PREHOOK: query: -- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned off, this query will be evaluated by -- 4 MR jobs. -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because both inputs of the -- UnionOperator are correlated, we can use 2 MR jobs to evaluate this query. -- The first MR job will evaluate subquery subq1 and subq1 join x. The second -- MR is for ordering. EXPLAIN SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned off, this query will be evaluated by -- 4 MR jobs. -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because both inputs of the -- UnionOperator are correlated, we can use 2 MR jobs to evaluate this query. -- The first MR job will evaluate subquery subq1 and subq1 join x. The second -- MR is for ordering. EXPLAIN SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1, Stage-3 Stage-3 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-2 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-2 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (((UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) or (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0)) and key is not null) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: string) Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col1 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-3 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### 128 3 146 val_146 2 150 val_150 1 213 val_213 2 224 2 238 val_238 2 255 val_255 2 273 val_273 3 278 val_278 2 311 val_311 3 369 3 401 val_401 5 406 val_406 4 PREHOOK: query: EXPLAIN SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: EXPLAIN SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (((UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) or (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0)) and key is not null) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: string) Reduce Operator Tree: Demux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 340 Data size: 3587 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 170 Data size: 1793 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Union Statistics: Num rows: 340 Data size: 3586 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Mux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 680 Data size: 7173 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col1 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 170 Data size: 1793 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Union Statistics: Num rows: 340 Data size: 3586 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Mux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 680 Data size: 7173 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col1 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Mux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 680 Data size: 7173 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col1 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### 128 3 146 val_146 2 150 val_150 1 213 val_213 2 224 2 238 val_238 2 255 val_255 2 273 val_273 3 278 val_278 2 311 val_311 3 369 3 401 val_401 5 406 val_406 4 PREHOOK: query: -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned off, this query will be evaluated by -- 4 MR jobs. -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because both inputs of the -- UnionOperator are correlated, we can use 2 MR jobs to evaluate this query. -- The first MR job will evaluate subquery subq1 and subq1 join x. The second -- MR is for ordering. EXPLAIN SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned off, this query will be evaluated by -- 4 MR jobs. -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because both inputs of the -- UnionOperator are correlated, we can use 2 MR jobs to evaluate this query. -- The first MR job will evaluate subquery subq1 and subq1 join x. The second -- MR is for ordering. EXPLAIN SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1, Stage-3 Stage-3 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-2 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-2 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 87 Data size: 911 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 87 Data size: 911 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 87 Data size: 911 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 87 Data size: 911 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: string) Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator condition map: Left Outer Join0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 95 Data size: 1002 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 95 Data size: 1002 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-3 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 4 Data size: 30 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### 3 3 3 3 3 val_165 3 val_193 3 val_265 3 val_27 3 val_409 3 val_484 0 3 NULL NULL 10 1 NULL NULL 11 1 NULL NULL 12 2 NULL NULL 15 2 NULL NULL 17 1 NULL NULL 18 2 NULL NULL 19 1 NULL NULL 2 1 NULL NULL 4 1 NULL NULL 5 3 NULL NULL 8 1 NULL NULL 9 1 NULL NULL val_146 1 NULL NULL val_150 1 NULL NULL val_213 1 NULL NULL val_238 1 NULL NULL val_255 1 NULL NULL val_273 1 NULL NULL val_278 1 NULL NULL val_311 1 NULL NULL val_401 1 NULL NULL val_406 1 NULL NULL PREHOOK: query: EXPLAIN SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: EXPLAIN SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: string) Reduce Operator Tree: Demux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 199 Data size: 2015 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 99 Data size: 1002 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Union Statistics: Num rows: 198 Data size: 2004 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Mux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 397 Data size: 4019 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Join Operator condition map: Left Outer Join0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 99 Data size: 1002 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Union Statistics: Num rows: 198 Data size: 2004 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Mux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 397 Data size: 4019 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Join Operator condition map: Left Outer Join0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Mux Operator Statistics: Num rows: 397 Data size: 4019 