DROP TABLE IF EXISTS part; -- data setup CREATE TABLE part( p_partkey INT, p_name STRING, p_mfgr STRING, p_brand STRING, p_type STRING, p_size INT, p_container STRING, p_retailprice DECIMAL(6,2), p_comment STRING ); LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/part_tiny.txt' overwrite into table part; -- 1. aggregate functions with decimal type select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, lead(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c1, lag(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c2, first_value(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c3, last_value(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_name) as c4 from part; -- 2. ranking functions with decimal type select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, row_number() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c1, rank() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c2, dense_rank() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c3, percent_rank() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c4, cume_dist() over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c5, ntile(5) over (PARTITION BY p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice) as c6 from part; -- 3. order by decimal select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, lag(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr ORDER BY p_retailprice desc) as c1 from part; -- 4. partition by decimal select p_mfgr, p_retailprice, lag(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_retailprice) as c1 from part;