set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true; set hive.optimize.listbucketing=true; set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; set; -- INCLUDE_HADOOP_MAJOR_VERSIONS(0.23) -- List bucketing query logic test case. We simulate the directory structure by DML here. -- Test condition: -- 1. where clause has multiple skewed columns and non-skewed columns -- 3. where clause has a few operators -- Test focus: -- 1. basic list bucketing query work -- Test result: -- 1. pruner only pick up right directory -- 2. query result is right -- create a skewed table create table fact_daily (key String, value String) partitioned by (ds String, hr String) skewed by (key, value) on (('484','val_484'),('238','val_238')) stored as DIRECTORIES; insert overwrite table fact_daily partition (ds = '1', hr = '4') select key, value from src; describe formatted fact_daily PARTITION (ds = '1', hr='4'); SELECT count(1) FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4'; -- pruner only pick up default directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT key, value FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4' and value= 'val_484' ORDER BY key, value; -- List Bucketing Query SELECT key, value FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4' and value= 'val_484' ORDER BY key, value; -- pruner only pick up default directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT key FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4' and key= '406' ORDER BY key; -- List Bucketing Query SELECT key, value FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4' and key= '406' ORDER BY key; -- pruner only pick up skewed-value directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT key, value FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4' and ( (key='484' and value ='val_484') or (key='238' and value= 'val_238')) ORDER BY key, value; -- List Bucketing Query SELECT key, value FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4' and ( (key='484' and value ='val_484') or (key='238' and value= 'val_238')) ORDER BY key, value; -- clean up drop table fact_daily;