# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Launcher EXEL050=java version %s EXEL051=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nedostatek pam\u011bti EXEL052=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze naj\u00edt t\u0159\u00eddu java/lang/String. EXEL053=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze vytvo\u0159it pole bajt\u016f pro t\u0159\u00eddu %s. EXEL054=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze vytvo\u0159it \u0159et\u011bzec java/lang/String pro t\u0159\u00eddu %s. EXEL055=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nedostatek pam\u011bti pro p\u0159evod \u0159et\u011bzce na znaky UTF pro t\u0159\u00eddu %s. EXEL056=T\u0159\u00edda %s neimplementuje metodu main(). EXEL057=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze vytvo\u0159it pole argument\u016f. EXEL058=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze vytvo\u0159it pole bajt\u016f pro argument %s. EXEL059=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze vytvo\u0159it \u0159et\u011bzec java/lang/String pro argument %s. EXEL060=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze nastavit prvek pole pro argument %s. EXEL061=Chyba p\u0159i spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed syst\u00e9mu VM\: Nedostatek pam\u011bti. EXEL062=Intern\u00ed chyba VM\: Nelze vytvo\u0159it syst\u00e9m Java VM. # Port PORT001=P\u0159id\u011blen\u00ed pam\u011bti se nezda\u0159ilo. PORT002=Nezn\u00e1m\u00e1 chyba p\u0159i zav\u00e1d\u011bn\u00ed sd\u00edlen\u00e9 knihovny. PORT015=Nelze rozli\u0161it odkazy DLL - pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b chyb\u00ed po\u017eadovan\u00e1 knihovna DLL. PORT016=Intern\u00ed chyba %i PORT017=Chyba p\u0159i operaci\: %d # Zip ZIPS000=Nelze otev\u0159\u00edt %1$s (%2$s) ZIPS001=Nelze otev\u0159\u00edt %s (chyb\u011bj\u00edc\u00ed export)