set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true; set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; set hive.merge.mapfiles=false; set hive.merge.mapredfiles=false; -- Ensure skewed value map has escaped directory name -- INCLUDE_HADOOP_MAJOR_VERSIONS(0.23) -- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS -- test where the skewed values are more than 1 say columns no. 2 and 4 in a table with 5 columns create table list_bucketing_mul_col (col1 String, col2 String, col3 String, col4 String, col5 string) partitioned by (ds String, hr String) skewed by (col2, col4) on (('466','val_466'),('287','val_287'),('82','val_82')) stored as DIRECTORIES STORED AS RCFILE; -- list bucketing DML explain extended insert overwrite table list_bucketing_mul_col partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr = '2013-01-23+18:00:99') select 1, key, 1, value, 1 from src; insert overwrite table list_bucketing_mul_col partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr = '2013-01-23+18:00:99') select 1, key, 1, value, 1 from src; -- check DML result show partitions list_bucketing_mul_col; desc formatted list_bucketing_mul_col partition (ds='2008-04-08', hr='2013-01-23+18:00:99'); set hive.optimize.listbucketing=true; explain extended select * from list_bucketing_mul_col where ds='2008-04-08' and hr='2013-01-23+18:00:99' and col2 = "466" and col4 = "val_466"; select * from list_bucketing_mul_col where ds='2008-04-08' and hr='2013-01-23+18:00:99' and col2 = "466" and col4 = "val_466"; drop table list_bucketing_mul_col;