set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; set hive.enforce.sorting = true; set hive.exec.reducers.max = 10; set; set hive.groupby.skewindata=true; CREATE TABLE T1(key STRING, val STRING) CLUSTERED BY (key) SORTED BY (key) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/T1.txt' INTO TABLE T1; -- perform an insert to make sure there are 2 files INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE T1 select key, val from T1; CREATE TABLE outputTbl1(key int, cnt int); -- The plan should be converted to a map-side group by if the group by key -- matches the sorted key -- addind a order by at the end to make the test results deterministic EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; CREATE TABLE outputTbl2(key1 int, key2 string, cnt int); -- no map-side group by even if the group by key is a superset of sorted key EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl2 SELECT key, val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, val; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl2 SELECT key, val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, val; SELECT * FROM outputTbl2 ORDER BY key1, key2; -- It should work for sub-queries EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key, count(1) FROM (SELECT key, val FROM T1) subq1 GROUP BY key; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key, count(1) FROM (SELECT key, val FROM T1) subq1 GROUP BY key; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; -- It should work for sub-queries with column aliases EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT k, count(1) FROM (SELECT key as k, val as v FROM T1) subq1 GROUP BY k; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT k, count(1) FROM (SELECT key as k, val as v FROM T1) subq1 GROUP BY k; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; CREATE TABLE outputTbl3(key1 int, key2 int, cnt int); -- The plan should be converted to a map-side group by if the group by key contains a constant followed -- by a match to the sorted key EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl3 SELECT 1, key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY 1, key; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl3 SELECT 1, key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY 1, key; SELECT * FROM outputTbl3 ORDER BY key1, key2; CREATE TABLE outputTbl4(key1 int, key2 int, key3 string, cnt int); -- no map-side group by if the group by key contains a constant followed by another column EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 SELECT key, 1, val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, 1, val; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 SELECT key, 1, val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, 1, val; SELECT * FROM outputTbl4 ORDER BY key1, key2, key3; -- no map-side group by if the group by key contains a function EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl3 SELECT key, key + 1, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, key + 1; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl3 SELECT key, key + 1, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, key + 1; SELECT * FROM outputTbl3 ORDER BY key1, key2; -- it should not matter what follows the group by -- test various cases -- group by followed by another group by EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key + key, sum(cnt) from (SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq1 group by key + key; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key + key, sum(cnt) from (SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq1 group by key + key; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; -- group by followed by a union EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key UNION ALL SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key ) subq1; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key UNION ALL SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key ) subq1; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; -- group by followed by a union where one of the sub-queries is map-side group by EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key UNION ALL SELECT key + key as key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key + key ) subq1; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key UNION ALL SELECT key + key as key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key + key ) subq1; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; -- group by followed by a join EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt+subq2.cnt FROM (SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq1 JOIN (SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq2 ON subq1.key = subq2.key; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt+subq2.cnt FROM (SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq1 JOIN (SELECT key, count(1) as cnt FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq2 ON subq1.key = subq2.key; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; -- group by followed by a join where one of the sub-queries can be performed in the mapper EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM (SELECT key, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key) subq1 JOIN (SELECT key, val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY key, val) subq2 ON subq1.key = subq2.key; CREATE TABLE T2(key STRING, val STRING) CLUSTERED BY (key, val) SORTED BY (key, val) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; -- perform an insert to make sure there are 2 files INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE T2 select key, val from T1; -- no mapside sort group by if the group by is a prefix of the sorted key EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key, count(1) FROM T2 GROUP BY key; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT key, count(1) FROM T2 GROUP BY key; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY key; -- The plan should be converted to a map-side group by if the group by key contains a constant in between the -- sorted keys EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 SELECT key, 1, val, count(1) FROM T2 GROUP BY key, 1, val; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 SELECT key, 1, val, count(1) FROM T2 GROUP BY key, 1, val; SELECT * FROM outputTbl4 ORDER BY key1, key2, key3; CREATE TABLE outputTbl5(key1 int, key2 int, key3 string, key4 int, cnt int); -- The plan should be converted to a map-side group by if the group by key contains a constant in between the -- sorted keys followed by anything EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl5 SELECT key, 1, val, 2, count(1) FROM T2 GROUP BY key, 1, val, 2; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl5 SELECT key, 1, val, 2, count(1) FROM T2 GROUP BY key, 1, val, 2; SELECT * FROM outputTbl5 ORDER BY key1, key2, key3, key4; -- contants from sub-queries should work fine EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 SELECT key, constant, val, count(1) from (SELECT key, 1 as constant, val from T2)subq group by key, constant, val; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 SELECT key, constant, val, count(1) from (SELECT key, 1 as constant, val from T2)subq group by key, constant, val; SELECT * FROM outputTbl4 ORDER BY key1, key2, key3; -- multiple levels of contants from sub-queries should work fine EXPLAIN EXTENDED INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 select key, constant3, val, count(1) from ( SELECT key, constant as constant2, val, 2 as constant3 from (SELECT key, 1 as constant, val from T2)subq )subq2 group by key, constant3, val; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl4 select key, constant3, val, count(1) from ( SELECT key, constant as constant2, val, 2 as constant3 from (SELECT key, 1 as constant, val from T2)subq )subq2 group by key, constant3, val; SELECT * FROM outputTbl4 ORDER BY key1, key2, key3; set; set hive.multigroupby.singlereducer=false; set mapred.reduce.tasks=31; CREATE TABLE DEST1(key INT, cnt INT); CREATE TABLE DEST2(key INT, val STRING, cnt INT); SET hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true; SET hive.exec.compress.output=true; EXPLAIN FROM T2 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST1 SELECT key, count(1) GROUP BY key INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST2 SELECT key, val, count(1) GROUP BY key, val; FROM T2 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST1 SELECT key, count(1) GROUP BY key INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST2 SELECT key, val, count(1) GROUP BY key, val; select * from DEST1 ORDER BY key, cnt; select * from DEST2 ORDER BY key, val, val; -- multi-table insert with a sub-query EXPLAIN FROM (select key, val from T2 where key = 8) x INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST1 SELECT key, count(1) GROUP BY key INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST2 SELECT key, val, count(1) GROUP BY key, val; FROM (select key, val from T2 where key = 8) x INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST1 SELECT key, count(1) GROUP BY key INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE DEST2 SELECT key, val, count(1) GROUP BY key, val; select * from DEST1 ORDER BY key, cnt; select * from DEST2 ORDER BY key, val, cnt;