= External Dependencies Downloading Implementation Notes o Control Flow - can be implemented as component independent (no fwk.perameters) 1. - macro : extracts information regarding libname 2. : is called with parameters from 1. : do split of the control flow on the base of parameters (is.zip, is.jar, ...) 1. : downloads jar file : checks for file presence 1. : executes if target lib file does not exist in lib dir 2. - macro : downloads jar to temp dir, checksum, move to lib dir 2. : downloads zip file, extracts jar lib, places it to lib dir : checks for file presence 1. : executes if target lib file does not exist in lib dir 2. - macro : downloads zip to temp dir, checksum, unzip jar lib, move lib to lib dir -------------------- vim:ft=notes:fo=vtcql:tw=80:sts=2