set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true; set hive.stats.autogather=false; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; create table if not exists loc_staging ( state string, locid int, zip bigint, year string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '|' stored as textfile; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/loc.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE loc_staging; create table if not exists loc_orc ( state string, locid int, zip bigint ) partitioned by(year string) stored as orc; -- basicStatState: NONE colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc; insert overwrite table loc_orc partition(year) select * from loc_staging; -- stats are disabled. basic stats will report the file size but not raw data size. so initial statistics will be PARTIAL -- basicStatState: PARTIAL colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc; -- partition level analyze statistics for specific parition analyze table loc_orc partition(year='2001') compute statistics; -- basicStatState: PARTIAL colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc where year='__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__'; -- basicStatState: PARTIAL colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc where year='2001'; -- partition level analyze statistics for all partitions analyze table loc_orc partition(year) compute statistics; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc where year='__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__'; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc where year='2001' or year='__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__'; -- both partitions will be pruned -- basicStatState: NONE colStatState: NONE explain select * from loc_orc where year='2001' and year='__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__'; -- partition level partial column statistics analyze table loc_orc partition(year='2001') compute statistics for columns state,locid; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: NONE explain select zip from loc_orc; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: PARTIAL explain select state from loc_orc; -- column statistics for __HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__ is not supported yet. Hence colStatState reports PARTIAL -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: PARTIAL explain select state,locid from loc_orc; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: COMPLETE explain select state,locid from loc_orc where year='2001'; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: NONE explain select state,locid from loc_orc where year!='2001'; -- basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: PARTIAL explain select * from loc_orc; -- This is to test filter expression evaluation on partition column -- numRows: 2 dataSize: 8 basicStatState: COMPLETE colStatState: COMPLETE explain select locid from loc_orc where locid>0 and year='2001'; explain select locid,year from loc_orc where locid>0 and year='2001'; explain select * from (select locid,year from loc_orc) test where locid>0 and year='2001';