-- small 1 part, 2 bucket & big 2 part, 4 bucket CREATE TABLE bucket_small (key string, value string) partitioned by (ds string) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; load data local inpath '../data/files/smallsrcsortbucket1outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_small partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../data/files/smallsrcsortbucket2outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_small partition(ds='2008-04-08'); CREATE TABLE bucket_big (key string, value string) partitioned by (ds string) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 4 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket1outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket2outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket3outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket4outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket1outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-09'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket2outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-09'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket3outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-09'); load data local inpath '../data/files/srcsortbucket4outof4.txt' INTO TABLE bucket_big partition(ds='2008-04-09'); set hive.auto.convert.join=true; explain extended select count(*) FROM bucket_small a JOIN bucket_big b ON a.key = b.key; select count(*) FROM bucket_small a JOIN bucket_big b ON a.key = b.key; set hive.auto.convert.sortmerge.join=true; set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin=true; set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge=true; -- Since size is being used to find the big table, the order of the tables in the join does not matter -- The tables are only bucketed and not sorted, the join should not be converted -- Currenly, a join is only converted to a sort-merge join without a hint, automatic conversion to -- bucketized mapjoin is not done explain extended select count(*) FROM bucket_small a JOIN bucket_big b ON a.key = b.key; select count(*) FROM bucket_small a JOIN bucket_big b ON a.key = b.key; -- The join is converted to a bucketed mapjoin with a mapjoin hint explain extended select /*+ mapjoin(a) */ count(*) FROM bucket_small a JOIN bucket_big b ON a.key = b.key; select /*+ mapjoin(a) */ count(*) FROM bucket_small a JOIN bucket_big b ON a.key = b.key;