set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; set hive.enforce.sorting = true; set hive.exec.reducers.max = 10; set; CREATE TABLE T1(key STRING, val STRING) CLUSTERED BY (key) SORTED BY (val) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/T1.txt' INTO TABLE T1; -- perform an insert to make sure there are 2 files INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE T1 select key, val from T1; CREATE TABLE outputTbl1(val string, cnt int); -- The plan should not be converted to a map-side group by even though the group by key -- matches the sorted key. Adding a order by at the end to make the test results deterministic EXPLAIN INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY val; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE outputTbl1 SELECT val, count(1) FROM T1 GROUP BY val; SELECT * FROM outputTbl1 ORDER BY val;