @init { pushMsg("limit clause", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_LIMIT num=Number -> ^(TOK_LIMIT $num) ; //DELETE FROM WHERE ...; deleteStatement @init { pushMsg("delete statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_DELETE KW_FROM tableName (whereClause)? -> ^(TOK_DELETE_FROM tableName whereClause?) ; /*SET = (3 + col2)*/ columnAssignmentClause : tableOrColumn EQUAL^ precedencePlusExpression ; /*SET col1 = 5, col2 = (4 + col4), ...*/ setColumnsClause : KW_SET columnAssignmentClause (COMMA columnAssignmentClause)* -> ^(TOK_SET_COLUMNS_CLAUSE columnAssignmentClause* ) ; /* UPDATE SET col1 = val1, col2 = val2... WHERE ... */ updateStatement @init { pushMsg("update statement", state); } @after { popMsg(state); } : KW_UPDATE tableName setColumnsClause whereClause? -> ^(TOK_UPDATE_TABLE tableName setColumnsClause whereClause?) ;