#!/usr/bin/perl -Ilib # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use CGI; use Chart::Base; use Chart::Lines; use Chart::Mountain; use Chart::HorizontalBars; use Date::Manip; use Date::Parse; use POSIX qw(strftime); use strict; my $q = new CGI; #$ENV{'http_proxy'} = "write proxy name here, if required"; $ENV{'TZ'} = `date +%z`; $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = "HarmonyBugs.cgi"; my $DAY = 24*60*60; my $WEEK = 7*$DAY; my $YEAR = 365*$DAY; my $MONTH = $YEAR/12; my @DAYS = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); my $PERIOD_PARAM = $q->param('period') || '6m'; my $INTERVAL_PARAM = $q->param('int') || '1w'; my $COMP_PARAM = $q->param('comp') || 'none'; my $METHOD_PARAM = $q->param('method') || 'offline'; my $CHECK_PARAM = $q->param('docheck') || 'no'; my $TYPE_PARAM = $q->param('type') || 0; $TYPE_PARAM = 0 if ($TYPE_PARAM > 7 || $TYPE_PARAM < 0); my $CUR_TIME = time; my $CACHE_LIFE_TIME = 60*60; # 1 hour my %periods = ('1m' => $MONTH, '3m' => $YEAR/4, '6m' => $YEAR/2, '1y' => $YEAR, '2y' => $YEAR*2, '3y' => $YEAR*3, '5y' => $YEAR*5 ); my %period_names = ('1m' => '1 month', '3m' => '3 months', '6m' => '6 months', '1y' => '1 year', '2y' => '2 years', '3y' => '3 years', '5y' => '5 years' ); my %intervals = ('1d' => $DAY, '1w' => $WEEK, '1m' => $MONTH ); my %interval_names = ('1d' => 'Day', '1w' => 'Week', '1m' => 'Month' ); my $PERIOD = $periods{'6m'}; if ($periods{$PERIOD_PARAM}) { $PERIOD = $periods{$PERIOD_PARAM}; } else { $PERIOD_PARAM='6m'; } my $INTERVAL = $intervals{'1w'}; if ($intervals{$INTERVAL_PARAM}) { $INTERVAL = $intervals{$INTERVAL_PARAM}; } else { $INTERVAL_PARAM='1w'; } if ($PERIOD < $INTERVAL) { $PERIOD = $periods{'6m'}; $PERIOD_PARAM='6m'; $INTERVAL = $intervals{'1w'}; $INTERVAL_PARAM='1w'; } $PERIOD = $PERIOD - $PERIOD % $INTERVAL if ($INTERVAL_PARAM ne '1m'); my ($SEC_SH, $MIN_SH, $HOUR_SH, $MDAY_SH, $MON_SH, $YEAR_SH, $WDAY_SH, $YDAY_SH, $ISDST_SH)=gmtime($CUR_TIME); my $TIME_SHIFT = $HOUR_SH*60*60 + $MIN_SH*60 + $SEC_SH; $TIME_SHIFT = $TIME_SHIFT + $WDAY_SH*$DAY if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1w'); $TIME_SHIFT = $TIME_SHIFT + ($MDAY_SH-1)*$DAY if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1m'); my @components = ('Classlib', 'DRLVM', 'VM', 'Contributions', 'Build-test-ci'); my %types = (0 => 'Any', 1 => 'Bug', 2 => 'New Feature', 3 => 'Task', 4 => 'Improvement', 5 => 'Wish', 6 => 'Test', 7 => 'Sub-task'); my $component_id = 0; my @priorities = ('Blocker', 'Critical', 'Major', 'Minor', 'Trivial'); if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { my $ok = 'no'; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { if ($COMP_PARAM eq $components[$i]) { $ok = 'ok'; } } if ($ok eq 'no') { $COMP_PARAM = 'none'; } } my $TEMP = "./tmp"; my $URLS = "./url.txt"; my $LOG = "./log"; my $RESULTS = "./results"; my $OFFLINE = "./HarmonyBugs.out"; my $ONLINE = "wget -i $URLS -o $LOG -O - |"; my $GET = ($METHOD_PARAM eq 'online' || !