drop table if exists staging; drop table if exists parquet_jointable1; drop table if exists parquet_jointable2; drop table if exists parquet_jointable1_bucketed_sorted; drop table if exists parquet_jointable2_bucketed_sorted; create table staging (key int, value string) stored as textfile; insert into table staging select distinct key, value from src order by key limit 2; create table parquet_jointable1 stored as parquet as select * from staging; create table parquet_jointable2 stored as parquet as select key,key+1,concat(value,"value") as myvalue from staging; -- MR join explain select p2.myvalue from parquet_jointable1 p1 join parquet_jointable2 p2 on p1.key=p2.key; select p2.myvalue from parquet_jointable1 p1 join parquet_jointable2 p2 on p1.key=p2.key; set hive.auto.convert.join=true; -- The two tables involved in the join have differing number of columns(table1-2,table2-3). In case of Map and SMB join, -- when the second table is loaded, the column indices in hive.io.file.readcolumn.ids refer to columns of both the first and the second table -- and hence the parquet schema/types passed to ParquetInputSplit should contain only the column indexes belonging to second/current table -- Map join explain select p2.myvalue from parquet_jointable1 p1 join parquet_jointable2 p2 on p1.key=p2.key; select p2.myvalue from parquet_jointable1 p1 join parquet_jointable2 p2 on p1.key=p2.key; set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin=true; set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge=true; set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join=true; set hive.input.format=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.BucketizedHiveInputFormat; -- SMB join create table parquet_jointable1_bucketed_sorted (key int,value string) clustered by (key) sorted by (key ASC) INTO 1 BUCKETS stored as parquet; insert overwrite table parquet_jointable1_bucketed_sorted select key,concat(value,"value1") as value from staging cluster by key; create table parquet_jointable2_bucketed_sorted (key int,value1 string, value2 string) clustered by (key) sorted by (key ASC) INTO 1 BUCKETS stored as parquet; insert overwrite table parquet_jointable2_bucketed_sorted select key,concat(value,"value2-1") as value1,concat(value,"value2-2") as value2 from staging cluster by key; explain select p1.value,p2.value2 from parquet_jointable1_bucketed_sorted p1 join parquet_jointable2_bucketed_sorted p2 on p1.key=p2.key; select p1.value,p2.value2 from parquet_jointable1_bucketed_sorted p1 join parquet_jointable2_bucketed_sorted p2 on p1.key=p2.key;