@echo off @rem Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more @rem contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with @rem this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. @rem The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 @rem (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with @rem the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at @rem @rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @rem @rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software @rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, @rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. @rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and @rem limitations under the License. SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion @rem Set the path if not defined HIVE_BIN_PATH ( set HIVE_BIN_PATH=%~dp0 ) if "%HIVE_BIN_PATH:~-1%" == "\" ( set HIVE_BIN_PATH=%HIVE_BIN_PATH:~0,-1% ) set HIVE_CONFIG_SCRIPT=%HIVE_BIN_PATH%\hive-config.cmd if exist %HIVE_CONFIG_SCRIPT% ( CALL %HIVE_CONFIG_SCRIPT% %* ) set SERVICE= set HELP= set CATSERVICE= set DEBUG= set CURRENTARG= set HIVEARGS= rem set AUX_CLASSPATH= set AUX_PARAM= @rem parse the command line arguments :ProcessCmdLine if [%1]==[] goto :FinishArgs set temp=%1 set temp=%temp:~0, 7% if %temp%==--debug ( set DEBUG=%* shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) if %1==--config ( shift shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) if %1==--auxpath ( shift shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) if %1==--service ( set SERVICE=%2 if [%3]==[catservicexml] ( set CATSERVICE=_catservice shift ) shift shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) if %1==--rcfilecat ( set SERVICE=rcfilecat shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) if %1==--orcfiledump ( set SERVICE=orcfiledump shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) if %1==--help ( set HELP=_help shift goto :ProcessCmdLine ) @rem parameter at %1 does not match any option, these are optional params goto :FinishArgs :FinishArgs if defined DEBUG ( if defined HELP ( call %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\debug.cmd HELP goto :EOF ) call %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\debug.cmd %DEBUG% ) if defined HIVE_MAIN_CLIENT_DEBUG_OPTS ( set HADOOP_OPTS=%HADOOP_OPTS% %HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS% %HIVE_MAIN_CLIENT_DEBUG_OPTS% ) if not [%1]==[] ( set CURRENTARG=%1 call :MakeHiveArgs %* ) if not defined SERVICE ( if defined HELP ( set SERVICE=help ) else ( set SERVICE=cli ) ) if not defined HIVE_HOME ( echo "HIVE_HOME needs to be defined to point at the root of the hive install" exit /b 1 ) if not defined HIVE_CONF_DIR ( set HIVE_CONF_DIR=%HIVE_HOME%\conf ) if exist %HIVE_CONF_DIR%/hive-env.cmd CALL %HIVE_CONF_DIR%/hive-env.cmd @rem sort out classpath and make sure dependencies exist set CLASSPATH=%HIVE_CONF_DIR% set HIVE_LIB=%HIVE_HOME%\lib @rem needed for execution if not exist %HIVE_LIB%\hive-exec-*.jar ( echo "Missing Hive Execution Jar: %HIVE_LIB%/hive-exec-*.jar" exit /b 1 ) if not exist %HIVE_LIB%\hive-metastore-*.jar ( echo "Missing Hive MetaStore Jar" exit /b 1 ) @rem cli specific code if not exist %HIVE_LIB%\hive-cli-*.jar ( echo "Missing Hive CLI Jar" exit /b 1 ) set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%HIVE_LIB%\* @rem maybe we should just make users set HADOOP_HOME env variable as a prereq @rem in the next iteration, use "where" command to find directory of hadoop install from path if not defined HADOOP_HOME ( echo "HADOOP_HOME needs to be defined to point at the hadoop installation" exit /b 1 ) @rem supress the HADOOP_HOME warnings in 1.x.x set HADOOP_HOME_WARN_SUPPRESS=true set HADOOP=%HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hadoop.cmd if not exist %HADOOP% ( echo "Missing hadoop installation: %HADOOP_HOME% must be set" exit /b 1 ) @rem can only run against hadoop 1.0.0 as prereq for this iteration - can't figure out the regex/awk script to determine compatibility @rem add auxilary jars such as serdes if not defined HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH goto :AddAuxLibDir setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion :auxJarLoop for /f "delims=," %%a in ("!HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH!") do ( set auxjar=%%a if exist %%a ( if exist "%%a\nul" ( @rem %%a is a dir pushd %%a for /f %%b IN ('dir /b *.jar') do ( set AUX_CLASSPATH=!AUX_CLASSPATH!;%%a\%%b call :AddToAuxParam %%a\%%b ) popd ) else ( @rem %%a is a file set AUX_CLASSPATH=!AUX_CLASSPATH!;%%a call :AddToAuxParam %%a ) ) ) :striploop set stripchar=!HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH:~0,1! set HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH=!HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH:~1! if "!HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH!" EQU "" goto auxJarLoopEnd if "!stripchar!" NEQ "," goto striploop goto auxJarLoop :auxJarLoopEnd if defined HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH ( echo "setting aux param %HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH%" set AUX_CLASSPATH=%HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH% set AUX_PARAM=file://%HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH% ) :AddAuxLibDir @rem adding jars from auxlib directory if exist %HIVE_HOME%\auxlib ( pushd %HIVE_HOME%\auxlib for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.jar') do ( set AUX_CLASSPATH=%AUX_CLASSPATH%;%%a call :AddToAuxParam %%a ) popd ) @rem pass classpath to hadoop set HADOOP_CLASSPATH=%HADOOP_CLASSPATH%;%CLASSPATH%;%AUX_CLASSPATH% @rem also pass hive classpath to hadoop if defined HIVE_CLASSPATH ( set HADOOP_CLASSPATH=%HADOOP_CLASSPATH%;%HIVE_CLASSPATH% ) @rem set hbase components if defined HBASE_HOME ( if not defined HBASE_CONF_DIR ( if exist %HBASE_HOME%\conf ( set HBASE_CONF_DIR=%HBASE_HOME%\conf ) ) if defined HBASE_CONF_DIR ( call :AddToHadoopClassPath %HBASE_CONF_DIR% ) if exist %HBASE_HOME%\lib ( call :AddToHadoopClassPath %HBASE_HOME%\lib\* ) ) if defined AUX_PARAM ( set HIVE_OPTS=%HIVE_OPTS% -hiveconf hive.aux.jars.path="%AUX_PARAM%" set AUX_JARS_CMD_LINE="-libjars %AUX_PARAM%" ) @rem Get ready to run the services set SERVICE_COUNT=0 set TORUN="" call :AddServices For /L %%i in (1,1,%SERVICE_COUNT%) do ( if "%SERVICE%" == "!VAR%%i!" ( set TORUN=!VAR%%i! ) ) if %TORUN% == "" ( echo "Service %SERVICE% not available" exit /b 1 ) if defined HELP ( call %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\%TORUN%.cmd %TORUN%%HELP% %* goto :EOF ) @rem generate xml for the service, also append hadoop dependencies to the classpath if defined CATSERVICE ( if exist %HADOOP_HOME%\libexec\hadoop-config.cmd ( call %HADOOP_HOME%\libexec\hadoop-config.cmd ) else ( call %HADOOP_HOME%\libexec\hadoop-config.cmd ) if %TORUN% == hiveserver2 ( call %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\hiveserver2.cmd hiveserver2_catcmd > %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\hs2service.cmd ) call %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\%TORUN%.cmd %TORUN%%CATSERVICE% %* goto :EOF ) call %HIVE_BIN_PATH%\ext\%TORUN%.cmd %TORUN% %* goto :EOF @rem done body of script @rem start utility functions here @rem strip off preceding arguments like --service so that subsequent args can be passed on :MakeHiveArgs set _count=0 set _shift=1 set HIVEARGS= if not defined CURRENTARG ( goto :EndLoop ) :HiveArgsLoop if [%1]==[] ( goto :EndLoop ) if not %1==%CURRENTARG% ( shift goto :HiveArgsLoop ) if not defined HIVEARGS ( set HIVEARGS=%1 ) else ( set HIVEARGS=%HIVEARGS% %1 ) shift set CURRENTARG=%1 goto :HiveArgsLoop :EndLoop goto :EOF @rem makes list of available services :AddServices set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=cli set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=help set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=hiveserver set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=hiveserver2 set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=hwi set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=jar set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=lineage set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=metastore set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=rcfilecat set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=orcfiledump set /a SERVICE_COUNT = %SERVICE_COUNT% + 1 set VAR%SERVICE_COUNT%=schematool goto :EOF :AddToAuxParam if not defined AUX_PARAM ( set AUX_PARAM=file:///%1 ) else ( set AUX_PARAM=%AUX_PARAM%,file:///%1 ) ) goto :EOF :AddToHadoopClassPath if defined HADOOP_CLASSPATH ( set HADOOP_CLASSPATH=%HADOOP_CLASSPATH%;%1 ) else ( set HADOOP_CLASSPATH=%1 ) ) goto :EOF