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Join Operator condition map: Left Outer Join0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 0 Data size: 0 Basic stats: NONE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink PREHOOK: query: SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: SELECT subq1.key, subq1.cnt, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.value as key, count(1) as cnt from src1 x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.value ) subq1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Input: default@src1 #### A masked pattern was here #### 3 3 3 3 3 val_165 3 val_193 3 val_265 3 val_27 3 val_409 3 val_484 0 3 NULL NULL 10 1 NULL NULL 11 1 NULL NULL 12 2 NULL NULL 15 2 NULL NULL 17 1 NULL NULL 18 2 NULL NULL 19 1 NULL NULL 2 1 NULL NULL 4 1 NULL NULL 5 3 NULL NULL 8 1 NULL NULL 9 1 NULL NULL val_146 1 NULL NULL val_150 1 NULL NULL val_213 1 NULL NULL val_238 1 NULL NULL val_255 1 NULL NULL val_273 1 NULL NULL val_278 1 NULL NULL val_311 1 NULL NULL val_401 1 NULL NULL val_406 1 NULL NULL PREHOOK: query: -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because a input of UnionOperator is -- not correlated, we cannot handle this case right now. So, this query will not be -- optimized. EXPLAIN SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key, x1.value ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because a input of UnionOperator is -- not correlated, we cannot handle this case right now. So, this query will not be -- optimized. EXPLAIN SELECT x.key, x.value, subq1.cnt FROM ( SELECT x.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT x1.key as key, count(1) as cnt from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key, x1.value ) subq1 JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1, Stage-3 Stage-3 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-2 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-2 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (((UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) or (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0)) and key is not null) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 8 Data size: 61 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: string) Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 keys: 0 _col0 (type: string) 1 _col0 (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col1 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-3 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string) sort order: ++ Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col2 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string), KEY._col1 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col2 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink WARNING: Comparing a bigint and a string may result in a loss of precision. PREHOOK: query: -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because a input of UnionOperator is -- not correlated, we cannot handle this case right now. So, this query will not be -- optimized. EXPLAIN SELECT subq1.key, subq1.value, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT cast(x.key as INT) as key, count(1) as value from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT count(1) as key, cast(x1.key as INT) as value from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 FULL OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) PREHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: query: -- When the Correlation Optimizer is turned on, because a input of UnionOperator is -- not correlated, we cannot handle this case right now. So, this query will not be -- optimized. EXPLAIN SELECT subq1.key, subq1.value, x.key, x.value FROM ( SELECT cast(x.key as INT) as key, count(1) as value from src x where x.key < 20 group by x.key UNION ALL SELECT count(1) as key, cast(x1.key as INT) as value from src x1 where x1.key > 100 group by x1.key ) subq1 FULL OUTER JOIN src1 x ON (x.key = subq1.key) POSTHOOK: type: QUERY STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1, Stage-3 Stage-3 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-2 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) < 20.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: UDFToLong(UDFToInteger(_col0)) (type: bigint), _col1 (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-2 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint), _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan Union Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1762 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint), _col1 (type: bigint) TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string), value (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) Statistics: Num rows: 25 Data size: 191 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string) Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator condition map: Outer Join 0 to 1 keys: 0 UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) 1 UDFToDouble(_col0) (type: double) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false Statistics: Num rows: 182 Data size: 1938 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Stage: Stage-3 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan alias: x Statistics: Num rows: 500 Data size: 5312 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Filter Operator predicate: (UDFToDouble(key) > 100.0) (type: boolean) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: key (type: string) outputColumnNames: _col0 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count(1) keys: _col0 (type: string) mode: hash outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Reduce Output Operator key expressions: _col0 (type: string) sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string) Statistics: Num rows: 166 Data size: 1763 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint) Reduce Operator Tree: Group By Operator aggregations: count(VALUE._col0) keys: KEY._col0 (type: string) mode: mergepartial outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator expressions: _col1 (type: bigint), UDFToLong(UDFToInteger(_col0)) (type: bigint) outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1 Statistics: Num rows: 83 Data size: 881 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE File Output Operator compressed: false table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe Stage: Stage-0 Fetch Operator limit: -1 Processor Tree: ListSink