(-f $OFFLINE)) ? $ONLINE : $OFFLINE; # Types # Bug # New Feature # Task # Improvement # Wish # Test # Sub-task # Statuses # Open # In Progress # Reopened # Resolved # Closed # Resolutions # Unresolved # Fixed # Won't Fix # Duplicate # Cannot Reproduce # Invalid # Later my @TYPE; my @CREATED; my @STATUS; my @PRIORITY; my @RESOLUTION; my @COMPONENT; my @MODULE; my @TITLE; my @KEY; my @PATCH; my @RESOLVED; my @ticks; my %unresolved; if ($INTERVAL_PARAM ne '1w') { # Recalculate period: my $sm = $MON_SH - 1; my $sy = $YEAR_SH; if ($sm < 0) { $sm = 11; $sy--; } my $months = int($periods{$PERIOD_PARAM} * 12 / $YEAR); $PERIOD = 0; while ($months-- > 0) { $PERIOD = $PERIOD + $DAYS[$sm] * $DAY; if ($sy % 4 == 0 && $sm == 1) { $PERIOD = $PERIOD + $DAY; } $sm--; if ($sm < 0) { $sm = 11; $sy--; } } } if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1m') { #calculate ticks my $tm = $CUR_TIME - $TIME_SHIFT; my @ticks_backwards; push @ticks_backwards, $CUR_TIME; do { push @ticks_backwards, $tm--; my ($T_SEC, $T_MIN, $T_HOUR, $T_MDAY, $T_MON, $T_YEAR, $T_WDAY, $T_YDAY, $T_ISDST)=gmtime($tm); my $days_to_drop = $DAYS[$T_MON]; if ($T_YEAR % 4 == 0 && $T_MON == 1) { $days_to_drop = 29; } $tm = $tm - $days_to_drop * $DAY + 1; } while ($tm >= $CUR_TIME - $PERIOD - $TIME_SHIFT); for (my $i = ($#ticks_backwards - 1); $i >= 0; $i--) { push @ticks, $ticks_backwards[$i]; # unresolved array init if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#priorities; $j++) { push @{$unresolved{$priorities[$j]}}, 0; } } else { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#components; $j++) { push @{$unresolved{$components[$j]}}, 0; } } } } else { for (my $i = ($CUR_TIME - $PERIOD - $TIME_SHIFT); $i <= $CUR_TIME; $i += $INTERVAL) { push @ticks, $i; # unresolved array init if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#priorities; $j++) { push @{$unresolved{$priorities[$j]}}, 0; } } else { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#components; $j++) { push @{$unresolved{$components[$j]}}, 0; } } } if ($ticks[$#ticks] != $CUR_TIME) { push @ticks, $CUR_TIME; if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#priorities; $j++) { push @{$unresolved{$priorities[$j]}}, 0; } } else { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#components; $j++) { push @{$unresolved{$components[$j]}}, 0; } } } } #Remove outdated data from $TEMP directory and getting latest cache, if any my $cache_tm = 0; my $cache; my @tmp = `ls -r $TEMP`; foreach my $t (@tmp) { my $tm = 0; $tm = $1 if ($t =~ /[\_]*([0-9]*)[lmp]\.png/); $tm = $1 if ($t =~ /[\_]*([0-9]*)\.tmp/); if ($tm != 0) { if ($CUR_TIME - $tm > $CACHE_LIFE_TIME) { my $ignore = `rm $TEMP/$t`; } else { if ($t =~ /[\_0-9]*\.tmp/ && $tm > $cache_tm) { $cache_tm = $tm; $cache = $t; } } } } #For reading cached data, if exist my $new_cache = ""; my $cf; $GET = "$TEMP/$cache" if ($GET eq $ONLINE && $cache_tm > 0); if ($GET eq $ONLINE && $cache_tm == 0) { $new_cache = tmp_name("\.tmp"); open $cf, "> $new_cache"; } #Reading data and writing cache, if needed open GET, $GET; while () { my $string = $_; my $doWrite = 0; if ($string =~ /\s*[-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()]*<\/type>/) { push @TYPE, $1; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()]*)<\/created>/) { push @CREATED, str2time($1); $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()]*)<\/status>/) { push @STATUS, $2; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()&;]*)<\/priority>/) { push @PRIORITY, $priorities[$1 - 1]; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()&;]*)<\/resolution>/) { push @RESOLUTION, $2; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()]*)<\/resolution>/) { push @RESOLUTION, $1; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()]*)<\/resolution>/) { push @RESOLUTION, $1; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*([-\ A-Za-z0-9,:()]*)<\/created>/) { push @COMPONENT, $components[$component_id]; push @MODULE, -1; push @PATCH, 0; push @RESOLVED, 0; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*<\/customfieldvalue>/) { $PATCH[$#PATCH] = 1; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*(.+)<\/summary>/) { push @TITLE, $1; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /\s*(.+)<\/key>/) { push @KEY, $2; $doWrite++; } if ($string =~ /<\/rss>/) { $component_id++; $doWrite++; } print $cf $string if ($new_cache ne "" && $doWrite > 0); } close $cf if ($new_cache ne ""); # To be sure that we received consistent information my $total = $#CREATED; if ($total != $#STATUS || $total != $#RESOLUTION || $total != $#PRIORITY || $total != $#TITLE || $total != $#MODULE || $total != $#KEY || $total != $#RESOLVED || $total != $#TYPE || $total != $#PATCH) { die "error: array sizes inconsistency: $#CREATED $#STATUS $#RESOLUTION $#TITLE $#MODULE $#KEY $#RESOLVED $#TYPE $#PATCH, should be equal. ", "Possibly data was broken. Please try again. \n"; } &check_issues_resolution_date(); exit if ($CHECK_PARAM eq 'yes'); my %patch_available; if ($COMP_PARAM eq 'none') { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { $patch_available{$components[$i]} = 0; } } else { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#priorities; $i++) { $patch_available{$priorities[$i]} = 0; } } for (my $i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { if ($TYPE_PARAM == 0 || $TYPE[$i] == $TYPE_PARAM) { my $j = $#ticks; if ($RESOLUTION[$i] ne 'Unresolved') { while ($ticks[$j] > $RESOLVED[$i] && $j >= 0) { $j--; } } while ($ticks[$j] > $CREATED[$i] && $j >= 0) { if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { $unresolved{$PRIORITY[$i]}->[$j]++ if ($COMP_PARAM eq $COMPONENT[$i]); } else { $unresolved{$COMPONENT[$i]}->[$j]++; } $j--; } if ($RESOLUTION[$i] eq 'Unresolved') { if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { $patch_available{$PRIORITY[$i]}++ if ($PATCH[$i] > 0 && $COMP_PARAM eq $COMPONENT[$i]); } else { $patch_available{$COMPONENT[$i]}++ if ($PATCH[$i] > 0); } } } } my @WRONG_TITLE; my @MODULES; if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { if ($COMP_PARAM eq $COMPONENT[$i] && $RESOLUTION[$i] eq 'Unresolved' && ($TYPE_PARAM == 0 || $TYPE[$i] == $TYPE_PARAM)) { my $t = $TITLE[$i]; if ($t =~ /\s*\[(.+?)\]\s*\[(.+?)\].*/) { my $cmp = $1; my $mod = $2; if ($cmp =~ /\s*(?i)$COMP_PARAM\s*/) { my $idx = -1; for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#MODULES; $j++) { my $m = $MODULES[$j]; if ($mod =~ /\s*(?i)$m\s*/) { $idx = $j; } } if ($idx < 0) { push @MODULES, $mod; $MODULE[$i] = $#MODULES; } else { $MODULE[$i] = $idx; } } else { push @WRONG_TITLE, $i; $MODULE[$i] = -1; } } else { push @WRONG_TITLE, $i; $MODULE[$i] = -1; } } } } &generate_html_with_graph(); sub generate_html_with_graph () { # Generate HTML with Graph my $title = "Harmony unresolved issues history"; my $description = "This tables and graphs show how many issues filed against Harmony\n". " components were remaining in the unresolved status during specified time frames.\n". "

