PREHOOK: query: CREATE TABLE TestV1_Staples ( Item_Count INT, Ship_Priority STRING, Order_Priority STRING, Order_Status STRING, Order_Quantity DOUBLE, Sales_Total DOUBLE, Discount DOUBLE, Tax_Rate DOUBLE, Ship_Mode STRING, Fill_Time DOUBLE, Gross_Profit DOUBLE, Price DOUBLE, Ship_Handle_Cost DOUBLE, Employee_Name STRING, Employee_Dept STRING, Manager_Name STRING, Employee_Yrs_Exp DOUBLE, Employee_Salary DOUBLE, Customer_Name STRING, Customer_State STRING, Call_Center_Region STRING, Customer_Balance DOUBLE, Customer_Segment STRING, Prod_Type1 STRING, Prod_Type2 STRING, Prod_Type3 STRING, Prod_Type4 STRING, Product_Name STRING, Product_Container STRING, Ship_Promo STRING, Supplier_Name STRING, Supplier_Balance DOUBLE, Supplier_Region STRING, Supplier_State STRING, Order_ID STRING, Order_Year INT, Order_Month INT, Order_Day INT, Order_Date_ STRING, Order_Quarter STRING, Product_Base_Margin DOUBLE, Product_ID STRING, Receive_Time DOUBLE, Received_Date_ STRING, Ship_Date_ STRING, Ship_Charge DOUBLE, Total_Cycle_Time DOUBLE, Product_In_Stock STRING, PID INT, Market_Segment STRING ) PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@TestV1_Staples POSTHOOK: query: CREATE TABLE TestV1_Staples ( Item_Count INT, Ship_Priority STRING, Order_Priority STRING, Order_Status STRING, Order_Quantity DOUBLE, Sales_Total DOUBLE, Discount DOUBLE, Tax_Rate DOUBLE, Ship_Mode STRING, Fill_Time DOUBLE, Gross_Profit DOUBLE, Price DOUBLE, Ship_Handle_Cost DOUBLE, Employee_Name STRING, Employee_Dept STRING, Manager_Name STRING, Employee_Yrs_Exp DOUBLE, Employee_Salary DOUBLE, Customer_Name STRING, Customer_State STRING, Call_Center_Region STRING, Customer_Balance DOUBLE, Customer_Segment STRING, Prod_Type1 STRING, Prod_Type2 STRING, Prod_Type3 STRING, Prod_Type4 STRING, Product_Name STRING, Product_Container STRING, Ship_Promo STRING, Supplier_Name STRING, Supplier_Balance DOUBLE, Supplier_Region STRING, Supplier_State STRING, Order_ID STRING, Order_Year INT, Order_Month INT, Order_Day INT, Order_Date_ STRING, Order_Quarter STRING, Product_Base_Margin DOUBLE, Product_ID STRING, Receive_Time DOUBLE, Received_Date_ STRING, Ship_Date_ STRING, Ship_Charge DOUBLE, Total_Cycle_Time DOUBLE, Product_In_Stock STRING, PID INT, Market_Segment STRING ) POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@TestV1_Staples PREHOOK: query: explain SELECT customer_name, SUM(customer_balance), SUM(order_quantity) FROM default.testv1_staples s1 GROUP BY customer_name HAVING ( (COUNT( <= 822) AND (SUM(customer_balance) <= 4074689.000000041) ) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: explain SELECT customer_name, SUM(customer_balance), SUM(order_quantity) FROM default.testv1_staples s1 GROUP BY customer_name HAVING ( (COUNT( <= 822) AND (SUM(customer_balance) <= 4074689.000000041) ) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: s1 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: customer_name (type: string), customer_balance (type: double), order_quantity (type: double), discount (type: double) outputColumnNames: customer_name, customer_balance, order_quantity, discount Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: sum(customer_balance), sum(order_quantity), count(discount) keys: customer_name (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: double), _col2 (type: double), _col3 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), count(VALUE._col2) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: ((_col3 <= 822) and (_col1 <= 4074689.000000041)) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: double), _col2 (type: double) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: explain SELECT customer_name, SUM(customer_balance), SUM(order_quantity) FROM default.testv1_staples s1 GROUP BY customer_name HAVING ( (SUM(customer_balance) <= 4074689.000000041) AND (COUNT( <= 822) ) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: explain SELECT customer_name, SUM(customer_balance), SUM(order_quantity) FROM default.testv1_staples s1 GROUP BY customer_name HAVING ( (SUM(customer_balance) <= 4074689.000000041) AND (COUNT( <= 822) ) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: s1 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: customer_name (type: string), customer_balance (type: double), order_quantity (type: double), discount (type: double) outputColumnNames: customer_name, customer_balance, order_quantity, discount Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: sum(customer_balance), sum(order_quantity), count(discount) keys: customer_name (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: double), _col2 (type: double), _col3 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), count(VALUE._col2) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: ((_col1 <= 4074689.000000041) and (_col3 <= 822)) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: double), _col2 (type: double) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink