#document() ## This is where the macro's live #macro ( table $table) #foreach ( $items in $table.getChildren() ) #if ($items.getName().equals("tr")) #tr ($items) #end #end
#end #macro ( tr $tr) #foreach ( $items in $tr.getChildren() ) #if ($items.getName().equals("td")) #td ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("th")) #th ($items) #end #end #end #macro ( td $value) #if ($value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #set ($colspan = $value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #set ($rowspan = $value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("class")) #set ($class = $value.getAttributeValue("class")) #end #if ($value.getText().length() != 0 || $value.hasChildren()) $value.getContent() #else   #end #end #macro ( th $value) #if ($value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #set ($colspan = $value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #set ($rowspan = $value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("width")) #set ($width = $value.getAttributeValue("width")) #end #if ($value.getText().length() != 0 || $value.hasChildren()) $value.getContent() #else   #end #end #macro ( projectanchor $name $value ) #if ($value.startsWith("http://")) $name #elseif ($value.startsWith("/site/")) $name #else $name #end #end #macro ( metaauthor $author $email ) #end #macro ( image $value ) #if ($value.getAttributeValue("width")) #set ($width=$value.getAttributeValue("width")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("height")) #set ($height=$value.getAttributeValue("height")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("align")) #set ($align=$value.getAttributeValue("align")) #end #end #macro ( source $value)
#end #macro ( subsection $subsection)


#foreach ( $items in $subsection.getChildren() ) #if ($items.getName().equals("img")) #image ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("source")) #source ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("table")) #table ($items) #else $items #end #end #end #macro (docinclude $name)
#end #macro ( section $section)


#foreach ( $items in $section.getChildren() ) #if ($items.getName().equals("img")) #image ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("source")) #source ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("table")) #table ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("subsection")) #subsection ($items) #else $items #end #end

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#end #macro ( makeProject ) #set ($menus = $project.getChild("body").getChildren("menu")) #foreach ( $menu in $menus ) #end #end #macro (getProjectImage) #if ($project.getChild("logo")) #set ( $logoString = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("href") ) #if ( $logoString.startsWith("/") ) #else #end #end #end #macro (printMeta $metaElement) #end #macro (document) #set ($authors = $root.getChild("properties").getChildren("author")) #foreach ( $au in $authors ) #metaauthor ( $au.getText() $au.getAttributeValue("email") ) #end #set ($metas = $root.getChildren("meta")) ## Parse meta directives such as ## #foreach ($meta in $metas) #printMeta($meta) #end ## Support for tags. #if ($root.getChild("properties").getChild("base")) #set ($url = $root.getChild("properties").getChild("base").getAttributeValue("href")) #end $project.getChild("title").getText() - $root.getChild("properties").getChild("title").getText() #set ($links = $root.getChild("properties").getChildren("link")) #foreach ( $link in $links ) $link #end #set ($csspath = "") #if (!$relativePath.equals(".")) #set ($csspath = "${relativePath}/") #end #if ($root.getChild("properties").getChild("style")) $root.getChild("properties").getChild("style") #end
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#set ($allSections = $root.getChild("body").getChildren("section")) #foreach ( $section in $allSections ) #section ($section) #end #set ($allInclude = $root.getChild("body").getChildren("docinclude")) #foreach($inc in $allInclude) #docinclude($inc.getAttributeValue("name")) #end