Eclipse Hello World Application (EHWA) scenario for Eclipse 3.2.1 EHWA description: 1. Start Eclipse. "Workspace Launcher" window will popup. 2. Select Eclipse workspace directory. Press “OK” button. 3. Check that "Java - Eclipse SDK" window is appeared. Close "Welcome" page. 4. In menu select File -> New -> Project. The dialog “New Project” will popup. 5. Select “Java project” and press “Next >” button. 6. Type “EHWA” in the text field “Project name:” and press “Finish” button. 7. In menu select File -> New -> Class. Dialog “New Java Class” will popup. 8. Type “EHWA” in the text field “Name:”. 9. Select the checkbox “public static void main(String[] args)” to create method "main" in the EHWA class. 10. Press “Finish” button. Check that "EHWA" is created. 11. In the right pane in the method “main” of the class EHWA.EHWA put the line: System.out.println(“Hello, world!”); 12. Press Ctrl+S to save changes. 13. In menu select Run -> Run… The dialog “Run” will popup. 14. Select Java application -> New_application in the left pane. 15. Ensure that “EHWA” is typed in the “Main” tab in the test field “Project:” and “EHWA” is typed in the text field “Main class:”. Press “Run” button. 16. Ensure that the string “Hello, world!” is output in the console and that status “