PREHOOK: query: DROP TABLE part PREHOOK: type: DROPTABLE POSTHOOK: query: DROP TABLE part POSTHOOK: type: DROPTABLE PREHOOK: query: -- data setup CREATE TABLE part( p_partkey INT, p_name STRING, p_mfgr STRING, p_brand STRING, p_type STRING, p_size INT, p_container STRING, p_retailprice DOUBLE, p_comment STRING ) PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@part POSTHOOK: query: -- data setup CREATE TABLE part( p_partkey INT, p_name STRING, p_mfgr STRING, p_brand STRING, p_type STRING, p_size INT, p_container STRING, p_retailprice DOUBLE, p_comment STRING ) POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@part PREHOOK: query: LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/part_tiny.txt' overwrite into table part PREHOOK: type: LOAD #### A masked pattern was here #### PREHOOK: Output: default@part POSTHOOK: query: LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/part_tiny.txt' overwrite into table part POSTHOOK: type: LOAD #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: Output: default@part PREHOOK: query: -- 1. testWindowing select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 1. testWindowing select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 4100.06 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 5702.650000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 7117.070000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 5523.360000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 7222.02 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 2861.95 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 4272.34 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 6195.32 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 7532.61 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 2996.09 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 4202.35 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 6047.27 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 3401.3500000000004 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 5190.08 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 6208.18 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: -- 2. testGroupByWithPartitioning select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, min(p_retailprice), rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name)as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part group by p_mfgr, p_name, p_size PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 2. testGroupByWithPartitioning select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, min(p_retailprice), rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name)as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part group by p_mfgr, p_name, p_size POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1173.15 1 1 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 1753.76 2 2 34 32 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 1602.59 3 3 6 -28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 1414.42 4 4 28 22 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 5 5 42 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1690.68 1 1 14 0 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 1800.7 2 2 40 26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2031.98 3 3 2 -38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 1698.66 4 4 25 23 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 1701.6 5 5 18 -7 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1671.68 1 1 17 0 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 1190.27 2 2 14 -3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 1410.39 3 3 19 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1922.98 4 4 1 -18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 5 5 45 44 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1620.67 1 1 10 0 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 1375.42 2 2 39 29 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 1206.26 3 3 27 -12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 1844.92 4 4 7 -20 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 1290.35 5 5 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1789.69 1 1 31 0 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 1611.66 2 2 6 -25 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 1788.73 3 3 2 -4 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 1018.1 4 4 46 44 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 1464.48 5 5 23 -23 PREHOOK: query: -- 3. testGroupByHavingWithSWQ select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, min(p_retailprice), rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part group by p_mfgr, p_name, p_size having p_size > 0 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 3. testGroupByHavingWithSWQ select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, min(p_retailprice), rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part group by p_mfgr, p_name, p_size having p_size > 0 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1173.15 1 1 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 1753.76 2 2 34 32 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 1602.59 3 3 6 -28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 1414.42 4 4 28 22 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 5 5 42 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1690.68 1 1 14 0 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 1800.7 2 2 40 26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2031.98 3 3 2 -38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 1698.66 4 4 25 23 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 1701.6 5 5 18 -7 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1671.68 1 1 17 0 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 1190.27 2 2 14 -3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 1410.39 3 3 19 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1922.98 4 4 1 -18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 5 5 45 44 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1620.67 1 1 10 0 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 1375.42 2 2 39 29 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 1206.26 3 3 27 -12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 1844.92 4 4 7 -20 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 1290.35 5 5 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1789.69 1 1 31 0 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 1611.66 2 2 6 -25 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 1788.73 3 3 2 -4 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 1018.1 4 4 46 44 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 1464.48 5 5 23 -23 PREHOOK: query: -- 4. testCount select p_mfgr, p_name, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cd from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 4. testCount select p_mfgr, p_name, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cd from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 4 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 5 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 1 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 3 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 4 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 4 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 5 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 1 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 2 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 3 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 4 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 1 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 3 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 4 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 5. testCountWithWindowingUDAF select p_mfgr, p_name, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cd, p_retailprice, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 5. testCountWithWindowingUDAF select p_mfgr, p_name, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cd, p_retailprice, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 1 2 1173.15 1173.15 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 1 2 1173.15 2346.3 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 3 2 3 1753.76 4100.06 34 32 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 4 3 4 1602.59 5702.650000000001 6 -28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 5 4 5 1414.42 7117.070000000001 28 22 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 6 5 6 1632.66 8749.730000000001 42 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 1 1 1 1690.68 1690.68 14 0 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 2 2 2 1800.7 3491.38 40 26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 3 3 3 2031.98 5523.360000000001 2 -38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 4 4 4 1698.66 7222.02 25 23 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 5 5 5 1701.6 8923.62 18 -7 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 1 1 1 1671.68 1671.68 17 0 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 2 2 2 1190.27 2861.95 14 -3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 3 3 3 1410.39 4272.34 19 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 4 4 4 1922.98 6195.32 1 -18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 5 5 5 1337.29 7532.61 45 44 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 1 1 1 1620.67 1620.67 10 0 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 2 2 2 1375.42 2996.09 39 29 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 3 3 3 1206.26 4202.35 27 -12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 4 4 4 1844.92 6047.27 7 -20 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 5 5 5 1290.35 7337.620000000001 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 1 1 1 1789.69 1789.69 31 0 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 2 2 2 1611.66 3401.3500000000004 6 -25 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 3 3 3 1788.73 5190.08 2 -4 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 4 4 4 1018.1 6208.18 46 44 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 5 5 5 1464.48 7672.66 23 -23 PREHOOK: query: -- 6. testCountInSubQ select sub1.r, sub1.dr,, sub1.s1, sub1.deltaSz from (select p_mfgr, p_name, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cd, p_retailprice, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part ) sub1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 6. testCountInSubQ select sub1.r, sub1.dr,, sub1.s1, sub1.deltaSz from (select p_mfgr, p_name, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cd, p_retailprice, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part ) sub1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### 1 1 2 1173.15 0 1 1 2 2346.3 0 3 2 3 4100.06 32 4 3 4 5702.650000000001 -28 5 4 5 7117.070000000001 22 6 5 6 8749.730000000001 14 1 1 1 1690.68 0 2 2 2 3491.38 26 3 3 3 5523.360000000001 -38 4 4 4 7222.02 23 5 5 5 8923.62 -7 1 1 1 1671.68 0 2 2 2 2861.95 -3 3 3 3 4272.34 5 4 4 4 6195.32 -18 5 5 5 7532.61 44 1 1 1 1620.67 0 2 2 2 2996.09 29 3 3 3 4202.35 -12 4 4 4 6047.27 -20 5 5 5 7337.620000000001 5 1 1 1 1789.69 0 2 2 2 3401.3500000000004 -25 3 3 3 5190.08 -4 4 4 4 6208.18 44 5 5 5 7672.66 -23 PREHOOK: query: -- 7. testJoinWithWindowingAndPTF select abc.p_mfgr, abc.p_name, rank() over(distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name) as dr, abc.p_retailprice, sum(abc.p_retailprice) over (distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, abc.p_size, abc.p_size - lag(abc.p_size,1,abc.p_size) over(distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name) as deltaSz from noop(on part partition by p_mfgr order by p_name ) abc join part p1 on abc.p_partkey = p1.p_partkey PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 7. testJoinWithWindowingAndPTF select abc.p_mfgr, abc.p_name, rank() over(distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name) as dr, abc.p_retailprice, sum(abc.p_retailprice) over (distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, abc.p_size, abc.p_size - lag(abc.p_size,1,abc.p_size) over(distribute by abc.p_mfgr sort by abc.p_name) as deltaSz from noop(on part partition by p_mfgr order by p_name ) abc join part p1 on abc.p_partkey = p1.p_partkey POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 1 1173.15 1173.15 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 1 1173.15 2346.3 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 1 1173.15 3519.4500000000003 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 1 1173.15 4692.6 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 5 2 1753.76 6446.360000000001 34 32 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 3 1602.59 8048.950000000001 6 -28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 7 4 1414.42 9463.37 28 22 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 8 5 1632.66 11096.03 42 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 