set; set mapred.max.split.size=300; set mapred.min.split.size=300; set mapred.min.split.size.per.node=300; set mapred.min.split.size.per.rack=300; set; set hive.merge.smallfiles.avgsize=1; -- EXCLUDE_HADOOP_MAJOR_VERSIONS(0.20, 0.20S) -- create file inputs create table sih_i_part (key int, value string) partitioned by (p string); insert overwrite table sih_i_part partition (p='1') select key, value from src; insert overwrite table sih_i_part partition (p='2') select key+10000, value from src; insert overwrite table sih_i_part partition (p='3') select key+20000, value from src; create table sih_src as select key, value from sih_i_part order by key, value; create table sih_src2 as select key, value from sih_src order by key, value; set = org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.VerifyIsLocalModeHook; set; set mapreduce.jobtracker.address=localhost:58; set hive.sample.seednumber=7; -- Relaxing -- Hadoop20 will not generate more splits than there are files (one). -- Hadoop23 generate splits correctly (four), hence the max needs to be adjusted to ensure running in local mode. -- Default value is which produces expected behavior on Hadoop23. -- hive.sample.seednumber is required because Hadoop23 generates multiple splits and tablesample is non-repeatable without it. -- sample split, running locally limited by num tasks select count(1) from sih_src tablesample(1 percent); -- sample two tables select count(1) from sih_src tablesample(1 percent) a join sih_src2 tablesample(1 percent) b on a.key = b.key; set; -- sample split, running locally limited by max bytes select count(1) from sih_src tablesample(1 percent);