Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/lateral_view_cp.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/lateral_view_cp.q >>> --HIVE 3226 >>> drop table array_valued_src; No rows affected >>> create table array_valued_src (key string, value array); No rows affected >>> insert overwrite table array_valued_src select key, array(value) from src; 'key','_c1' No rows selected >>> >>> -- replace sel(*) to sel(exprs) for reflecting CP result properly >>> explain select count(val) from (select a.key as key, b.value as array_val from src a join array_valued_src b on a.key=b.key) i lateral view explode (array_val) c as val; 'Explain' 'ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE:' ' (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_LATERAL_VIEW (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION explode (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL array_val)) val (TOK_TABALIAS c))) (TOK_SUBQUERY (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_JOIN (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) a) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME array_valued_src) b) (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) key) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL b) key)))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) key) key) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL b) value) array_val)))) i))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION count (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL val))))))' '' 'STAGE DEPENDENCIES:' ' Stage-1 is a root stage' ' Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1' ' Stage-0 is a root stage' '' 'STAGE PLANS:' ' Stage: Stage-1' ' Map Reduce' ' Alias -> Map Operator Tree:' ' i:a ' ' TableScan' ' alias: a' ' Reduce Output Operator' ' key expressions:' ' expr: key' ' type: string' ' sort order: +' ' Map-reduce partition columns:' ' expr: key' ' type: string' ' tag: 0' ' i:b ' ' TableScan' ' alias: b' ' Reduce Output Operator' ' key expressions:' ' expr: key' ' type: string' ' sort order: +' ' Map-reduce partition columns:' ' expr: key' ' type: string' ' tag: 1' ' value expressions:' ' expr: value' ' type: array' ' Reduce Operator Tree:' ' Join Operator' ' condition map:' ' Inner Join 0 to 1' ' condition expressions:' ' 0 ' ' 1 {VALUE._col1}' ' handleSkewJoin: false' ' outputColumnNames: _col5' ' Select Operator' ' expressions:' ' expr: _col5' ' type: array' ' outputColumnNames: _col1' ' Lateral View Forward' ' Select Operator' ' Lateral View Join Operator' ' outputColumnNames: _col2' ' Select Operator' ' expressions:' ' expr: _col2' ' type: string' ' outputColumnNames: _col2' ' Group By Operator' ' aggregations:' ' expr: count(_col2)' ' bucketGroup: false' ' mode: hash' ' outputColumnNames: _col0' ' File Output Operator' ' compressed: false' ' GlobalTableId: 0' ' table:' ' input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat' ' output format:' ' Select Operator' ' expressions:' ' expr: _col1' ' type: array' ' outputColumnNames: _col0' ' UDTF Operator' ' function name: explode' ' Lateral View Join Operator' ' outputColumnNames: _col2' ' Select Operator' ' expressions:' ' expr: _col2' ' type: string' ' outputColumnNames: _col2' ' Group By Operator' ' aggregations:' ' expr: count(_col2)' ' bucketGroup: false' ' mode: hash' ' outputColumnNames: _col0' ' File Output Operator' ' compressed: false' ' GlobalTableId: 0' ' table:' ' input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat' ' output format:' '' ' Stage: Stage-2' ' Map Reduce' ' Alias -> Map Operator Tree:' ' file:!!{hive.exec.scratchdir}!! ' ' Reduce Output Operator' ' sort order: ' ' tag: -1' ' value expressions:' ' expr: _col0' ' type: bigint' ' Reduce Operator Tree:' ' Group By Operator' ' aggregations:' ' expr: count(VALUE._col0)' ' bucketGroup: false' ' mode: mergepartial' ' outputColumnNames: _col0' ' Select Operator' ' expressions:' ' expr: _col0' ' type: bigint' ' outputColumnNames: _col0' ' File Output Operator' ' compressed: false' ' GlobalTableId: 0' ' table:' ' input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' ' output format:' '' ' Stage: Stage-0' ' Fetch Operator' ' limit: -1' '' '' 135 rows selected >>> select count(val) from (select a.key as key, b.value as array_val from src a join array_valued_src b on a.key=b.key) i lateral view explode (array_val) c as val; '_c0' '1028' 1 row selected >>> !record