1 1 1690.68 1690.68 14 0 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 2 2 1800.7 3491.38 40 26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 3 3 2031.98 5523.360000000001 2 -38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 4 4 1698.66 7222.02 25 23 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 5 5 1701.6 8923.62 18 -7 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 1 1 1671.68 1671.68 17 0 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 2 2 1190.27 2861.95 14 -3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 3 3 1410.39 4272.34 19 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 4 4 1922.98 6195.32 1 -18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 5 5 1337.29 7532.61 45 44 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 1 1 1620.67 1620.67 10 0 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 2 2 1375.42 2996.09 39 29 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 3 3 1206.26 4202.35 27 -12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 4 4 1844.92 6047.27 7 -20 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 5 5 1290.35 7337.620000000001 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 1 1 1789.69 1789.69 31 0 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 2 2 1611.66 3401.3500000000004 6 -25 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 3 3 1788.73 5190.08 2 -4 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 4 4 1018.1 6208.18 46 44 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 5 5 1464.48 7672.66 23 -23 PREHOOK: query: -- 8. testMixedCaseAlias select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name, p_size desc) as R from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 8. testMixedCaseAlias select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name, p_size desc) as R from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 9. testHavingWithWindowingNoGBY select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 9. testHavingWithWindowingNoGBY select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 4100.06 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 5702.650000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 7117.070000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 5523.360000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 7222.02 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 2861.95 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 4272.34 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 6195.32 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 7532.61 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 2996.09 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 4202.35 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 6047.27 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 3401.3500000000004 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 5190.08 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 6208.18 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: -- 10. testHavingWithWindowingCondRankNoGBY select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 10. testHavingWithWindowingCondRankNoGBY select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 4100.06 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 5702.650000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 7117.070000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 5523.360000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 7222.02 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 2861.95 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 4272.34 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 6195.32 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 7532.61 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 2996.09 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 4202.35 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 6047.27 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 3401.3500000000004 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 5190.08 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 6208.18 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: -- 11. testFirstLast select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and current row) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as f, last_value(p_size, false) over w1 as l from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 11. testFirstLast select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and current row) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as f, last_value(p_size, false) over w1 as l from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 2 34 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 2 6 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 34 2 28 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 6 2 42 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 28 34 42 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 42 6 42 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 14 14 2 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 40 14 25 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 14 18 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 25 40 18 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 18 2 18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 17 17 19 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 14 17 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 19 17 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 14 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 45 19 45 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 10 10 27 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 39 10 7 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 27 10 12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7 39 12 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 12 27 12 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 31 31 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 6 31 46 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 31 23 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 46 6 23 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 23 2 23 PREHOOK: query: -- 12. testFirstLastWithWhere select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and current row) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as f, last_value(p_size, false) over w1 as l from part where p_mfgr = 'Manufacturer#3' window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 12. testFirstLastWithWhere select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and current row) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as f, last_value(p_size, false) over w1 as l from part where p_mfgr = 'Manufacturer#3' window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 17 17 19 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 14 17 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 19 17 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 1 14 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 45 19 45 PREHOOK: query: -- 13. testSumWindow select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and current row) as s2 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 13. testSumWindow select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and current row) as s2 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 38 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 44 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 72 34 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 112 6 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 110 28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 76 42 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 56 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 81 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 99 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 85 25 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 45 18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 50 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 51 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 96 19 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 79 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 65 45 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 76 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 83 39 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 95 27 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 85 7 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 46 12 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 39 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 85 6 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 108 2 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 77 46 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 71 23 PREHOOK: query: -- 14. testNoSortClause select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 14. testNoSortClause select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 15. testExpressions select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, cume_dist() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cud, percent_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as pr, ntile(3) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as nt, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as ca, avg(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as avg, stddev(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as st, first_value(p_size % 5) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as fv, last_value(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as lv, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fvW1 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 15. testExpressions select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, cume_dist() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cud, percent_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as pr, ntile(3) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as nt, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as ca, avg(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as avg, stddev(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as st, first_value(p_size % 5) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as fv, last_value(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as lv, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fvW1 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 0.3333333333333333 0.0 1 2 2.0 0.0 2 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 0.3333333333333333 0.0 1 2 2.0 0.0 2 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 0.5 0.4 2 3 12.666666666666666 15.084944665313014 2 34 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 0.6666666666666666 0.6 2 4 11.0 13.379088160259652 2 6 2 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 0.8333333333333334 0.8 3 5 14.4 13.763720427268202 2 28 34 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 1.0 1.0 3 6 19.0 16.237815945091466 2 42 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 0.2 0.0 1 1 14.0 0.0 4 14 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 0.4 0.25 1 2 27.0 13.0 4 40 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 0.6 0.5 2 3 18.666666666666668 15.86050300449376 4 2 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 0.8 0.75 2 4 20.25 14.00669482783144 4 25 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 1.0 1.0 3 5 19.8 12.560254774486067 4 18 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 0.2 0.0 1 1 17.0 0.0 2 17 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 0.4 0.25 1 2 15.5 1.5 2 14 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 0.6 0.5 2 3 16.666666666666668 2.0548046676563256 2 19 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 0.8 0.75 2 4 12.75 7.013380069552769 2 1 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 1.0 1.0 3 5 19.2 14.344336861632886 2 45 19 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 0.2 0.0 1 1 10.0 0.0 0 10 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 0.4 0.25 1 2 24.5 14.5 0 39 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 0.6 0.5 2 3 25.333333333333332 11.897712198383164 0 27 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 0.8 0.75 2 4 20.75 13.007209539328564 0 7 39 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 1.0 1.0 3 5 19.0 12.149074038789951 0 12 27 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 0.2 0.0 1 1 31.0 0.0 1 31 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 0.4 0.25 1 2 18.5 12.5 1 6 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 0.6 0.5 2 3 13.0 12.832251036613439 1 2 31 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 0.8 0.75 2 4 21.25 18.102140757380052 1 46 6 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 1.0 1.0 3 5 21.6 16.206171663906314 1 23 2 PREHOOK: query: -- 16. testMultipleWindows