drop table partition_varchar_1; create table partition_varchar_1 (key string, value varchar(20)) partitioned by (dt varchar(10), region int); insert overwrite table partition_varchar_1 partition(dt='2000-01-01', region=1) select * from src limit 10; insert overwrite table partition_varchar_1 partition(dt='2000-01-01', region=2) select * from src limit 5; insert overwrite table partition_varchar_1 partition(dt='2013-08-08', region=1) select * from src limit 20; insert overwrite table partition_varchar_1 partition(dt='2013-08-08', region=10) select * from src limit 11; select distinct dt from partition_varchar_1; select * from partition_varchar_1 where dt = '2000-01-01' and region = 2 order by key,value; -- 15 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt = '2000-01-01'; -- 5 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt = '2000-01-01' and region = 2; -- 11 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt = '2013-08-08' and region = 10; -- 30 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where region = 1; -- 0 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt = '2000-01-01' and region = 3; -- 0 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt = '1999-01-01'; -- Try other comparison operations -- 20 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt > '2000-01-01' and region = 1; -- 10 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt < '2000-01-02' and region = 1; -- 20 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt >= '2000-01-02' and region = 1; -- 10 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt <= '2000-01-01' and region = 1; -- 20 select count(*) from partition_varchar_1 where dt <> '2000-01-01' and region = 1; drop table partition_varchar_1;