\n The original statistics can be found on\n". " \n". " Apache Harmony Issue Tracker.\n "; print $q->header ('text/html; charset=koi8'); print $q->start_html (-title => $title); print "

\n $title\n

\n"; print "

\n $COMP_PARAM component\n

\n" if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none'); print "

\n $description\n

\n"; print "

\nPeriod:\n"; foreach my $i (sort {$a<=>$b} values (%periods)) { foreach my $j (keys %periods) { if ($periods{$j} == $i) { if ($j ne $PERIOD_PARAM) { print "", $period_names{$j}, " \n"; } else { print $period_names{$j}, " \n"; } } } } print "

\n"; print "

\nInterval:\n"; foreach my $i (sort {$a<=>$b} values (%intervals)) { foreach my $j (keys %intervals) { if ($intervals{$j} == $i) { if ($j ne $INTERVAL_PARAM) { print "", $interval_names{$j}, " \n"; } else { print $interval_names{$j}, " \n"; } } } } print "

\n"; print "

\nBy component:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { if ($components[$i] ne $COMP_PARAM) { print "", $components[$i], " \n"; } else { print $components[$i], " \n"; } } print "

\n"; print "

\nBy issue type:\n"; foreach my $i (sort keys %types) { if ($i != $TYPE_PARAM) { print "", $types{$i}, " \n"; } else { print $types{$i}, " \n"; } } print "

\n"; print "
\n\n \n \n"; for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#priorities; $j++) { print " \n"; } } else { print " Component\n"; for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#components; $j++) { print " \n"; } } print " \n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ticks; $i++) { my $tick; $tick = strftime "%b'%y", gmtime($ticks[$i]) if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1m'); $tick = strftime "%e, %b'%y", gmtime($ticks[$i] + $DAY) if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1w'); $tick = strftime "%e, %b'%y", gmtime($ticks[$i]) if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1d'); $tick = "Now (patch available)" if ($ticks[$i] == $CUR_TIME); print " \n \n"; if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#priorities; $j++) { if ($i == $#ticks) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } } else { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#components; $j++) { if ($i == $#ticks) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } } print " \n"; } print "
$interval_names{$INTERVAL_PARAM} \\"; if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { print " Priority", $priorities[$j], "", $components[$j], "
", $tick, "", $unresolved{$priorities[$j]}->[$i], "($patch_available{$priorities[$j]})", $unresolved{$priorities[$j]}->[$i], "", $unresolved{$components[$j]}->[$i], "($patch_available{$components[$j]})", $unresolved{$components[$j]}->[$i], "
\n"; my @pics = draw_graph(); for my $p(@pics){ print "\n"; } print "
\n"; if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none' && $COMP_PARAM ne 'Contributions' && $COMP_PARAM ne 'Build-test-ci' && $#WRONG_TITLE > 0) { print "

Issues, summary of which does not conform to \"[component][module] summary...\" format:

\n"; print "

\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#WRONG_TITLE; $i++) { my $key = $KEY[$WRONG_TITLE[$i]]; print "$key: $TITLE[$WRONG_TITLE[$i]]
\n"; } print "

\n"; } my $last_updated = ""; if (-f $OFFLINE) { $last_updated = `ls -l --time-style="+%m-%d-%y %H:%M" $OFFLINE | awk '{print \$6 " " \$7}'`; } else { $last_updated = "never"; } print "

\n"; if ($GET eq $OFFLINE) { print "This version uses cached data that were last updated ", $last_updated, ".\n"; print ""; print "Refresh\n(may take 2-5 minutes depending on you internet connection type).\n"; } else { print "This version uses actual data from Apache Harmony Issue Tracker.\n"; print ""; print "Return\nto the cached version (last updated: $last_updated).\n"; } print "