select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, cume_dist() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cud, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between 5 preceding and current row) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fv1 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 16. testMultipleWindows select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, cume_dist() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cud, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between 5 preceding and current row) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fv1 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 0.3333333333333333 4 4 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 0.3333333333333333 4 4 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 0.5 38 34 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 0.6666666666666666 44 10 2 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 0.8333333333333334 72 28 34 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 1.0 114 42 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 0.2 14 14 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 0.4 54 40 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 0.6 56 2 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 0.8 81 25 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 1.0 99 32 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 0.2 17 31 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 0.4 31 14 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 0.6 50 50 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 0.8 51 1 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 1.0 96 45 19 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 0.2 10 17 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 0.4 49 39 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 0.6 76 27 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 0.8 83 7 39 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 1.0 95 29 27 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 0.2 31 31 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 0.4 37 8 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 0.6 39 2 31 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 0.8 85 46 6 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 1.0 108 23 2 PREHOOK: query: -- 17. testCountStar select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, count(*) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name ) as c, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as ca, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fvW1 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 17. testCountStar select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, count(*) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name ) as c, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as ca, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fvW1 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 3 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 4 2 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 5 34 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 6 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 19 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 39 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 27 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 31 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 6 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 2 PREHOOK: query: -- 18. testUDAFs select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over w1 as s, min(p_retailprice) over w1 as mi, max(p_retailprice) over w1 as ma, avg(p_retailprice) over w1 as ag from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 18. testUDAFs select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over w1 as s, min(p_retailprice) over w1 as mi, max(p_retailprice) over w1 as ma, avg(p_retailprice) over w1 as ag from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4100.06 1173.15 1753.76 1366.6866666666667 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 5702.650000000001 1173.15 1753.76 1425.6625000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 7117.070000000001 1173.15 1753.76 1423.4140000000002 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 7576.580000000002 1173.15 1753.76 1515.3160000000003 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 6403.430000000001 1414.42 1753.76 1600.8575000000003 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 4649.670000000001 1414.42 1632.66 1549.8900000000003 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 5523.360000000001 1690.68 2031.98 1841.1200000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 7222.02 1690.68 2031.98 1805.505 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 8923.62 1690.68 2031.98 1784.7240000000002 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 7232.9400000000005 1698.66 2031.98 1808.2350000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5432.240000000001 1698.66 2031.98 1810.746666666667 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 4272.34 1190.27 1671.68 1424.1133333333335 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 6195.32 1190.27 1922.98 1548.83 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 7532.61 1190.27 1922.98 1506.522 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 5860.929999999999 1190.27 1922.98 1465.2324999999998 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 4670.66 1337.29 1922.98 1556.8866666666665 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 4202.35 1206.26 1620.67 1400.7833333333335 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 6047.27 1206.26 1844.92 1511.8175 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 7337.620000000001 1206.26 1844.92 1467.5240000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 5716.950000000001 1206.26 1844.92 1429.2375000000002 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 4341.530000000001 1206.26 1844.92 1447.176666666667 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 5190.08 1611.66 1789.69 1730.0266666666666 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 6208.18 1018.1 1789.69 1552.045 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 7672.66 1018.1 1789.69 1534.532 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 5882.969999999999 1018.1 1788.73 1470.7424999999998 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 4271.3099999999995 1018.1 1788.73 1423.7699999999998 PREHOOK: query: -- 19. testUDAFsWithGBY select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, p_retailprice, sum(p_retailprice) over w1 as s, min(p_retailprice) as mi , max(p_retailprice) as ma , avg(p_retailprice) over w1 as ag from part group by p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, p_retailprice window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 19. testUDAFsWithGBY select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, p_retailprice, sum(p_retailprice) over w1 as s, min(p_retailprice) as mi , max(p_retailprice) as ma , avg(p_retailprice) over w1 as ag from part group by p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, p_retailprice window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1173.15 4529.5 1173.15 1173.15 1509.8333333333333 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 1753.76 5943.92 1753.76 1753.76 1485.98 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 1602.59 7576.58 1602.59 1602.59 1515.316 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 1414.42 6403.43 1414.42 1414.42 1600.8575 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 4649.67 1632.66 1632.66 1549.89 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1690.68 5523.360000000001 1690.68 1690.68 1841.1200000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 1800.7 7222.02 1800.7 1800.7 1805.505 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2031.98 8923.62 2031.98 2031.98 1784.7240000000002 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 1698.66 7232.9400000000005 1698.66 1698.66 1808.2350000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 1701.6 5432.240000000001 1701.6 1701.6 1810.746666666667 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1671.68 4272.34 1671.68 1671.68 1424.1133333333335 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 1190.27 6195.32 1190.27 1190.27 1548.83 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 1410.39 7532.61 1410.39 1410.39 1506.522 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1922.98 5860.929999999999 1922.98 1922.98 1465.2324999999998 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 4670.66 1337.29 1337.29 1556.8866666666665 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1620.67 4202.35 1620.67 1620.67 1400.7833333333335 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 1375.42 6047.27 1375.42 1375.42 1511.8175 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 1206.26 7337.620000000001 1206.26 1206.26 1467.5240000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 1844.92 5716.950000000001 1844.92 1844.92 1429.2375000000002 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 1290.35 4341.530000000001 1290.35 1290.35 1447.176666666667 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1789.69 5190.08 1789.69 1789.69 1730.0266666666666 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 1611.66 6208.18 1611.66 1611.66 1552.045 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 1788.73 7672.66 1788.73 1788.73 1534.532 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 1018.1 5882.969999999999 1018.1 1018.1 1470.7424999999998 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 1464.48 4271.3099999999995 1464.48 1464.48 1423.7699999999998 PREHOOK: query: -- 20. testSTATs select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, stddev(p_retailprice) over w1 as sdev, stddev_pop(p_retailprice) over w1 as sdev_pop, collect_set(p_size) over w1 as uniq_size, variance(p_retailprice) over w1 as var, corr(p_size, p_retailprice) over w1 as cor, covar_pop(p_size, p_retailprice) over w1 as covarp from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 20. testSTATs select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, stddev(p_retailprice) over w1 as sdev, stddev_pop(p_retailprice) over w1 as sdev_pop, collect_set(p_size) over w1 as uniq_size, variance(p_retailprice) over w1 as var, corr(p_size, p_retailprice) over w1 as cor, covar_pop(p_size, p_retailprice) over w1 as covarp from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 273.70217881648074 273.70217881648074 [34,2] 74912.8826888888 1.0 4128.782222222221 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 258.10677784349235 258.10677784349235 [34,2,6] 66619.10876874991 0.811328754177887 2801.7074999999995 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 230.90151585470358 230.90151585470358 [34,2,6,28] 53315.51002399992 0.695639377397664 2210.7864 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 202.73109328368946 202.73109328368946 [34,2,6,42,28] 41099.896184 0.630785977101214 2009.9536000000007 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 121.6064517973862 121.6064517973862 [34,6,42,28] 14788.129118750014 0.2036684720435979 331.1337500000004 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 96.5751586416853 96.5751586416853 [6,42,28] 9326.761266666683 -1.4442181184933883E-4 -0.20666666666708502 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 142.2363169751898 142.2363169751898 [2,40,14] 20231.169866666663 -0.49369526554523185 -1113.7466666666658 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 137.76306498840682 137.76306498840682 [2,25,40,14] 18978.662075 -0.5205630897335946 -1004.4812499999995 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 130.03972279269132 130.03972279269132 [2,18,25,40,14] 16910.329504000005 -0.46908967495720255 -766.1791999999995 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 135.55100986344584 135.55100986344584 [2,18,25,40] 18374.07627499999 -0.6091405874714462 -1128.1787499999987 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 156.44019460768044 156.44019460768044 [2,18,25] 24473.534488888927 -0.9571686373491608 -1441.4466666666676 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 196.7742266885805 196.7742266885805 [17,19,14] 38720.09628888887 0.5557168646224995 224.6944444444446 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 275.14144189852607 275.14144189852607 [17,1,19,14] 75702.81305 -0.6720833036576083 -1296.9000000000003 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 260.23473614412046 260.23473614412046 [17,1,19,14,45] 67722.117896 -0.5703526513979519 -2129.0664 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 275.9139962356932 275.9139962356932 [1,19,14,45] 76128.53331875012 -0.577476899644802 -2547.7868749999993 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 260.5815918713796 260.5815918713796 [1,19,45] 67902.76602222225 -0.8710736366736884 -4099.731111111111 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 170.13011889596618 