set; set; set; -- we will generate one MR job. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp.key FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) UNION ALL SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key)) tmp ORDER BY tmp.key; SELECT tmp.key FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) UNION ALL SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key)) tmp ORDER BY tmp.key; set; -- Check if the total size of local tables will be -- larger than the limit that -- we set through (right now, it is -- 400 bytes). If so, do not merge. -- For this query, we will merge the MapJoin of x2 and y2 into the MR job -- for UNION ALL and ORDER BY. But, the MapJoin of x1 and y2 will not be merged -- into that MR job. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp.key FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) UNION ALL SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key)) tmp ORDER BY tmp.key; SELECT tmp.key FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) UNION ALL SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key)) tmp ORDER BY tmp.key; set; -- We will use two jobs. -- We will generate one MR job for GROUP BY -- on x1, one MR job for both the MapJoin of x2 and y2, the UNION ALL, and the -- ORDER BY. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp.key FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src1 x1 GROUP BY x1.key UNION ALL SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key)) tmp ORDER BY tmp.key; SELECT tmp.key FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src1 x1 GROUP BY x1.key UNION ALL SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key)) tmp ORDER BY tmp.key; set hive.optimize.correlation=false; -- When Correlation Optimizer is disabled, -- we will use 5 jobs. -- We will generate one MR job to evaluate the sub-query tmp1, -- one MR job to evaluate the sub-query tmp2, -- one MR job for the Join of tmp1 and tmp2, -- one MR job for aggregation on the result of the Join of tmp1 and tmp2, -- and one MR job for the ORDER BY. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; set hive.optimize.correlation=true; -- When Correlation Optimizer is enabled, -- we will use two jobs. This first MR job will evaluate sub-queries of tmp1, tmp2, -- the Join of tmp1 and tmp2, and the aggregation on the result of the Join of -- tmp1 and tmp2. The second job will do the ORDER BY. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src x1 JOIN src1 y1 ON (x1.key = y1.key) GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; set hive.optimize.correlation=false; -- When Correlation Optimizer is disabled, -- we will use five jobs. -- We will generate one MR job to evaluate the sub-query tmp1, -- one MR job to evaluate the sub-query tmp2, -- one MR job for the Join of tmp1 and tmp2, -- one MR job for aggregation on the result of the Join of tmp1 and tmp2, -- and one MR job for the ORDER BY. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src1 x1 GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src1 x1 GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; set hive.optimize.correlation=true; -- When Correlation Optimizer is enabled, -- we will use two job. This first MR job will evaluate sub-queries of tmp1, tmp2, -- the Join of tmp1 and tmp2, and the aggregation on the result of the Join of -- tmp1 and tmp2. The second job will do the ORDER BY. EXPLAIN SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src1 x1 GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; SELECT tmp1.key as key, count(*) as cnt FROM (SELECT x1.key AS key FROM src1 x1 GROUP BY x1.key) tmp1 JOIN (SELECT x2.key AS key FROM src x2 JOIN src1 y2 ON (x2.key = y2.key) GROUP BY x2.key) tmp2 ON (tmp1.key = tmp2.key) GROUP BY tmp1.key ORDER BY key, cnt; -- Check if we can correctly handle partitioned table. CREATE TABLE part_table(key string, value string) PARTITIONED BY (partitionId int); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_table PARTITION (partitionId=1) SELECT key, value FROM src ORDER BY key, value LIMIT 100; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE part_table PARTITION (partitionId=2) SELECT key, value FROM src1 ORDER BY key, value; EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM part_table x JOIN src1 y ON (x.key = y.key); SELECT count(*) FROM part_table x JOIN src1 y ON (x.key = y.key);