================================================ Running Muave Unit Tests under BT infrastructure ================================================ This document describes how to run Mauve Unit Test on Apache Harmony within Apache Harmony Build&Test infrastructure. Please see BTI's README.txt for general instructions on BT usage. The following platforms are currently supported: Linux x86, Linux x86_64. --------------- Archive Content --------------- This archive contains scripts for running Mauve Test within BT. The directories structure within BT trunk directory is as follows: +/ |-+adaptors/ - scripts connecting test suites to BTI (called "adaptors") | | | |-+mauve_test/ - mauve_test suite adaptor directory | | | |--adaptor.xml - mauve_test suite adaptor | | | |--MAUVE.BTI.README.txt - this readme file | | | |--parameters.xml - parameters file | |-+tests/ - test suites integrated into BTI | |-+muave_test/ - mauve_test scripts directory | |--all.include.list.txt - all test list that can run within harmony jre | |--include.list.txt - test list can pass 100% within RI | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Running Mauve Unit Tests on Harmony JRE under BT infrastructure ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Follow instructions from /README.txt to satisfy general BTI pre-requisites (install necessary software, specify environment variables, specify proxy settings if necessary). 2. Unpack this archive to directory 3. Perform setup: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,mauve_test" setup 4. Configure Mauve Test for BT * Modify platform specific include.list in /tests/mauve_test if necessary. You can change the ${required.test.list} in /adaptors/mauve_test/parameters.xml for the wanted test list to run. Default is the all.include.list.txt. * Copy ecj_3.2.2.jar downloaded by BTI from /build/jar to your ${ANT_HOME}/lib, since the mauve test need to compiled by ecj.jar. * Make sure configure the mauve test first, since by default the compilation is compiled by make. There are still some variable undefined in /gnu/testlet/config.java.in. You can configure it by "./configure", it will set the variable and change the file to cofig.java. You can finish it manually. Refer to /README for more details. 5. Configure BT for Mauve Unit Test run: * Specify appropriate mail settings in /framework.local.properties file if you want Cruise Control to send mail notifications. * Specify appropriate mail settings in /framework.local.properties file if you want Cruise Control to send mail notifications. 6. Build classlib and drlvm and run Mauve Unit Test on it: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,mauve_test" run 7. To continuously perform Harmony JRE build (classlib and drlvm) and EUT run under Cruise Control: buildtest -Dtest.suites="classlib,drlvm,mauve_test" run-cc -------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL INFORMATION -------------------------------- Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.