This is uses during UnitTests for SSL When using SSLFactory to talk SSL with a server, or using the URL class to open an https connection we need to make the server certificate be trusted by SSLSocketFactory. 1. You must have the server certificate. If you don't have this handy, navigate to the secure website, click on the lock icon (in Internet Explorer). Click on "Details" tab and then click the "Copy to File..." button. Export the certificate to a DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) file. Let's say you chose the filename test-server.cer Java 1.4 do not acept key len above the normal 2048 bits. 2. Import the file test-server.cer to our keystore Create src\test\resources\test-servers.keystore keytool -keystore test-servers.keystore -storepass microemu2006 -import -alias -file test-server.cer -trustcacerts Done: keytool -printcert -file keytool -keystore ../resources/test-servers.keystore -storepass microemu2006 -import -alias -file -trustcacerts # torvspocweb Server used for tests on Windows build server keytool -keystore ../resources/test-servers.keystore -storepass microemu2006 -import -alias torvspocweb -file torvspocweb-der-X509.cer -trustcacerts keytool -keystore ../resources/test-servers.keystore -storepass microemu2006 -delete -alias keytool -keystore ../resources/test-servers.keystore -storepass microemu2006 -list 3. Unit test will load this keystore automaticaly during build