set; set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager; set hive.enforce.bucketing=true; create table acid_uat(ti tinyint, si smallint, i int, j int, bi bigint, f float, d double, de decimal(5,2), t timestamp, dt date, s string, vc varchar(128), ch char(36), b boolean) clustered by (i) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true'); insert into table acid_uat select ctinyint, csmallint, cint, cint j, cbigint, cfloat, cdouble, cast(cfloat as decimal(5,2)), ctimestamp1, cast(ctimestamp2 as date), cstring1, cast(cstring1 as varchar(128)), cast(cstring2 as char(36)), cboolean1 from alltypesorc where cint < 0 order by cint limit 10; select * from acid_uat order by i; update acid_uat set ti = 1, si = 2, j = 3, bi = 4, f = 3.14, d = 6.28, de = 5.99, t = '2014-09-01 09:44.23.23', dt = '2014-09-01', s = 'its a beautiful day in the neighbhorhood', vc = 'a beautiful day for a neighbor', ch = 'wont you be mine', b = true where s = '0ruyd6Y50JpdGRf6HqD'; select * from acid_uat order by i; update acid_uat set ti = ti * 2, si = cast(f as int), d = floor(de) where s = 'aw724t8c5558x2xneC624'; select * from acid_uat order by i;