set hive.stats.dbclass=counter; set hive.stats.autogather=true; DROP TABLE lineitem; CREATE TABLE lineitem (L_ORDERKEY INT, L_PARTKEY INT, L_SUPPKEY INT, L_LINENUMBER INT, L_QUANTITY DOUBLE, L_EXTENDEDPRICE DOUBLE, L_DISCOUNT DOUBLE, L_TAX DOUBLE, L_RETURNFLAG STRING, L_LINESTATUS STRING, l_shipdate STRING, L_COMMITDATE STRING, L_RECEIPTDATE STRING, L_SHIPINSTRUCT STRING, L_SHIPMODE STRING, L_COMMENT STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/lineitem.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE lineitem; CREATE INDEX lineitem_lshipdate_idx ON TABLE lineitem(l_shipdate) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.AggregateIndexHandler' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD IDXPROPERTIES("AGGREGATES"="count(l_shipdate)"); ALTER INDEX lineitem_lshipdate_idx ON lineitem REBUILD; explain select l_shipdate, count(l_shipdate) from lineitem group by l_shipdate; select l_shipdate, count(l_shipdate) from lineitem group by l_shipdate order by l_shipdate; set hive.optimize.index.groupby=true; explain select l_shipdate, count(l_shipdate) from lineitem group by l_shipdate; select l_shipdate, count(l_shipdate) from lineitem group by l_shipdate order by l_shipdate; set hive.optimize.index.groupby=false; explain select year(l_shipdate) as year, month(l_shipdate) as month, count(l_shipdate) as monthly_shipments from lineitem group by year(l_shipdate), month(l_shipdate) order by year, month; select year(l_shipdate) as year, month(l_shipdate) as month, count(l_shipdate) as monthly_shipments from lineitem group by year(l_shipdate), month(l_shipdate) order by year, month; set hive.optimize.index.groupby=true; explain select year(l_shipdate) as year, month(l_shipdate) as month, count(l_shipdate) as monthly_shipments from lineitem group by year(l_shipdate), month(l_shipdate) order by year, month; select year(l_shipdate) as year, month(l_shipdate) as month, count(l_shipdate) as monthly_shipments from lineitem group by year(l_shipdate), month(l_shipdate) order by year, month; explain select lastyear.month, thisyear.month, (thisyear.monthly_shipments - lastyear.monthly_shipments) / lastyear.monthly_shipments as monthly_shipments_delta from (select year(l_shipdate) as year, month(l_shipdate) as month, count(l_shipdate) as monthly_shipments from lineitem where year(l_shipdate) = 1997 group by year(l_shipdate), month(l_shipdate) ) lastyear join (select year(l_shipdate) as year, month(l_shipdate) as month, count(l_shipdate) as monthly_shipments from lineitem where year(l_shipdate) = 1998 group by year(l_shipdate), month(l_shipdate) ) thisyear on lastyear.month = thisyear.month; explain select l_shipdate, cnt from (select l_shipdate, count(l_shipdate) as cnt from lineitem group by l_shipdate union all select l_shipdate, l_orderkey as cnt from lineitem) dummy; CREATE TABLE tbl(key int, value int); CREATE INDEX tbl_key_idx ON TABLE tbl(key) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.AggregateIndexHandler' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD IDXPROPERTIES("AGGREGATES"="count(key)"); ALTER INDEX tbl_key_idx ON tbl REBUILD; EXPLAIN select key, count(key) from tbl where key = 1 group by key; EXPLAIN select key, count(key) from tbl group by key; EXPLAIN select count(1) from tbl; EXPLAIN select count(key) from tbl; EXPLAIN select key FROM tbl GROUP BY key; EXPLAIN select key FROM tbl GROUP BY value, key; EXPLAIN select key FROM tbl WHERE key = 3 GROUP BY key; EXPLAIN select key FROM tbl WHERE value = 2 GROUP BY key; EXPLAIN select key FROM tbl GROUP BY key, substr(key,2,3); EXPLAIN select key, value FROM tbl GROUP BY value, key; EXPLAIN select key, value FROM tbl WHERE value = 1 GROUP BY key, value; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key FROM tbl; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key FROM tbl; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key FROM tbl; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key, value FROM tbl; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key, value FROM tbl WHERE value = 2; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key, value FROM tbl WHERE value = 2 AND key = 3; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key, value FROM tbl WHERE value = key; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key, substr(value,2,3) FROM tbl WHERE value = key; EXPLAIN select DISTINCT key, substr(value,2,3) FROM tbl; EXPLAIN select * FROM (select DISTINCT key, value FROM tbl) v1 WHERE v1.value = 2; DROP TABLE tbl; CREATE TABLE tblpart (key int, value string) PARTITIONED BY (ds string, hr int); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-08', hr=11) SELECT key, value FROM srcpart WHERE ds = '2008-04-08' AND hr = 11; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-08', hr=12) SELECT key, value FROM srcpart WHERE ds = '2008-04-08' AND hr = 12; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-09', hr=11) SELECT key, value FROM srcpart WHERE ds = '2008-04-09' AND hr = 11; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-09', hr=12) SELECT key, value FROM srcpart WHERE ds = '2008-04-09' AND hr = 12; CREATE INDEX tbl_part_index ON TABLE tblpart(key) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.AggregateIndexHandler' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD IDXPROPERTIES("AGGREGATES"="count(key)"); ALTER INDEX tbl_part_index ON tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-08', hr=11) REBUILD; EXPLAIN SELECT key, count(key) FROM tblpart WHERE ds='2008-04-09' AND hr=12 AND key < 10 GROUP BY key; ALTER INDEX tbl_part_index ON tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-08', hr=12) REBUILD; ALTER INDEX tbl_part_index ON tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-09', hr=11) REBUILD; ALTER INDEX tbl_part_index ON tblpart PARTITION (ds='2008-04-09', hr=12) REBUILD; EXPLAIN SELECT key, count(key) FROM tblpart WHERE ds='2008-04-09' AND hr=12 AND key < 10 GROUP BY key; DROP INDEX tbl_part_index on tblpart; DROP TABLE tblpart; CREATE TABLE tbl(key int, value int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/tbl.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE tbl; CREATE INDEX tbl_key_idx ON TABLE tbl(key) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.AggregateIndexHandler' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD IDXPROPERTIES("AGGREGATES"="count(key)"); ALTER INDEX tbl_key_idx ON tbl REBUILD; set hive.optimize.index.groupby=false; explain select key, count(key) from tbl group by key order by key; select key, count(key) from tbl group by key order by key; set hive.optimize.index.groupby=true; explain select key, count(key) from tbl group by key order by key; select key, count(key) from tbl group by key order by key; DROP TABLE tbl;