170.13011889596618 [39,27,10] 28944.25735555559 -0.6656975320098423 -1347.4777777777779 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 242.26834609323197 242.26834609323197 [39,7,27,10] 58693.95151875002 -0.8051852719193339 -2537.328125 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 234.10001662537326 234.10001662537326 [39,7,27,10,12] 54802.817784000035 -0.6046935574240581 -1719.8079999999995 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 247.3342714197732 247.3342714197732 [39,7,27,12] 61174.24181875003 -0.5508665654707869 -1719.0368749999975 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 283.3344330566893 283.3344330566893 [7,27,12] 80278.40095555557 -0.7755740084632333 -1867.4888888888881 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 83.69879024746363 83.69879024746363 [2,6,31] 7005.487488888913 0.39004303087285047 418.9233333333353 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 316.68049612345885 316.68049612345885 [2,6,46,31] 100286.53662500004 -0.713612911776183 -4090.853749999999 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 285.40506298242155 285.40506298242155 [2,23,6,46,31] 81456.04997600002 -0.712858514567818 -3297.2011999999986 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 285.43749038756283 285.43749038756283 [2,23,6,46] 81474.56091875004 -0.984128787153391 -4871.028125000002 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 315.9225931564038 315.9225931564038 [2,23,46] 99807.08486666664 -0.9978877469246936 -5664.856666666666 PREHOOK: query: -- 21. testDISTs select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, histogram_numeric(p_retailprice, 5) over w1 as hist, percentile(p_partkey, 0.5) over w1 as per, row_number() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as rn from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 21. testDISTs select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, histogram_numeric(p_retailprice, 5) over w1 as hist, percentile(p_partkey, 0.5) over w1 as per, row_number() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as rn from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 [{"x":1173.15,"y":2.0},{"x":1753.76,"y":1.0}] 121152.0 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 [{"x":1173.15,"y":2.0},{"x":1602.59,"y":1.0},{"x":1753.76,"y":1.0}] 115872.0 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 [{"x":1173.15,"y":2.0},{"x":1414.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1602.59,"y":1.0},{"x":1753.76,"y":1.0}] 110592.0 3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 [{"x":1173.15,"y":1.0},{"x":1414.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1602.59,"y":1.0},{"x":1632.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1753.76,"y":1.0}] 86428.0 4 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 [{"x":1414.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1602.59,"y":1.0},{"x":1632.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1753.76,"y":1.0}] 86098.0 5 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 [{"x":1414.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1602.59,"y":1.0},{"x":1632.66,"y":1.0}] 86428.0 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 [{"x":1690.68,"y":1.0},{"x":1800.7,"y":1.0},{"x":2031.98,"y":1.0}] 146985.0 1 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 [{"x":1690.68,"y":1.0},{"x":1698.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1800.7,"y":1.0},{"x":2031.98,"y":1.0}] 139825.5 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 [{"x":1690.68,"y":1.0},{"x":1698.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1701.6,"y":1.0},{"x":1800.7,"y":1.0},{"x":2031.98,"y":1.0}] 146985.0 3 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 [{"x":1698.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1701.6,"y":1.0},{"x":1800.7,"y":1.0},{"x":2031.98,"y":1.0}] 169347.0 4 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 [{"x":1698.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1701.6,"y":1.0},{"x":2031.98,"y":1.0}] 146985.0 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 [{"x":1190.27,"y":1.0},{"x":1410.39,"y":1.0},{"x":1671.68,"y":1.0}] 90681.0 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 [{"x":1190.27,"y":1.0},{"x":1410.39,"y":1.0},{"x":1671.68,"y":1.0},{"x":1922.98,"y":1.0}] 65831.5 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 [{"x":1190.27,"y":1.0},{"x":1337.29,"y":1.0},{"x":1410.39,"y":1.0},{"x":1671.68,"y":1.0},{"x":1922.98,"y":1.0}] 90681.0 3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 [{"x":1190.27,"y":1.0},{"x":1337.29,"y":1.0},{"x":1410.39,"y":1.0},{"x":1922.98,"y":1.0}] 76690.0 4 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 [{"x":1337.29,"y":1.0},{"x":1410.39,"y":1.0},{"x":1922.98,"y":1.0}] 112398.0 5 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 [{"x":1206.26,"y":1.0},{"x":1375.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1620.67,"y":1.0}] 48427.0 1 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 [{"x":1206.26,"y":1.0},{"x":1375.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1620.67,"y":1.0},{"x":1844.92,"y":1.0}] 46844.0 2 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 [{"x":1206.26,"y":1.0},{"x":1290.35,"y":1.0},{"x":1375.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1620.67,"y":1.0},{"x":1844.92,"y":1.0}] 45261.0 3 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 [{"x":1206.26,"y":1.0},{"x":1290.35,"y":1.0},{"x":1375.42,"y":1.0},{"x":1844.92,"y":1.0}] 39309.0 4 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 [{"x":1206.26,"y":1.0},{"x":1290.35,"y":1.0},{"x":1844.92,"y":1.0}] 33357.0 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 [{"x":1611.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1788.73,"y":1.0},{"x":1789.69,"y":1.0}] 155733.0 1 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 [{"x":1018.1,"y":1.0},{"x":1611.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1788.73,"y":1.0},{"x":1789.69,"y":1.0}] 99201.0 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 [{"x":1018.1,"y":1.0},{"x":1464.48,"y":1.0},{"x":1611.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1788.73,"y":1.0},{"x":1789.69,"y":1.0}] 78486.0 3 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 [{"x":1018.1,"y":1.0},{"x":1464.48,"y":1.0},{"x":1611.66,"y":1.0},{"x":1788.73,"y":1.0}] 60577.5 4 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 [{"x":1018.1,"y":1.0},{"x":1464.48,"y":1.0},{"x":1788.73,"y":1.0}] 78486.0 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 22. testViewAsTableInputWithWindowing create view IF NOT EXISTS mfgr_price_view as select p_mfgr, p_brand, round(sum(p_retailprice),2) as s from part group by p_mfgr, p_brand PREHOOK: type: CREATEVIEW PREHOOK: Input: default@part PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@mfgr_price_view POSTHOOK: query: -- 22. testViewAsTableInputWithWindowing create view IF NOT EXISTS mfgr_price_view as select p_mfgr, p_brand, round(sum(p_retailprice),2) as s from part group by p_mfgr, p_brand POSTHOOK: type: CREATEVIEW POSTHOOK: Input: default@part POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@mfgr_price_view PREHOOK: query: select * from ( select p_mfgr, p_brand, s, round(sum(s) over w1 , 2) as s1 from mfgr_price_view window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr ) ) sq order by p_mfgr, p_brand PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@mfgr_price_view PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select * from ( select p_mfgr, p_brand, s, round(sum(s) over w1 , 2) as s1 from mfgr_price_view window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr ) ) sq order by p_mfgr, p_brand POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@mfgr_price_view POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 Brand#12 4800.84 8749.73 Manufacturer#1 Brand#14 2346.3 8749.73 Manufacturer#1 Brand#15 1602.59 8749.73 Manufacturer#2 Brand#22 3491.38 8923.62 Manufacturer#2 Brand#23 2031.98 8923.62 Manufacturer#2 Brand#24 1698.66 8923.62 Manufacturer#2 Brand#25 1701.6 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 Brand#31 1671.68 7532.61 Manufacturer#3 Brand#32 3333.37 7532.61 Manufacturer#3 Brand#34 1337.29 7532.61 Manufacturer#3 Brand#35 1190.27 7532.61 Manufacturer#4 Brand#41 4755.94 7337.62 Manufacturer#4 Brand#42 2581.68 7337.62 Manufacturer#5 Brand#51 1611.66 7672.66 Manufacturer#5 Brand#52 3254.17 7672.66 Manufacturer#5 Brand#53 2806.83 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, p_brand, s, round(sum(s) over w1 ,2) as s1 from mfgr_price_view window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_brand rows between 2 preceding and current row) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@mfgr_price_view PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select p_mfgr, p_brand, s, round(sum(s) over w1 ,2) as s1 from mfgr_price_view window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_brand rows between 2 preceding and current row) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@mfgr_price_view POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 Brand#12 4800.84 4800.84 Manufacturer#1 Brand#14 2346.3 7147.14 Manufacturer#1 Brand#15 1602.59 8749.73 Manufacturer#2 Brand#22 3491.38 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 Brand#23 2031.98 5523.36 Manufacturer#2 Brand#24 1698.66 7222.02 Manufacturer#2 Brand#25 1701.6 5432.24 Manufacturer#3 Brand#31 1671.68 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 Brand#32 3333.37 5005.05 Manufacturer#3 Brand#34 1337.29 6342.34 Manufacturer#3 Brand#35 1190.27 5860.93 Manufacturer#4 Brand#41 4755.94 4755.94 Manufacturer#4 Brand#42 2581.68 7337.62 Manufacturer#5 Brand#51 1611.66 1611.66 Manufacturer#5 Brand#52 3254.17 4865.83 Manufacturer#5 Brand#53 2806.83 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: -- 23. testCreateViewWithWindowingQuery create view IF NOT EXISTS mfgr_brand_price_view as select p_mfgr, p_brand, sum(p_retailprice) over w1 as s from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and current row) PREHOOK: type: CREATEVIEW PREHOOK: Input: default@part PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@mfgr_brand_price_view POSTHOOK: query: -- 23. testCreateViewWithWindowingQuery create view IF NOT EXISTS mfgr_brand_price_view as select p_mfgr, p_brand, sum(p_retailprice) over w1 as s from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and current row) POSTHOOK: type: CREATEVIEW POSTHOOK: Input: default@part POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@mfgr_brand_price_view PREHOOK: query: select * from mfgr_brand_price_view PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@mfgr_brand_price_view PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select * from mfgr_brand_price_view POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@mfgr_brand_price_view POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 Brand#14 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 Brand#14 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 Brand#12 4100.06 Manufacturer#1 Brand#15 4529.5 Manufacturer#1 Brand#12 4770.77 Manufacturer#1 Brand#12 4649.670000000001 Manufacturer#2 Brand#22 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 Brand#22 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 Brand#23 5523.360000000001 Manufacturer#2 Brand#24 5531.34 Manufacturer#2 Brand#25 5432.240000000001 Manufacturer#3 Brand#31 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 Brand#35 2861.95 Manufacturer#3 Brand#32 4272.34 Manufacturer#3 Brand#32 4523.639999999999 Manufacturer#3 Brand#34 4670.66 Manufacturer#4 Brand#41 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 Brand#42 2996.09 Manufacturer#4 Brand#42 4202.35 Manufacturer#4 Brand#41 4426.6 Manufacturer#4 Brand#41 4341.530000000001 Manufacturer#5 Brand#52 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 Brand#51 3401.3500000000004 Manufacturer#5 Brand#53 5190.08 Manufacturer#5 Brand#53 4418.49 Manufacturer#5 Brand#52 4271.3099999999995 PREHOOK: query: -- 24. testLateralViews select p_mfgr, p_name, lv_col, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s from (select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, array(1,2,3) arr from part) p lateral view explode(arr) part_lv as lv_col window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size, lv_col rows between 2 preceding and current row) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 24. testLateralViews select p_mfgr, p_name, lv_col, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s from (select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, array(1,2,3) arr from part) p lateral view explode(arr) part_lv as lv_col window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size, lv_col rows between 2 preceding and current row) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1 2 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 6 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 6 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 3 2 6 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 