\n"; # Generate weekly report if ($COMP_PARAM eq 'none') { my @submitted; my @fixed; my @totalu; my @unfixed; my @ufx_title = ('less than 1 week', '1 week', '2 weeks', '3 weeks', '4 weeks', '5 weeks', '6 weeks or longer' ); my $tick = $CUR_TIME - ($WDAY_SH*$DAY + $HOUR_SH*60*60 + $MIN_SH*60 + $SEC_SH); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { my $sub = 0; my $fix = 0; my $ttu = 0; my @ufx = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (my $j = 0; $j <= $total; $j++) { if ($COMPONENT[$j] eq $components[$i] && ($TYPE_PARAM == 0 || $TYPE[$j] == $TYPE_PARAM)) { $sub++ if ($CREATED[$j] >= $tick - $WEEK && $CREATED[$j] < $tick); $fix++ if ($RESOLVED[$j] >= $tick - $WEEK && $RESOLVED[$j] < $tick && $RESOLVED[$j] > 0); $ttu++ if (($RESOLUTION[$j] eq 'Unresolved' || $RESOLVED[$j] >= $tick) && $CREATED[$j] < $tick); my $tk = $tick; for (my $t = 0; $t < 6; $t++) { $ufx[$t]++ if (($RESOLUTION[$j] eq 'Unresolved' || $RESOLVED[$j] >= $tick) && $CREATED[$j] >= $tk - $WEEK && $CREATED[$j] < $tk); $tk -= $WEEK; } $ufx[6]++ if (($RESOLUTION[$j] eq 'Unresolved' || $RESOLVED[$j] >= $tick) && $CREATED[$j] < $tk); } } push @submitted, $sub; push @fixed, $fix; push @totalu, $ttu; push @unfixed, \ @ufx; } my $tick1 = strftime "%B %e", gmtime($tick - $WEEK + $DAY); my $tick2 = strftime "%B %e, %Y", gmtime($tick); print "\n \n \n \n \n \n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { print " \n"; } print " \n \n"; my $count = 0; print " \n \n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { print " \n"; $count += $submitted[$i]; } print " \n \n"; $count = 0; print " \n \n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { print " \n"; $count += $fixed[$i]; } print " \n \n"; $count = 0; print " \n \n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { print " \n"; $count += $totalu[$i]; } print " \n \n"; print " \n \n \n"; for (my $j = 0; $j <= 6; $j++) { $count = 0; print " \n \n"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#components; $i++) { print " \n"; $count += ${$unfixed[$i]}[$j]; } print " \n \n"; } print "
Weekly status ($tick1 - $tick2)
Issues submitted last week$submitted[$i]$count
Issues resolved last week$fixed[$i]$count
Total number of unresolved issues$totalu[$i]$count
How long issues stay unresolved
\n"; } print "
\n Any questions and suggestions please address to\n"; print " dev\@harmony.apache.org.\n"; print " Thanks!\n"; print "
\n"; print $q->end_html; } sub draw_graph () { my $skip = 0; my $direction = 'normal'; my $max_ticks = 26; if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1m') { if (10 < $#ticks && $#ticks <= 20) { $direction = 'staggered'; } if (20 < $#ticks && $#ticks <= $max_ticks) { $direction = 'vertical'; } if ($max_ticks < $#ticks) { $skip = int($#ticks/$max_ticks); $direction = 'vertical'; } } else { if (6 < $#ticks && $#ticks <= 12) { $direction = 'staggered'; } if (12 < $#ticks && $#ticks <= $max_ticks) { $direction = 'vertical'; } if ($max_ticks < $#ticks) { $skip = int($#ticks/$max_ticks); $direction = 'vertical'; } } my %grid_color=('grid_lines' => [220,220,220]); my %graph_settings = ('y_axes' => 'both', 'brush_size' => 4, 'legend_example_size' => 20, 'grid_lines' => 'true', 'legend_labels' => ($COMP_PARAM eq 'none') ? \@components : \@priorities, 'y_label' => 'number of unresolved issues', 'x_label' => $interval_names{$INTERVAL_PARAM}, 'legend' => 'bottom', 'precision' => 0, 'skip_x_ticks' => $skip, 'grey_background' => 'false', 'colors' => \%grid_color, 'x_ticks' => $direction, ); my $lines=Chart::Lines->new(660,330); my $monts=Chart::Mountain->new(660,330); my @dates; for my $d (@ticks) { my $tick; $tick = strftime "%b'%y", gmtime($d) if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1m'); $tick = strftime "%e, %b'%y", gmtime($d + $DAY) if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1w'); $tick = strftime "%e, %b'%y", gmtime($d) if ($INTERVAL_PARAM eq '1d'); $tick = "Now" if ($d == $CUR_TIME); push @dates, $tick; } $lines->add_dataset(@dates); $monts->add_dataset(@dates); if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none') { for my $priority(@priorities){ $lines->add_dataset( @{$unresolved{$priority}} ); $monts->add_dataset( @{$unresolved{$priority}} ); } } else { for my $comp(@components){ $lines->add_dataset( @{$unresolved{$comp}} ); $monts->add_dataset( @{$unresolved{$comp}} ); } } $lines->set(%graph_settings); $monts->set(%graph_settings); my @toRet; my $fd; my $gname=tmp_name("l.png"); open $fd,"> $gname"; $lines->png($fd); close $fd; push @toRet,$gname; $gname=tmp_name("m.png"); open $fd,"> $gname"; $monts->png($fd); close $fd; push @toRet,$gname; if ($COMP_PARAM ne 'none' && $COMP_PARAM ne 'Contributions' && $COMP_PARAM ne 'Build-test-ci') { push @MODULES, 'unspecified module'; my $bar=Chart::HorizontalBars->new(660, 120 + 20*$#MODULES); my @mu; my @mu_names; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#MODULES; $i++) { push @mu, 0; push @mu_names, $MODULES[$i]; } for (my $i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { if ($COMP_PARAM eq $COMPONENT[$i] && $RESOLUTION[$i] eq 'Unresolved' && ($TYPE_PARAM == 0 || $TYPE[$i] == $TYPE_PARAM)) { if ($MODULE[$i] < 0) { $mu[$#MODULES]++; } else { $mu[$MODULE[$i]]++; } } } # sorting numbers of modules issues in ascending order for (my $i = 0; $i < $#mu - 1; $i++) { for (my $j = $i+1; $j < $#mu; $j++) { if ($mu[$i] > $mu[$j]) { my $ex1 = $mu[$i]; my $ex2 = $mu_names[$i]; $mu[$i] = $mu[$j]; $mu_names[$i] = $mu_names[$j]; $mu[$j] = $ex1; $mu_names[$j] = $ex2; } } } my $tot_bugs = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#mu; $i++) { $tot_bugs = $tot_bugs + $mu[$i]; } if ($tot_bugs <= 0) { return @toRet; } for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#mu; $i++) { my $p = int($mu[$i]*10000/$tot_bugs) / 100; $mu_names[$i] = "$mu_names[$i] - $p\% ($mu[$i])"; } $bar->add_dataset(@mu_names); $bar->add_dataset(@mu); my %bar_settings = ('title' => 'Unresolved issues by module', 'grid_lines' => 'true', 'x_label' => 'number of issues', 'y_label' => 'module', 'include_zero' => 'true', 'spaced_bars' => 'true', 'legend' => 'none', 'y_axes' => 'left', 'grey_background' => 'false', ); $bar->set(%bar_settings); $gname=tmp_name("p.png"); open $fd,"> $gname"; $bar->png($fd); close $fd; push @toRet,$gname; } return @toRet; } sub tmp_name{ my $ext = @_[0]; my $toRet = "$TEMP/$CUR_TIME$ext"; while (-f $toRet) { $toRet = "_$toRet"; } return $toRet; } sub check_issues_resolution_date { my $ha = (-f "resolution.out") ? 1 : 0; my $res; my %res_hash; my $changed = 0; if ($ha > 0) { open GET, "resolution.out"; while () { my $s = $_; if ($s =~ /(.+)<\/bug>(\d+)<\/resolved>/) { $res_hash{$1} = $2; } } } if ($CHECK_PARAM eq 'yes') { print "Checking issues 0.0%"; } for (my $i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { if ($RESOLUTION[$i] ne 'Unresolved' && ($TYPE_PARAM == 0 || $TYPE[$i] == $TYPE_PARAM)) { my $rd = $res_hash{$KEY[$i]}; if ($rd > 0) { $RESOLVED[$i] = $rd; } else { if ($GET eq $ONLINE || $CHECK_PARAM eq 'yes') { if ($CHECK_PARAM eq 'yes') { my $prc = int($i * 1000 / $total) / 10; my $str = "$prc"; while (length($str) < 6) { $str = " $str"; } print "\b\b\b\b\b\b$str%"; } my $GET_HISTORY = "wget -q \"http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/$KEY[$i]?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:changehistory-tabpanel\" -O - |"; open GET, $GET_HISTORY; my $tm = 0; while () { my $s = $_; if ($s =~ /\s* Change by (.*)<\/font>].*/) { my $stp = "$1 -0800 (PST)"; $rd = str2time($stp); } if ($s =~ /\s* Resolution/) { last; } } $res_hash{$KEY[$i]} = $rd; $RESOLVED[$i] = $rd; $changed = 1; } else { $RESOLVED[$i] = 0; } } } } if ($CHECK_PARAM eq 'yes') { print "\b\b\b\b\b\b100.0%\n"; } if (($ha == 0 && $GET eq $ONLINE) || $changed > 0) { open $res, "> resolution.out"; foreach my $i (keys %res_hash) { print $res "$i$res_hash{$i}\n"; } close $res; } }