================================================================= Eclipse 3.2.1 Hello World Application (EHWA) Scenario ================================================================= This directory contains scripts to automatically run EHWA scenario on the tested JRE. Main purpose of this test scenario is to make sure that JRE implementation under test is able to run simple Hello World Application in Eclipse. Scenario automation is based on AutoIt3 tool on Windows* and X11 GUITest tool on Linux. This README file contains short description how to run EHWA in standalone mode. Please, refer to EHWA.txt concerning initial (manual) EHWA scenario description. PREREQUISITES ============= Supported platforms are: Windows*/ia32, Windows*/em64t, Linux/ia32/gtk, Linux/em64t/gtk The following tools are needed for EHWA scenario run: 1) J2SDK* 1.5.0 (http://java.sun.com, http://www.jrockit.com) 2) Apache Ant 1.6.5 or better (http://ant.apache.org) 3) Eclipse SDK 3.2.1 (http://www.eclipse.org) 4) Windows | Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt3 | X11 GUITest-0.20 or better http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3 | http://sourceforge.net/projects/x11guitest | NOTE: 1) On Windows* AutoIt3 home should be added to the PATH before the EHWA scenario run 2) The problems may exist with X11 GUITest installation on Linux/em64t. It is recommended to use X11 GUITest-0.20 version. The following steps are standard installation: 1) perl Makefile.PL 2) make 3) make test 4) make install But for Linux/em64t you may need to correct path to X11 libs in Makefile.PL before the step 1): 'LIBS' => ['-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X/lib -lX11 -lXtst -lXext'], -> 'LIBS' => ['-L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/X/lib -lX11 -lXtst -lXext'], Also, please, do the following change in Makefile generated after the step 1), if needed: LIBC = /lib64/libc.so.6 -> LIBC = /lib64//lib64/libc.so.6 CONTENTS ======== Here and below is the directory containing EHWA scripts. | +-- ehwa_eclipse_3.2.1.au3 - Script for running EHWA on Windows | +-- ehwa_eclipse_3.2.1.pl - Script for running EHWA on Linux | +-- ehwa_run.xml - Scenario ant run file; launches proper script | +-- EHWA.txt - Manual scenario description | +-- README.txt - This file EHWA SCENARIO RUN ================= To run EHWA on Eclipse 3.2.1 scenario, please, do the following: 1) Set up required tools: Ant, AutoIt3/X11 GUITest, JDK, Eclipse 3.2.1. 2) Change directory to 3) Run ehwa_run.xml as follows: ant -buildfile ehwa_run.xml -Declipse.home= \ -Dtested.jre= \ [-Dtested.jre.options=] \ [-Dresult.dir=] \ [-Ddelay.factor=] Where by default tested.jre.options property is empty, result.dir is and delay.factor is equal to 2. NOTE: Use only 'clean' Eclipse, which isn't bound to any working projects, for running EHWA scenario, because Eclipse config will be cleaned during the scenario run! NOTE: Do not any movements on the screen during EHWA run, this may cause the scenario fail. It is better to use a remote machine for running EHWA scenario. Please, see EHWA run results in result.dir. Results are stored in the timestamps dir under result.dir. It contains EHWA log and may contain Eclipse launching log, Eclipse workspace log and picture of the screen if an error has occurred. KNOWN ISSUES ============ 1) If the scenario often fails to observe some window, but no configuration or JRE errors is visible, it is recommended to increase delay.factor. 2) If the scenario fails to observe some menu on Windows*, it is recommended to uncheck 'Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press Alt key' in Display properties -> Appearance -> Effects. 3) If any unexpected problems appear during scenario contiguous run under Cruise Control, it is strongly recommended to run BT framework using Sun JDK* 1.5. 4) If use Remote Desktop Connection for the scenario run you should not minimize remote desktop window. Also, please, turn off screen saver. These are needed for correct work of GUI automation tool. DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL INFORMATION ================================ *) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.