3 2 6 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 1 6 10 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 2 6 14 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 3 6 18 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 1 28 40 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 2 28 62 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 3 28 84 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 1 34 90 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 2 34 96 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 3 34 102 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 1 42 110 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 2 42 118 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 3 42 126 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 1 2 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 4 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 3 2 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 1 14 18 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 2 14 30 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 3 14 42 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 1 18 46 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 2 18 50 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 3 18 54 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 1 25 61 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 2 25 68 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 3 25 75 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 1 40 90 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 2 40 105 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 3 40 120 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 2 1 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 3 1 3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 1 14 16 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 2 14 29 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 3 14 42 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 1 17 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 2 17 48 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 3 17 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 1 19 53 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 2 19 55 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 3 19 57 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 1 45 83 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 2 45 109 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 3 45 135 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 1 7 7 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 2 7 14 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 3 7 21 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 1 10 24 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 2 10 27 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 3 10 30 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 1 12 32 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 2 12 34 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 3 12 36 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 1 27 51 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 2 27 66 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 3 27 81 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 1 39 93 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 2 39 105 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 3 39 117 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 1 2 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 4 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 3 2 6 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 1 6 10 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 2 6 14 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 3 6 18 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 1 23 35 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 2 23 52 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 3 23 69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 1 31 77 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 2 31 85 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 3 31 93 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 1 46 108 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 2 46 123 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 3 46 138 PREHOOK: query: -- 25. testMultipleInserts3SWQs CREATE TABLE part_1( p_mfgr STRING, p_name STRING, p_size INT, r INT, dr INT, s DOUBLE) PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@part_1 POSTHOOK: query: -- 25. testMultipleInserts3SWQs CREATE TABLE part_1( p_mfgr STRING, p_name STRING, p_size INT, r INT, dr INT, s DOUBLE) POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@part_1 PREHOOK: query: CREATE TABLE part_2( p_mfgr STRING, p_name STRING, p_size INT, r INT, dr INT, cud INT, s2 DOUBLE, fv1 INT) PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@part_2 POSTHOOK: query: CREATE TABLE part_2( p_mfgr STRING, p_name STRING, p_size INT, r INT, dr INT, cud INT, s2 DOUBLE, fv1 INT) POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@part_2 PREHOOK: query: CREATE TABLE part_3( p_mfgr STRING, p_name STRING, p_size INT, c INT, ca INT, fv INT) PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@part_3 POSTHOOK: query: CREATE TABLE part_3( p_mfgr STRING, p_name STRING, p_size INT, c INT, ca INT, fv INT) POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@part_3 PREHOOK: query: from part INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_1 select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name ) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name ) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_2 select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, cume_dist() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cud, round(sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between 5 preceding and current row),1) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fv1 window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_3 select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, count(*) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as c, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as ca, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fv window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part PREHOOK: Output: default@part_1 PREHOOK: Output: default@part_2 PREHOOK: Output: default@part_3 POSTHOOK: query: from part INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_1 select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name ) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name ) as dr, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_2 select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, cume_dist() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as cud, round(sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between 5 preceding and current row),1) as s2, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fv1 window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_3 select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, count(*) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as c, count(p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as ca, first_value(p_size) over w1 as fv window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part POSTHOOK: Output: default@part_1 POSTHOOK: Output: default@part_2 POSTHOOK: Output: default@part_3 POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_1.dr SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_1.p_mfgr SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_1.p_name SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_1.p_size SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_1.r SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_1.s SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.cud SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.dr SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.fv1 SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.p_mfgr SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.p_name SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.p_size SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.r SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_2.s2 SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_3.c SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_3.fv SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_3.p_mfgr SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_3.p_name SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: part_3.p_size SCRIPT [(part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_partkey, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_name, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_mfgr, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_brand, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_type, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_size, type:int, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_container, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_retailprice, type:double, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:p_comment, type:string, comment:null), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, type:bigint, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:INPUT__FILE__NAME, type:string, comment:), (part)part.FieldSchema(name:ROW__ID, type:struct, comment:), ] PREHOOK: query: select * from part_1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select * from part_1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part_1 #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 4100.06 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 5702.650000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 7117.070000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 5523.360000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 7222.02 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 2861.95 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 4272.34 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 6195.32 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 7532.61 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 2996.09 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 4202.35 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 6047.27 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 3401.3500000000004 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 5190.08 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 6208.18 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: select * from part_2 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part_2 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select * from part_2 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part_2 #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 0 4.0 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 1 0 4.0 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 2 0 34.0 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 3 0 10.0 2 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 4 0 28.0 34 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 5 1 42.0 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 0 14.0 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 0 40.0 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 0 2.0 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 0 25.0 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 1 32.0 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 0 31.0 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 0 14.0 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 0 50.0 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 0 1.0 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 1 45.0 19 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 0 17.0 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 0 39.0 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 0 27.0 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 0 7.0 39 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 1 29.0 27 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 0 31.0 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 0 8.0 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 0 2.0 31 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 0 46.0 6 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 1 23.0 2 PREHOOK: query: select * from part_3 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part_3 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select * from part_3 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part_3 #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2 2 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 3 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 4 2 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 5 34 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 6 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 1 