set hive.test.mode=true; set hive.test.mode.prefix=; set hive.test.mode.nosamplelist=exim_department,exim_employee; create table exim_employee (emp_id int comment 'employee id', emp_name string, emp_dob string comment 'employee date of birth', emp_sex string comment 'M/F') comment 'employee table' partitioned by (emp_country string comment '2-char code', emp_state string comment '2-char code') clustered by (emp_sex) sorted by (emp_id ASC) into 10 buckets row format serde "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe" with serdeproperties ('serialization.format'='1') stored as rcfile; alter table exim_employee add columns (emp_dept int); alter table exim_employee clustered by (emp_sex, emp_dept) sorted by (emp_id desc) into 5 buckets; alter table exim_employee add partition (emp_country='in', emp_state='tn'); alter table exim_employee set serde "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe" with serdeproperties ('serialization.format'='2'); alter table exim_employee set fileformat inputformat "" outputformat ""; alter table exim_employee add partition (emp_country='in', emp_state='ka'); dfs ${system:test.dfs.mkdir} ../build/ql/test/data/exports/exim_employee/temp; dfs -rmr ../build/ql/test/data/exports/exim_employee; export table exim_employee to 'ql/test/data/exports/exim_employee'; drop table exim_employee; create database importer; use importer; import from 'ql/test/data/exports/exim_employee'; describe extended exim_employee; describe extended exim_employee partition (emp_country='in', emp_state='tn'); describe extended exim_employee partition (emp_country='in', emp_state='ka'); show table extended like exim_employee; dfs -rmr ../build/ql/test/data/exports/exim_employee; select * from exim_employee; drop table exim_employee; drop database importer;