SET[^9]*; set hive.exec.failure.hooks=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.VerifyTableDirectoryIsEmptyHook; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; create table source_table like srcpart; create table dest_table like srcpart; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE source_table partition(ds='2008-04-08', hr=11); -- Tests creating dynamic partitions with characters not in the whitelist (i.e. 9) -- If the directory is not empty the hook will throw an error, instead the error should come from the metastore -- This shows that no dynamic partitions were created and left behind or had directories created insert overwrite table dest_table partition (ds, hr) select key, hr, ds, value from source_table where ds='2008-04-08' order by value asc;