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 2 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 3 14 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 4 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 5 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 1 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 2 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 3 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 4 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 5 19 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 1 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 2 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 3 10 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 4 39 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 5 27 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 1 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 2 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 3 31 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 4 6 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 5 2 PREHOOK: query: -- 26. testGroupByHavingWithSWQAndAlias select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, min(p_retailprice) as mi, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part group by p_mfgr, p_name, p_size having p_size > 0 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 26. testGroupByHavingWithSWQAndAlias select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, min(p_retailprice) as mi, rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as r, dense_rank() over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as dr, p_size, p_size - lag(p_size,1,p_size) over(distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name) as deltaSz from part group by p_mfgr, p_name, p_size having p_size > 0 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1173.15 1 1 2 0 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 1753.76 2 2 34 32 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 1602.59 3 3 6 -28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 1414.42 4 4 28 22 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 5 5 42 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1690.68 1 1 14 0 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 1800.7 2 2 40 26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2031.98 3 3 2 -38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 1698.66 4 4 25 23 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 1701.6 5 5 18 -7 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1671.68 1 1 17 0 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 1190.27 2 2 14 -3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 1410.39 3 3 19 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1922.98 4 4 1 -18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 5 5 45 44 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1620.67 1 1 10 0 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 1375.42 2 2 39 29 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 1206.26 3 3 27 -12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 1844.92 4 4 7 -20 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 1290.35 5 5 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1789.69 1 1 31 0 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 1611.66 2 2 6 -25 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 1788.73 3 3 2 -4 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 1018.1 4 4 46 44 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 1464.48 5 5 23 -23 PREHOOK: query: -- 27. testMultipleRangeWindows select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between 10 preceding and current row) as s2, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between current row and 10 following ) as s1 from part window w1 as (rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 27. testMultipleRangeWindows select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between 10 preceding and current row) as s2, sum(p_size) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between current row and 10 following ) as s1 from part window w1 as (rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 10 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 10 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 10 6 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 28 62 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 62 76 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 76 42 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 2 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 14 32 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 32 43 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 43 25 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 40 40 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 14 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 31 36 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 50 19 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 45 45 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7 29 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 17 22 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 29 12 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 27 27 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 39 39 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 8 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 8 6 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 23 54 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 54 31 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 46 46 PREHOOK: query: -- 28. testPartOrderInUDAFInvoke select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) as s from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 28. testPartOrderInUDAFInvoke select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) as s from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 38 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 44 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 72 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 112 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 110 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 76 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 56 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 99 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 85 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 96 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 79 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 65 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 76 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 83 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 95 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 85 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 46 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 39 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 85 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 108 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 77 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 71 PREHOOK: query: -- 29. testPartOrderInWdwDef select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s from part window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 29. testPartOrderInWdwDef select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s from part window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 38 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 44 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 72 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 112 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 110 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 76 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 56 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 99 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 85 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 96 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 79 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 65 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 76 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 83 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 95 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 85 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 46 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 39 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 85 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 108 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 77 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 71 PREHOOK: query: -- 30. testDefaultPartitioningSpecRules select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 30. testDefaultPartitioningSpecRules select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 38 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 44 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 72 38 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 112 44 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 110 72 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 76 114 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 56 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 81 54 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 99 56 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 85 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 45 99 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 50 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 51 31 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 96 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 79 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 65 96 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 76 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 83 49 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 95 76 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 85 83 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 46 95 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 39 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 85 37 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 108 39 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 77 85 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 71 108 PREHOOK: query: -- 31. testWindowCrossReference select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2 from part window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as w1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 31. testWindowCrossReference select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2 from part window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as w1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 34 34 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 6 6 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 28 28 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 42 42 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 14 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 40 40 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 25 25 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 18 18 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 17 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 14 14 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 19 19 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 45 45 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 10 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 39 39 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 27 27 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7 7 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 12 12 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 31 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 6 6 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 2 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 46 46 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 23 23 PREHOOK: query: -- 32. testWindowInheritance select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2 from part window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as (w1 rows between unbounded preceding and current row) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 32. testWindowInheritance select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2 from part window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as (w1 rows between unbounded preceding and current row) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 2 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 34 38 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 6 44 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 28 72 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 42 114 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 14 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 40 54 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 56 