set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true; create table if not exists loc_staging ( state string, locid int, zip bigint, year int ) row format delimited fields terminated by '|' stored as textfile; create table loc_orc like loc_staging; alter table loc_orc set fileformat orc; load data local inpath '../../data/files/loc.txt' overwrite into table loc_staging; insert overwrite table loc_orc select * from loc_staging; -- numRows: 8 rawDataSize: 796 explain select * from loc_orc; -- partial column stats analyze table loc_orc compute statistics for columns state; -- inner group by: map - numRows: 8 reduce - numRows: 4 -- outer group by: map - numRows: 4 reduce numRows: 2 explain select a, c, min(b) from ( select state as a, locid as b, count(*) as c from loc_orc group by state,locid ) sq1 group by a,c; analyze table loc_orc compute statistics for columns state,locid,zip,year; -- only one distinct value in year column + 1 NULL value -- map-side GBY: numRows: 8 (map-side will not do any reduction) -- reduce-side GBY: numRows: 2 explain select year from loc_orc group by year; -- map-side GBY: numRows: 8 -- reduce-side GBY: numRows: 4 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid; -- map-side GBY numRows: 32 reduce-side GBY numRows: 16 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid with cube; -- map-side GBY numRows: 24 reduce-side GBY numRows: 12 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid with rollup; -- map-side GBY numRows: 8 reduce-side GBY numRows: 4 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid grouping sets((state)); -- map-side GBY numRows: 16 reduce-side GBY numRows: 8 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid grouping sets((state),(locid)); -- map-side GBY numRows: 24 reduce-side GBY numRows: 12 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid grouping sets((state),(locid),()); -- map-side GBY numRows: 32 reduce-side GBY numRows: 16 explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid grouping sets((state,locid),(state),(locid),()); set; -- map-side GBY: numRows: 80 (map-side will not do any reduction) -- reduce-side GBY: numRows: 2 Reason: numDistinct of year is 2. numRows = min(80/2, 2) explain select year from loc_orc group by year; -- map-side GBY numRows: 320 reduce-side GBY numRows: 42 Reason: numDistinct of state and locid are 6,7 resp. numRows = min(320/2, 6*7) explain select state,locid from loc_orc group by state,locid with cube;