set hive.optimize.ppd=true; set hive.ppd.remove.duplicatefilters=true; set hive.tez.dynamic.partition.pruning=true; set hive.optimize.metadataonly=false; set hive.optimize.index.filter=true; set; set = true; set = 10000000; create table dim_shops (id int, label string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile; load data local inpath '../../data/files/dim_shops.txt' into table dim_shops; create table agg_01 (amount decimal) partitioned by (dim_shops_id int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile; alter table agg_01 add partition (dim_shops_id = 1); alter table agg_01 add partition (dim_shops_id = 2); alter table agg_01 add partition (dim_shops_id = 3); load data local inpath '../../data/files/agg_01-p1.txt' into table agg_01 partition (dim_shops_id=1); load data local inpath '../../data/files/agg_01-p2.txt' into table agg_01 partition (dim_shops_id=2); load data local inpath '../../data/files/agg_01-p3.txt' into table agg_01 partition (dim_shops_id=3); select * from dim_shops; select * from agg_01; EXPLAIN SELECT d1.label, count(*), sum(agg.amount) FROM agg_01 agg, dim_shops d1 WHERE agg.dim_shops_id = and d1.label in ('foo', 'bar') GROUP BY d1.label ORDER BY d1.label; SELECT d1.label, count(*), sum(agg.amount) FROM agg_01 agg, dim_shops d1 WHERE agg.dim_shops_id = and d1.label in ('foo', 'bar') GROUP BY d1.label ORDER BY d1.label;