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 25 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 18 99 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 17 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 14 31 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 19 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 45 96 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 10 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 39 49 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 27 76 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7 83 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 12 95 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 31 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 6 37 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 39 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 46 85 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 23 108 PREHOOK: query: -- 33. testWindowForwardReference select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2, sum(p_size) over w3 as s3 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as w3, w3 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between unbounded preceding and current row) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 33. testWindowForwardReference select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2, sum(p_size) over w3 as s3 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as w3, w3 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between unbounded preceding and current row) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 4 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 34 38 38 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 6 44 44 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 28 72 72 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 42 114 114 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 14 14 14 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 40 54 54 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 56 56 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 25 81 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 18 99 99 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 17 17 17 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 14 31 31 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 19 50 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 51 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 45 96 96 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 10 10 10 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 39 49 49 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 27 76 76 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7 83 83 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 12 95 95 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 31 31 31 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 6 37 37 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 39 39 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 46 85 85 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 23 108 108 PREHOOK: query: -- 34. testWindowDefinitionPropagation select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2, sum(p_size) over (w3 rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) as s3 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as w3, w3 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between unbounded preceding and current row) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 34. testWindowDefinitionPropagation select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s1, sum(p_size) over w2 as s2, sum(p_size) over (w3 rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) as s3 from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between 2 preceding and 2 following), w2 as w3, w3 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name range between unbounded preceding and current row) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 38 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 4 4 44 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 34 38 72 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 6 44 112 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 28 72 110 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 42 114 76 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 14 14 56 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 40 54 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2 56 99 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 25 81 85 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 18 99 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 17 17 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 14 31 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 19 50 96 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1 51 79 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 45 96 65 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 10 10 76 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 39 49 83 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 27 76 95 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7 83 85 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 12 95 46 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 31 31 39 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 6 37 85 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 2 39 108 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 46 85 77 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 23 108 71 PREHOOK: query: -- 35. testDistinctWithWindowing select DISTINCT p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 35. testDistinctWithWindowing select DISTINCT p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_size) over w1 as s from part window w1 as (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 42 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 70 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 112 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 110 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 76 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 56 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 81 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 99 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 85 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 45 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 50 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 51 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 96 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 79 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 65 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 76 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 83 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 95 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 85 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 46 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 39 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 85 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 108 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 77 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 71 PREHOOK: query: -- 36. testRankWithPartitioning select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name ) as r from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 36. testRankWithPartitioning select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name ) as r from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 6 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 2 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 3 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 4 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 3 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 4 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 5 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 3 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 4 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 5 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 2 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 3 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 4 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 37. testPartitioningVariousForms select p_mfgr, round(sum(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_mfgr),2) as s1, min(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr) as s2, max(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr) as s3, round(avg(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr),2) as s4, count(p_retailprice) over (cluster by p_mfgr ) as s5 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 37. testPartitioningVariousForms select p_mfgr, round(sum(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_mfgr),2) as s1, min(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr) as s2, max(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_mfgr) as s3, round(avg(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr),2) as s4, count(p_retailprice) over (cluster by p_mfgr ) as s5 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 8749.73 1173.15 1753.76 1458.29 6 Manufacturer#1 8749.73 1173.15 1753.76 1458.29 6 Manufacturer#1 8749.73 1173.15 1753.76 1458.29 6 Manufacturer#1 8749.73 1173.15 1753.76 1458.29 6 Manufacturer#1 8749.73 1173.15 1753.76 1458.29 6 Manufacturer#1 8749.73 1173.15 1753.76 1458.29 6 Manufacturer#2 8923.62 1690.68 2031.98 1784.72 5 Manufacturer#2 8923.62 1690.68 2031.98 1784.72 5 Manufacturer#2 8923.62 1690.68 2031.98 1784.72 5 Manufacturer#2 8923.62 1690.68 2031.98 1784.72 5 Manufacturer#2 8923.62 1690.68 2031.98 1784.72 5 Manufacturer#3 7532.61 1190.27 1922.98 1506.52 5 Manufacturer#3 7532.61 1190.27 1922.98 1506.52 5 Manufacturer#3 7532.61 1190.27 1922.98 1506.52 5 Manufacturer#3 7532.61 1190.27 1922.98 1506.52 5 Manufacturer#3 7532.61 1190.27 1922.98 1506.52 5 Manufacturer#4 7337.62 1206.26 1844.92 1467.52 5 Manufacturer#4 7337.62 1206.26 1844.92 1467.52 5 Manufacturer#4 7337.62 1206.26 1844.92 1467.52 5 Manufacturer#4 7337.62 1206.26 1844.92 1467.52 5 Manufacturer#4 7337.62 1206.26 1844.92 1467.52 5 Manufacturer#5 7672.66 1018.1 1789.69 1534.53 5 Manufacturer#5 7672.66 1018.1 1789.69 1534.53 5 Manufacturer#5 7672.66 1018.1 1789.69 1534.53 5 Manufacturer#5 7672.66 1018.1 1789.69 1534.53 5 Manufacturer#5 7672.66 1018.1 1789.69 1534.53 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 38. testPartitioningVariousForms2 select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr, p_name order by p_mfgr, p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, min(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr, p_name sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s2, max(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr, p_name order by p_name) as s3 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 38. testPartitioningVariousForms2 select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr, p_name order by p_mfgr, p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s1, min(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr, p_name sort by p_mfgr, p_name rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as s2, max(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr, p_name order by p_name) as s3 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1173.15 1173.15 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2346.3 1173.15 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 1753.76 1753.76 1753.76 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 1602.59 1602.59 1602.59 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 1414.42 1414.42 1414.42 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 1632.66 1632.66 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1690.68 1690.68 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 1800.7 1800.7 1800.7 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2031.98 2031.98 2031.98 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 1698.66 1698.66 1698.66 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 1701.6 1701.6 1701.6 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1671.68 1671.68 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 1190.27 1190.27 1190.27 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 1410.39 1410.39 1410.39 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1922.98 1922.98 1922.98 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 1337.29 1337.29 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1620.67 1620.67 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 1375.42 1375.42 1375.42 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 1206.26 1206.26 1206.26 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 1844.92 1844.92 1844.92 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 1290.35 1290.35 1290.35 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1789.69 1789.69 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 1611.66 1611.66 1611.66 