DROP TABLE orc_create; DROP TABLE orc_create_complex; DROP TABLE orc_create_staging; DROP TABLE orc_create_people_staging; DROP TABLE orc_create_people; CREATE TABLE orc_create_staging ( str STRING, mp MAP, lst ARRAY, strct STRUCT ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY ',' MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY ':'; DESCRIBE FORMATTED orc_create_staging; CREATE TABLE orc_create (key INT, value STRING) PARTITIONED BY (ds string) STORED AS ORC; DESCRIBE FORMATTED orc_create; DROP TABLE orc_create; CREATE TABLE orc_create (key INT, value STRING) PARTITIONED BY (ds string); DESCRIBE FORMATTED orc_create; ALTER TABLE orc_create SET FILEFORMAT ORC; DESCRIBE FORMATTED orc_create; DROP TABLE orc_create; set hive.default.fileformat=orc; CREATE TABLE orc_create (key INT, value STRING) PARTITIONED BY (ds string); set hive.default.fileformat=TextFile; DESCRIBE FORMATTED orc_create; CREATE TABLE orc_create_complex ( str STRING, mp MAP, lst ARRAY, strct STRUCT ) STORED AS ORC; DESCRIBE FORMATTED orc_create_complex; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/orc_create.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE orc_create_staging; SELECT * from orc_create_staging; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_complex SELECT * FROM orc_create_staging; SELECT * from orc_create_complex; SELECT str from orc_create_complex; SELECT mp from orc_create_complex; SELECT lst from orc_create_complex; SELECT strct from orc_create_complex; CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_staging ( id int, first_name string, last_name string, address string, salary decimal, start_date timestamp, state string); LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/orc_create_people.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE orc_create_people_staging; CREATE TABLE orc_create_people ( id int, first_name string, last_name string, address string, salary decimal, start_date timestamp) PARTITIONED BY (state string) STORED AS orc; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people PARTITION (state) SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging; SET hive.optimize.index.filter=true; -- test predicate push down with partition pruning SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where id < 10 and state = 'Ca'; -- test predicate push down SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where id = 50; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where id between 10 and 20; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where id > 10 and id < 100; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where (id + 1) = 20; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where (id + 10) < 200; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where id < 30 or first_name = "Rafael"; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where length(substr(first_name, 1, 2)) <= 2 and last_name like '%'; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where salary = 200.00; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people WHERE start_date IS NULL; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people WHERE YEAR(start_date) = 2014; -- test predicate push down with partition pruning SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orc_create_people where salary = 200.00 and state = 'Ca'; -- test predicate push down with no column projection SELECT id, first_name, last_name, address FROM orc_create_people WHERE id > 90 ORDER BY id, first_name, last_name; DROP TABLE orc_create; DROP TABLE orc_create_complex; DROP TABLE orc_create_staging; DROP TABLE orc_create_people_staging; DROP TABLE orc_create_people;