set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=1000; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.enforce.bucketing=false; set hive.enforce.sorting=false; create table over1k( t tinyint, si smallint, i int, b bigint, f float, d double, bo boolean, s string, ts timestamp, dec decimal(4,2), bin binary) row format delimited fields terminated by '|'; load data local inpath '../../data/files/over1k' into table over1k; create table over1k_part( si smallint, i int, b bigint, f float) partitioned by (ds string, t tinyint); create table over1k_part_limit like over1k_part; create table over1k_part_buck( si smallint, i int, b bigint, f float) partitioned by (t tinyint) clustered by (si) into 4 buckets; create table over1k_part_buck_sort( si smallint, i int, b bigint, f float) partitioned by (t tinyint) clustered by (si) sorted by (f) into 4 buckets; -- map-only jobs converted to map-reduce job by hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition optimization explain insert overwrite table over1k_part partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part_limit partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 limit 10; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck_sort partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; insert overwrite table over1k_part partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; insert overwrite table over1k_part_limit partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 limit 10; insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck_sort partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; set hive.enforce.bucketing=true; set hive.enforce.sorting=true; -- map-reduce jobs modified by hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition optimization explain insert into table over1k_part partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; explain insert into table over1k_part_limit partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 limit 10; explain insert into table over1k_part_buck partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; explain insert into table over1k_part_buck_sort partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; insert into table over1k_part partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; insert into table over1k_part_limit partition(ds="foo", t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 limit 10; insert into table over1k_part_buck partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; insert into table over1k_part_buck_sort partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; desc formatted over1k_part partition(ds="foo",t=27); desc formatted over1k_part partition(ds="foo",t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); desc formatted over1k_part_limit partition(ds="foo",t=27); desc formatted over1k_part_limit partition(ds="foo",t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); desc formatted over1k_part_buck partition(t=27); desc formatted over1k_part_buck partition(t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); desc formatted over1k_part_buck_sort partition(t=27); desc formatted over1k_part_buck_sort partition(t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); select count(*) from over1k_part; select count(*) from over1k_part_limit; select count(*) from over1k_part_buck; select count(*) from over1k_part_buck_sort; -- tests for HIVE-6883 create table over1k_part2( si smallint, i int, b bigint, f float) partitioned by (ds string, t tinyint); set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=false; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 order by i; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 order by i; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=false; insert overwrite table over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 order by i; desc formatted over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t=27); desc formatted over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); select * from over1k_part2; select count(*) from over1k_part2; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true; insert overwrite table over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27 order by i; desc formatted over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t=27); desc formatted over1k_part2 partition(ds="foo",t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); select * from over1k_part2; select count(*) from over1k_part2; -- hadoop-1 does not honor number of reducers in local mode. There is always only 1 reducer irrespective of the number of buckets. -- Hence all records go to one bucket and all other buckets will be empty. Similar to HIVE-6867. However, hadoop-2 honors number -- of reducers and records are spread across all reducers. To avoid this inconsistency we will make number of buckets to 1 for this test. create table over1k_part_buck_sort2( si smallint, i int, b bigint, f float) partitioned by (t tinyint) clustered by (si) sorted by (f) into 1 buckets; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=false; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true; explain insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=false; insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; desc formatted over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t=27); desc formatted over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); select * from over1k_part_buck_sort2; select count(*) from over1k_part_buck_sort2; set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true; insert overwrite table over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t) select si,i,b,f,t from over1k where t is null or t=27; desc formatted over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t=27); desc formatted over1k_part_buck_sort2 partition(t="__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"); select * from over1k_part_buck_sort2; select count(*) from over1k_part_buck_sort2;