Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/avro_joins.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/avro_joins.q >>> -- verify that new joins bring in correct schemas (including evolved schemas) >>> >>> CREATE TABLE doctors4 ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.literal'='{ "namespace": "testing.hive.avro.serde", "name": "doctors", "type": "record", "fields": [ { "name":"number", "type":"int", "doc":"Order of playing the role" }, { "name":"first_name", "type":"string", "doc":"first name of actor playing role" }, { "name":"last_name", "type":"string", "doc":"last name of actor playing role" }, { "name":"extra_field", "type":"string", "doc:":"an extra field not in the original file", "default":"fishfingers and custard" } ] }'); No rows affected >>> >>> DESCRIBE doctors4; 'col_name','data_type','comment' 'number','int','from deserializer' 'first_name','string','from deserializer' 'last_name','string','from deserializer' 'extra_field','string','from deserializer' 4 rows selected >>> >>> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../data/files/doctors.avro' INTO TABLE doctors4; No rows affected >>> >>> CREATE TABLE episodes ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.literal'='{ "namespace": "testing.hive.avro.serde", "name": "episodes", "type": "record", "fields": [ { "name":"title", "type":"string", "doc":"episode title" }, { "name":"air_date", "type":"string", "doc":"initial date" }, { "name":"doctor", "type":"int", "doc":"main actor playing the Doctor in episode" } ] }'); No rows affected >>> >>> DESCRIBE episodes; 'col_name','data_type','comment' 'title','string','from deserializer' 'air_date','string','from deserializer' 'doctor','int','from deserializer' 3 rows selected >>> >>> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../data/files/episodes.avro' INTO TABLE episodes; No rows affected >>> >>> SELECT e.title, e.air_date, d.first_name, d.last_name, d.extra_field, e.air_date FROM doctors4 d JOIN episodes e ON ( ORDER BY d.last_name, e.title; 'title','air_date','first_name','last_name','extra_field','air_date' 'Horror of Fang Rock','3 September 1977','Tom','Baker','fishfingers and custard','3 September 1977' 'The Mysterious Planet','6 September 1986','Colin','Baker','fishfingers and custard','6 September 1986' 'Castrolava','4 January 1982','Peter','Davison','fishfingers and custard','4 January 1982' 'Rose','26 March 2005','Christopher','Eccleston','fishfingers and custard','26 March 2005' 'An Unearthly Child','23 November 1963','William','Hartnell','fishfingers and custard','23 November 1963' 'The Doctor's Wife','14 May 2011','Matt','Smith','fishfingers and custard','14 May 2011' 'The Eleventh Hour','3 April 2010','Matt','Smith','fishfingers and custard','3 April 2010' 'The Power of the Daleks','5 November 1966','Patrick','Troughton','fishfingers and custard','5 November 1966' 8 rows selected >>> >>> >>> !record