set,org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.PrintCompletedTasksHook; CREATE TABLE src_4( key STRING, value STRING ) ; CREATE TABLE src_5( key STRING, value STRING ) ; explain from src b INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_4 select * where b.key in (select a.key from src a where b.value = a.value and a.key > '9' ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_5 select * where b.key not in ( select key from src s1 where s1.key > '2') order by key ; from src b INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_4 select * where b.key in (select a.key from src a where b.value = a.value and a.key > '9' ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_5 select * where b.key not in ( select key from src s1 where s1.key > '2') order by key ; select * from src_4 ; select * from src_5 ; set; explain from src b INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_4 select * where b.key in (select a.key from src a where b.value = a.value and a.key > '9' ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_5 select * where b.key not in ( select key from src s1 where s1.key > '2') order by key ; from src b INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_4 select * where b.key in (select a.key from src a where b.value = a.value and a.key > '9' ) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE src_5 select * where b.key not in ( select key from src s1 where s1.key > '2') order by key ; select * from src_4 ; select * from src_5 ;