Eclipse Geronimo Application (EGA) scenario for Eclipse 3.2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------- This file describes original manual EGA test scenario after which the automated EGA scenario was developed ------------------------------------------------------------- Software requirements: 1. Eclipse-SDK-3.2.1 2. J2SE 1.5 JDK 3. Maven 2.0.4 (or higher) Preparation: 1. Create workspace folders tree /project /.m2/repository 2. Download Geronimo-1.2-beta sources archive (geronimo-1.2-beta-src.*), for example, from Unpack it to /project/geronimo-1.2-beta directory. 3. Edit maven repository location in /conf/settings.xml to point to /project/.m2/repository directory. Edit proxy settings if needed. 4. Set JAVA_HOME to point to JDK 1.5. Set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m. If you are using the SUN JDK, you may also need to increase the maximum permanent size: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m" Change directory to /project/geronimo-1.2-beta and call: /bin/mvn eclipse:eclipse This command prepares Geronimo projects to work with Eclipse. 5. Clean scenario run configuration: - Remove all data from /configuration directory, except config.ini file. - Remove /workspace directory if present. 6. Follow EGA steps EGA steps: 1. Start Eclipse 1.1 Start Eclipse 3.2.1 on the tested JRE. The following commands may be used: /bin/java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M \ -cp /startup.jar \ -Dosgi.install.area= \ org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \ -ws $ws -os $os -arch $os_arch or /eclipse -vm /bin/java -vmargs -Xmx1024M -Xms512M 'Workspace Launcher' window should popup. 1.2 Select /workspace as Eclipse workspace directory. Press OK button. 1.3 Check that 'Java - Eclipse SDK' window is appeared. 2. Prepare environment 2.1 Close 'Welcome' page. 2.2 Uncheck Project->Build Automatically. 2.3 Select 'Window->Preferences'. 2.4 On the left plane of Preferences window select Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables. 2.5 Press 'New' button. Ensure that widow 'New Variable Entry' appeared. 2.5 Type 'M2_REPO' as variable name and '/project/.m2/repository' as value. Press OK button. 3. Importing project from /project 3.1 Select 'File->Import...' Ensure that widow 'Import' appeared. 3.2 Select 'General->Existing Projects into Workspace'. Press 'Next' button. 3.3 Select root directory: /project/geronimo-1.2-beta/modules. Press Browse or Refresh button. Check that Geronimo modules are recognized as projects. 3.4 Select the following 26 modules to import: ge-activemq-rar geronimo-activation geronimo-activemq-gbean-management geronimo-axis geronimo-client geronimo-clustering geronimo-clustering-wadi geronimo-common geronimo-converter geronimo-core geronimo-deploy-config geronimo-deploy-jsr88 geronimo-derby geronimo-interceptor geronimo-j2ee geronimo-jmx-remoting geronimo-kernel geronimo-mail geronimo-management geronimo-naming geronimo-security geronimo-system geronimo-transaction geronimo-transformer geronimo-util geronimo-webservices 3.5 Check 'Copy projects into workspace'. 3.6 Press 'Finish' button. Wait until Geronimo modules imported into workspace. 3.7 Select 'File->Import...' Ensure that widow 'Import' appeared. 3.8 Select 'General->Existing Projects' into Workspace. Press 'Next' button. 3.9 Select root directory: /project/geronimo-1.2-beta/testsupport Press Browse or Refresh button. Check that Geronimo testsupport modules are recognized as projects. 3.10 Press Finish button. Wait until Geronimo testsupport modules imported into workspace. 4. Clean projects 4.1 Select 'Project->Clean'. Wait until 'Clean' window appeared. 4.2 Uncheck 'Start a build immediately'. Press OK button. Wait till projects are cleaned. 5. Build projects 5.1 Select 'Project->Build All'. Wait till projects are built. 6. Open Navigator view 6.1 Select 'Window->View->Navigator' Check that 'Navigator' view is opened. 7. Fix JUnit test from geronimo-common module (skip if already fixed) 7.1 Select 'Navigate->Open Resource'. 7.2 Type in 'Open Resource' dialog. Press OK button. Check that is opened. 7.3 Select 'Navigate->Go to Line...' 7.4 In 'Go to Line' dialog type line number 52 to go to string 'protected void setUp() throws Exception {'. 7.5 Press ENTER and add line Class.forName("org.apache.geronimo.common.propertyeditor.PropertyEditors"); to setUp() method. 