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 1788.73 1788.73 1788.73 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 1018.1 1018.1 1018.1 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 1464.48 1464.48 1464.48 PREHOOK: query: -- 39. testUDFOnOrderCols select p_mfgr, p_type, substr(p_type, 2) as short_ptype, rank() over (partition by p_mfgr order by substr(p_type, 2)) as r from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 39. testUDFOnOrderCols select p_mfgr, p_type, substr(p_type, 2) as short_ptype, rank() over (partition by p_mfgr order by substr(p_type, 2)) as r from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 LARGE BRUSHED STEEL ARGE BRUSHED STEEL 1 Manufacturer#1 LARGE BURNISHED STEEL ARGE BURNISHED STEEL 2 Manufacturer#1 PROMO BURNISHED NICKEL ROMO BURNISHED NICKEL 3 Manufacturer#1 PROMO PLATED TIN ROMO PLATED TIN 4 Manufacturer#1 PROMO PLATED TIN ROMO PLATED TIN 4 Manufacturer#1 STANDARD ANODIZED STEEL TANDARD ANODIZED STEEL 6 Manufacturer#2 ECONOMY POLISHED STEEL CONOMY POLISHED STEEL 1 Manufacturer#2 MEDIUM ANODIZED COPPER EDIUM ANODIZED COPPER 2 Manufacturer#2 MEDIUM BURNISHED COPPER EDIUM BURNISHED COPPER 3 Manufacturer#2 SMALL POLISHED NICKEL MALL POLISHED NICKEL 4 Manufacturer#2 STANDARD PLATED TIN TANDARD PLATED TIN 5 Manufacturer#3 ECONOMY PLATED COPPER CONOMY PLATED COPPER 1 Manufacturer#3 MEDIUM BURNISHED BRASS EDIUM BURNISHED BRASS 2 Manufacturer#3 MEDIUM BURNISHED TIN EDIUM BURNISHED TIN 3 Manufacturer#3 PROMO ANODIZED TIN ROMO ANODIZED TIN 4 Manufacturer#3 STANDARD POLISHED STEEL TANDARD POLISHED STEEL 5 Manufacturer#4 ECONOMY BRUSHED COPPER CONOMY BRUSHED COPPER 1 Manufacturer#4 SMALL BRUSHED BRASS MALL BRUSHED BRASS 2 Manufacturer#4 SMALL PLATED STEEL MALL PLATED STEEL 3 Manufacturer#4 PROMO POLISHED STEEL ROMO POLISHED STEEL 4 Manufacturer#4 STANDARD ANODIZED TIN TANDARD ANODIZED TIN 5 Manufacturer#5 LARGE BRUSHED BRASS ARGE BRUSHED BRASS 1 Manufacturer#5 ECONOMY BURNISHED STEEL CONOMY BURNISHED STEEL 2 Manufacturer#5 MEDIUM BURNISHED TIN EDIUM BURNISHED TIN 3 Manufacturer#5 SMALL PLATED BRASS MALL PLATED BRASS 4 Manufacturer#5 STANDARD BURNISHED TIN TANDARD BURNISHED TIN 5 PREHOOK: query: -- 40. testNoBetweenForRows select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows unbounded preceding) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 40. testNoBetweenForRows select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows unbounded preceding) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 1173.15 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 4100.06 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 5702.650000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 7117.070000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 1690.68 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 3491.38 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 5523.360000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 7222.02 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 1671.68 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 2861.95 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 4272.34 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 6195.32 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 7532.61 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 1620.67 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 2996.09 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 4202.35 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 6047.27 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 1789.69 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 3401.3500000000004 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 5190.08 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 6208.18 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 7672.66 PREHOOK: query: -- 41. testNoBetweenForRange select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range unbounded preceding) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 41. testNoBetweenForRange select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range unbounded preceding) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 2346.3 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 3948.8900000000003 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 5363.31 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 7117.070000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 2031.98 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 3722.66 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5424.26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 7122.92 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 8923.62 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 1922.98 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 3113.25 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 4784.93 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 6195.320000000001 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 7532.610000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 1844.92 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 3465.59 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 4755.9400000000005 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 5962.200000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 1788.73 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 3400.3900000000003 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 4864.870000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 6654.560000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 7672.660000000002 PREHOOK: query: -- 42. testUnboundedFollowingForRows select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and unbounded following) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 42. testUnboundedFollowingForRows select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_name rows between current row and unbounded following) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 7576.58 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 6403.43 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 4649.67 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 3047.08 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 8923.62 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 7232.9400000000005 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 5432.24 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 3400.26 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 1701.6 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 7532.61 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 5860.929999999999 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 4670.66 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 3260.27 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 5716.950000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 4341.530000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 3135.27 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 1290.35 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 7672.66 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 5882.970000000001 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 4271.3099999999995 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 2482.58 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 1464.48 PREHOOK: query: -- 43. testUnboundedFollowingForRange select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between current row and unbounded following) as s1 from part PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 43. testUnboundedFollowingForRange select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, sum(p_retailprice) over (distribute by p_mfgr sort by p_size range between current row and unbounded following) as s1 from part POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond antique burnished rose metallic 2 8749.730000000001 Manufacturer#1 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 6 6403.43 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 28 4800.84 Manufacturer#1 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 34 3386.42 Manufacturer#1 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 42 1632.66 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2 8923.62 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 14 6891.639999999999 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 18 5200.96 Manufacturer#2 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 25 3499.36 Manufacturer#2 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 40 1800.7 Manufacturer#3 almond antique misty red olive 1 7532.610000000001 Manufacturer#3 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 14 5609.63 Manufacturer#3 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 17 4419.360000000001 Manufacturer#3 almond antique metallic orange dim 19 2747.6800000000003 Manufacturer#3 almond antique olive coral navajo 45 1337.29 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 7 7337.620000000001 Manufacturer#4 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 10 5492.7 Manufacturer#4 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 12 3872.0299999999997 Manufacturer#4 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 27 2581.6800000000003 Manufacturer#4 almond antique violet mint lemon 39 1375.42 Manufacturer#5 almond antique sky peru orange 2 7672.660000000002 Manufacturer#5 almond antique medium spring khaki 6 5883.93 Manufacturer#5 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 23 4272.27 Manufacturer#5 almond antique blue firebrick mint 31 2807.79 Manufacturer#5 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 46 1018.1 PREHOOK: query: -- 44. testOverNoPartitionSingleAggregate select p_name, p_retailprice, round(avg(p_retailprice) over(),2) from part order by p_name PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 44. testOverNoPartitionSingleAggregate select p_name, p_retailprice, round(avg(p_retailprice) over(),2) from part order by p_name POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### almond antique blue firebrick mint 1789.69 1546.78 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1173.15 1546.78 almond antique burnished rose metallic 1173.15 1546.78 almond antique chartreuse khaki white 1671.68 1546.78 almond antique chartreuse lavender yellow 1753.76 1546.78 almond antique forest lavender goldenrod 1190.27 1546.78 almond antique gainsboro frosted violet 1620.67 1546.78 almond antique medium spring khaki 1611.66 1546.78 almond antique metallic orange dim 1410.39 1546.78 almond antique misty red olive 1922.98 1546.78 almond antique olive coral navajo 1337.29 1546.78 almond antique salmon chartreuse burlywood 1602.59 1546.78 almond antique sky peru orange 1788.73 1546.78 almond antique violet chocolate turquoise 1690.68 1546.78 almond antique violet mint lemon 1375.42 1546.78 almond antique violet turquoise frosted 1800.7 1546.78 almond aquamarine burnished black steel 1414.42 1546.78 almond aquamarine dodger light gainsboro 1018.1 1546.78 almond aquamarine floral ivory bisque 1206.26 1546.78 almond aquamarine midnight light salmon 2031.98 1546.78 almond aquamarine pink moccasin thistle 1632.66 1546.78 almond aquamarine rose maroon antique 1698.66 1546.78 almond aquamarine sandy cyan gainsboro 1701.6 1546.78 almond aquamarine yellow dodger mint 1844.92 1546.78 almond azure aquamarine papaya violet 1290.35 1546.78 almond azure blanched chiffon midnight 1464.48 1546.78 PREHOOK: query: -- 45. empty partition test select p_mfgr, sum(p_size) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_size rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from part where p_mfgr = 'Manufacturer#6' PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 45. empty partition test select p_mfgr, sum(p_size) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_size rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from part where p_mfgr = 'Manufacturer#6' POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### PREHOOK: query: -- 46. window sz is same as partition sz select p_retailprice, avg(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between current row and 6 following), sum(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between current row and 6 following) from part where p_mfgr='Manufacturer#1' PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: -- 46. window sz is same as partition sz select p_retailprice, avg(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between current row and 6 following), sum(p_retailprice) over (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name rows between current row and 6 following) from part where p_mfgr='Manufacturer#1' POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@part #### A masked pattern was here #### 1173.15 1458.2883333333336 8749.730000000001 1173.15 1515.3160000000003 7576.580000000002 1753.76 1600.8575000000003 6403.430000000001 1602.59 1549.8900000000003 4649.670000000001 1414.42 1523.5400000000004 3047.080000000001 1632.66 1632.6600000000008 1632.6600000000008