CREATE TABLE shtb_test1(KEY STRING, VALUE STRING) PARTITIONED BY(ds STRING) STORED AS TEXTFILE; CREATE TABLE shtb_test2(KEY STRING, VALUE STRING) PARTITIONED BY(ds STRING) STORED AS TEXTFILE; EXPLAIN SHOW TABLES 'shtb_*'; SHOW TABLES 'shtb_*'; EXPLAIN SHOW TABLES LIKE 'shtb_test1|shtb_test2'; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'shtb_test1|shtb_test2'; -- SHOW TABLES FROM/IN database CREATE DATABASE test_db; USE test_db; CREATE TABLE foo(a INT); CREATE TABLE bar(a INT); CREATE TABLE baz(a INT); -- SHOW TABLES basic syntax tests USE default; SHOW TABLES FROM test_db; SHOW TABLES FROM default; SHOW TABLES IN test_db; SHOW TABLES IN default; SHOW TABLES IN test_db "test*"; SHOW TABLES IN test_db LIKE "nomatch"; -- SHOW TABLES from a database with a name that requires escaping CREATE DATABASE `database`; USE `database`; CREATE TABLE foo(a INT); USE default; SHOW TABLES FROM `database` LIKE "foo";