-- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS create table orc_merge5 (userid bigint, string1 string, subtype double, decimal1 decimal, ts timestamp) stored as orc; create table orc_merge5b (userid bigint, string1 string, subtype double, decimal1 decimal, ts timestamp) stored as orc; load data local inpath '../../data/files/orc_split_elim.orc' into table orc_merge5; SET hive.input.format=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveInputFormat; set hive.merge.orcfile.stripe.level=false; set hive.merge.mapfiles=false; set hive.merge.mapredfiles=false; -- 3 mappers explain insert overwrite table orc_merge5b select userid,string1,subtype,decimal1,ts from orc_merge5 where userid<=13; set hive.exec.orc.write.format=0.12; insert overwrite table orc_merge5b select userid,string1,subtype,decimal1,ts from orc_merge5 where userid<=13; insert into table orc_merge5b select userid,string1,subtype,decimal1,ts from orc_merge5 where userid<=13; insert into table orc_merge5b select userid,string1,subtype,decimal1,ts from orc_merge5 where userid<=13; set hive.exec.orc.write.format=0.11; insert into table orc_merge5b select userid,string1,subtype,decimal1,ts from orc_merge5 where userid<=13; insert into table orc_merge5b select userid,string1,subtype,decimal1,ts from orc_merge5 where userid<=13; -- 5 files total analyze table orc_merge5b compute statistics noscan; desc formatted orc_merge5b; select * from orc_merge5b; set hive.merge.orcfile.stripe.level=true; alter table orc_merge5b concatenate; -- 3 file after merging - all 0.12 format files will be merged and 0.11 files will be left behind analyze table orc_merge5b compute statistics noscan; desc formatted orc_merge5b; select * from orc_merge5b;