7.6 Save 7.7 Close 8. Run JUnit tests from geronimo-common module 8.1 In Navigator pane select geronimo-common module. 8.2 Select 'Run->Run...' Wait till 'Run' window appeared. 8.3 In the left pane of 'Run' window select JUnit. 8.4 Press 'New' button. Wait till new configuration is created. 8.5 Press 'Run' button to run all JUnit tests for geronimo-common project. Wait till tests are run and check run results. 9. Modify Java class 9.1 In navigator view select geronimo-kernel module and select 'Navigate->Go Into'. Check that only geronimo-kernel sources displayed in Navigator view. 9.2 In navigator view expand src->main->java->org->apache->geronimo->gbean; open (double click or press Enter). Check that GBeanData class is opened in the main pane. 9.3 Select 'Edit->Find/Replace...' Wait till Find/Replace dialog is appeared. 9.4 Search for getAbstractName() method – type getAbstractName in Find edit box and press Find button. 9.5 Close 'Find/Replace' dialog. 9.6 Press 'End' key to go to the end of line 'public AbstractName getAbstractName() {' 9.7 Press 'Enter' key and type 'System.out.println("Method getAbstractName() was called!");' 9.8 Press 'Ctrl+S' or select 'File->Save' to save changes. 10. Create JUnit Test 10.1 In navigator view expand src->test->java->org->apache->geronimo->gbean. 10.2 Select 'File->New->JUnit Test Case'. Check that 'New JUnit Test Case' window is appeared. 10.3 Enter SimpleGBeanDataTest as test name. 10.4 Enter org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanData as class under test. 10.5 Press 'Next' button. 10.6 On the next pane select getAbstractName() as method under test. 10.7 Press 'Finish' button. Check that is created. 10.8 Find string fail(""Not yet implemented""); and replace it with System.out.println(new GBeanData().getAbstractName()); 10.9 Save test 10.10 Close test 11. Build project 11.1 Select 'Project->Build Project'. Wait till project geronimo-kernel is built. 12. Run created JUnit test 12.1 In navigator view select, select 'Run->Run As->JUnit Test'. Wait till test is run. Check test run result. 13. Debug 13.1 Click on in the main pane, select 'Navigate->Go' to Line or press 'Ctrl+L'. Wait till 'Go to Line' dialog appeared. 13.2 Type 75 as line number and press OK button. 13.3 Ensure that cursor is on System.out.println("Method getAbstractName() was called!"); and select 'Run->Toggle Line Breakpoint'. Ensure that breakpoint is set. 13.4 Select 'Run->Debug...' Wait Debug window to appear. 13.5 Select JUnit->SimpleGbeanDataTest configuration, set vm options on Arguments tab, if needed, and press Debug button. 13.6 When 'Confirm Perspective Switch' dialog appears click YES 13.7 Check that debug is stopped at breakpoint: the corresponding line is highlighted. 13.8 Click 'Step Over' icon (or use F6); check that 'Method getAbstractName() was called!' appeared in the console. 13.9 Click 'Step Over' icon (or use F6); check is opened and 'null' appeared in the console. 13.10 Click 'Step Over' icon (or use F6) one more time. 13.11 Click 'Resume' icon (or use F8); check that debug process is terminated. 14. Switch to Java perspective 14.1 Select 'Window->Open Perspective->Java'. Check that Java perspective is appeared. 14.2 Close 15. Clean environment: unset breakpoint 15.1 Open source if it is not opened, Go to line System.out.println("Method getAbstractName() was called!"); Unset breakpoint. 16. Clean environment: remove class modifications 16.1 Open source if it is not opened, Delete line System.out.println("Method getAbstractName() was called!"); Click 'Ctrl+S' to save changes, close 17. Clean environment: remove JUnit test 17.1 In Navigator view select press delete. 17.2 When confirm test deletion dialog appears press Yes button. 18. Clean environment: remove run configurations 18.1 Select 'Run->Run...' Wait 'Run' window to appear. 18.2 Select JUnit->SimpleGBeanDataTest configuration in right pane, press Delete. 18.3 When 'Confirm Launch Configuration' dialog appears press OK button. 18.4 Select JUnit->geronimo-common configuration in right pane, press 'Delete'. 18.5 When 'Confirm Launch Configuration' dialog appears press OK button. 18.6 Close 'Run' window. 19. Clean environment: reset Java perspective 19.1 Select 'Window->Reset Perspective'. Check that perspective is reset. 19.2 Restore folders structure in Package Explorer view. 20. Help 20.1 Select 'Help->Help Contents'. Check that Help window is opened. 20.2 Close Help. Repeat steps 4-20 N times 21. Exit Eclipse