What is it ---------- This package contains the source files of Test Harness tool and environment for its building. The structure and content of the package is as follows: \tools | \harness | +-docs - Documentation | +-junit - Sources for the JUnit compatibility | +-org - Test Harness sources TOOLS REQUIRED FOR THE TEST HARNESS BUILD ----------------------------------------- To build the Test Harness the following tools are required: 1) JDK, version 1.4.2 or higher 2) Apache Ant, version 1.6 or higher http://ant.apache.org BUILDING TEST HARNESS --------------------- 1) Obtain and install required tools 1)-2) 2) On Linux* set JAVA_HOME to point to Java* JDK 3) Build Test Harness tool Execute build.xml in the harness directory - simply run 'ant '. The binaries are stored in tools/th.dest directory. The build log is stored in tools/build.log. *) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners