###################################################### How to run Geronimo Unit Tests suite on Apache Harmony ###################################################### This document describes how to run Apache Geronimo Unit Tests (GUT) on Apache Harmony. The following platforms are currently supported: Windows x86, Linux x86, Linux x86_64. -------------- Configuration: -------------- Make sure that PATH environment variable contains JDK 1.5 (use RI) and Apache Ant (version >=1.6.5), and that JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME are properly set up. If you use proxy server, specify proxy settings by setting ANT_OPTS environment variable: Windows: set ANT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=1111" Linux: export ANT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=1111" Edit gut.properties file: * specify JRE to use for GUT run; * specify different Geronimo/Maven versions (and locations) if necessary ------ Setup: ------ $cd $ant setup ---- Run: ---- To exclude specific GUT tests, create (or edit) exclude.list file (see exclude.list.example). It should be named as exclude.list.${os}.${arch} where ${os}.${arch} can be win32.x86, linux.x86 or linux.x86_64. $cd $ant -------- Results: -------- Results summary can be found in the file results//report.txt, detailed tests output is stored in the file results//output.txt, where is the directory name based suite's run date and time.